Calling out Liberals...


God Bless America
Since all you guys care about is the right to murder babies...

Biden receives only a 36% approval rating from NARAL.

For starts, he voted to ban the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure.

What do you think of that, libs?

I bet Blackascoal shat in his pants this morning... :D
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I'm trying to give a fuck, but failing.

As long as he's not overturning Roe v. Wade I'm cool with him.

Uhuh. Because abortion is a "constitutional right."

And yet gun ownership is not, despite the 2nd Amendment.

Funny how that works...
I'm pretty sure almost everyone supported banning "partial-birth" abortion.

Actually, most of your favorites did not. Hillary, Barack, Teddy, and countless others voted against the ban - even including an exception for "maternal health." Also, as a rep in Illinois, Obama voted in favor of permitting "doctors" to kill live babies resulting from failed abortions. How does that NOT make your stomach turn? If you find that vote morally acceptable, you really are an asshole. :321:
The procedure that was named "partial-birth" abortion by right-wing lunatics was used for specific medical reasons. Brent would rather have the mother die than see an abortion carried out, is all this is about.
Actually, most of your favorites did not. Hillary, Barack, Teddy, and countless others voted against the ban - even including an exception for "maternal health." Also, as a rep in Illinois, Obama voted in favor of permitting "doctors" to kill live babies resulting from failed abortions. How does that NOT make your stomach turn? If you find that vote morally acceptable, you really are an asshole. :321:

How does being such an ignorant and sexist pig NOT make your stomach turn?
i wholly accept abortion, espcially in the case at which the child being aborted is a hebrew male
Since all you guys care about is the right to murder babies...

Biden receives only a 36% approval rating from NARAL.

For starts, he voted to ban the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure.

What do you think of that, libs?

I bet Blackascoal shat in his pants this morning... :D

Baby Murderers? WTF! Liberals are not the ones dropping bombs on innocent Iraqi families and killing their babies, it's you right wingnut wackos who do all the baby killing.

Hows it feel to have innocent blood on your hand Mr. Fascist?
Liberals are not the ones dropping bombs on innocent Iraqi families and killing their babies,

NOBODY in the U.S. military does that, asshole.

Accidents are bound to happen in any war - this isn't a liberal vs conservative issue. If you think conservative members of the armed forces go out of their way to slaughter civilians, you are fucked up in the head. Either way, you're a piece of garbage. :mad:

Why is it that liberals can't stay on topic? Why the fuck does EVERYTHING have to be about the Iraq war? You guys are unbelievable.

Fuck you, Mottleydude. :321: "Moderate" my ass.

Fuck you all. :mad:
NOBODY in the U.S. military does that, asshole.

Accidents are bound to happen in any war - this isn't a liberal vs conservative issue. If you think conservative members of the armed forces go out of their way to slaughter civilians, you are fucked up in the head. Either way, you're a piece of garbage. :mad:

Why is it that liberals can't stay on topic? Why the fuck does EVERYTHING have to be about the Iraq war? You guys are unbelievable.

Fuck you, Mottleydude. :321: "Moderate" my ass.

Fuck you all. :mad:

Accident? That some accident you incompetant fuck. How would you feel about that ACCIDENT if it was your family and your baby you clueless fanatical moron.
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NOBODY in the U.S. military does that, asshole.

Accidents are bound to happen in any war - this isn't a liberal vs conservative issue. If you think conservative members of the armed forces go out of their way to slaughter civilians, you are fucked up in the head. Either way, you're a piece of garbage. :mad:

Why is it that liberals can't stay on topic? Why the fuck does EVERYTHING have to be about the Iraq war? You guys are unbelievable.

Fuck you, Mottleydude. :321: "Moderate" my ass.

Fuck you all. :mad:

Who said I was a moderate? I was a right of center conservative till extremist wako fanatics like you ran over the party. You're not and never will be a conservative you reactionary freak.
Accident? That some accident you incompetant fuck. How would feel about that ACCIDENT if it was your family and your baby you clueless fanatical moron.

Unimpressive reply, as usual. :mad:

Of course I would be angry. However, I wouldn't take it out on the U.S. armed forces. They are in Iraq to make it a safer, better place to live. Accidents happen. Take vehicular manslaughter, for instance. Would you murder a man who accidentally crashes into your wife's car and kills her? Of course you will be angry, but that does not justify murder.

Your attempt to justify the actions of terrorists is disgusting. :mad:

You are not an American.

Accidental killing in a time of war does not compare to the deliberate killing of babies, whether they be unborn or survivors of failed abortions.

Who said I was a moderate? I was a right of center conservative till extremist wako fanatics like you ran over the party. You're not and never will be a conservative you reactionary freak.

On your party line was "Moderate Republican."

But don't worry - I never thought you were actually moderate. You are clearly a left-wing fanatic, as well as a partisan hack. :mad:
If your neo con party wanted to make abortions only available to the rich they would have done it during the last 8 yrs. But they dont want to abolish abortions because it would take away an issue that they depend on to get you lemmings all excited over.

Remember Shock and Awe? Remember that day when you watched our bombs explode in Bagdad darkness? Who do you think was being killed? Sadam? The Iraqi military? No, it was innocent Iraqi civilians. You and all those who backed this murder have blood on your hands.

I'll say it again, you'd better start saving some money for therapy. After the next election your going to need it.
If your neo con party wanted to make abortions only available to the rich they would have done it during the last 8 yrs. But they dont want to abolish abortions because it would take away an issue that they depend on to get you lemmings all excited over.

I agree you've accurately described the majority of Republicans. However, I do believe John McCain is truly pro-life. He will nominate conservative judges and, like it or not, Roe v Wade will be overturned.

Remember Shock and Awe? Remember that day when you watched our bombs explode in Bagdad darkness? Who do you think was being killed? Sadam? The Iraqi military? No, it was innocent Iraqi civilians. You and all those who backed this murder have blood on your hands.

They were bombing infrastructure, asshole. You really believe the U.S. military went out of their way to bomb innocent civilians? What exactly would that accomplish, motherfucker?

Not only are you an anti-American prick, you're also a fucking moron.

BTW, it just occurred to me that Joe Biden voted for the war. Does he have blood on his hands, motherfucker? I guess you won't be voting for Obama, then. Good to hear!
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