Campaign Lies


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Journalists Sam Hananel and Hope Yen wrote for The Associated Press 16 April 2014:
Negative campaigning and mudslinging may be a fact of life in American politics, but can false accusations made in the heat of an election be punished as a crime? That debate makes its way to the Supreme Court next week as the justices consider a challenge to an Ohio law that bars false statements about political candidates during a campaign. The case has attracted national attention, with groups across the political spectrum criticizing the law as a restriction on the First Amendment right to free speech.


It's a shame that someone could lose an election because of a campaign lie, but then, there are libel laws. Also, a re-election could be held, at the expense of the one who propounded the lie.
If campaign lies are to become illegal, the penal system better start now making room in the jails for 99.9% of all the Democrats & Republicans running for office. politicians that can't slander one another means they'll just have to shoot each other like maybe go back to the old dueling days at sunrise. I'll vote for that!!!!!
Maybe if this gets a positive ruling the Politicians will actually return to promoting themselves, instead of denigrating the opposition.
In all campaigns the opposing parties lie. And so, any judgment made must be on a relative basis. It soon becomes apparent one of the parties lies more than the other.

The Obummerrhoid and his stooges SPECIALIZE in lies. There isn't any important issue where Obummerrhoid, and his stooges, don't lie. And the reason for that is the Obummerrhoid, and/or his stooges, invariably fruck up every important issue and therefore he, and his stooges, must invariably lie to get out of the mess they create.
A better solution would be actually educating our people instead of graduating idiots. Don't hold your breath though; after all, education is controlled by the Unions now.