Can Hildebeast steal the nomination?

According to the AP, "The clout of the nearly 800 superdelegates is unprecedented in this year’s race because neither Obama nor Clinton can clinch the nomination with only the delegates won in state primaries and caucuses. Largely overlooked in the arcane process, though, is the power of a select few to complete the superdelegate ranks by naming 76 newbies, and Clinton and Obama are fighting hard over every one of those from state conventions to back rooms.

Separated by fewer than 140 delegates, both candidates are lobbying the hundreds of known superdelegates, employing family, friends and influential surrogates to woo the governors, lawmakers and other party leaders. Some are more important than others.

Consider Art Torres, chairman of the California Democratic Party. He remains uncommitted, yet he could be the most powerful superdelegate of all. Torres gets to name five additional superdelegates, giving him control over six votes at the national convention this summer.

'I am the super of supers!' Torres proclaims with a laugh."

Meanwhile, the fervent acolytes of both Jackass Party candidates are tearing each other to shreds, and Republicans are enjoying the fun. Whichever 'Crat loses, the loser's sycophants will be calling the victor a cheater for years to come.

Democrats will wind up electing John McCain, according to the polls. The hatred between Obama and Hildebeast worshippers has become so volatile that nearly a fifth of 'Crats say they will vote for McCain when their preferred Jackass loses the nomination.
One way that Hillary could steal the nomination is to get rid of Obama. Remember, there are a lot of questions that have not been answered about the death of Vince Foster. It would not be beyond the scope of reality and Hillary has the resources to make this happen. What would the media do then? They would have no alternative but to support her like they did last summer and during the last 2 years when it was floated that she might run.

Here is the question that should be asked. What would Hillary do to secure the nomination? Would be involved in an assassination attempt of Obama? If it does happen, it would probably happen in May. I have heard that this is an actually prophecy from the Bible Code, but I have no actual info on this.:pke:
One way that Hillary could steal the nomination is to get rid of Obama. Remember, there are a lot of questions that have not been answered about the death of Vince Foster. It would not be beyond the scope of reality and Hillary has the resources to make this happen. What would the media do then? They would have no alternative but to support her like they did last summer and during the last 2 years when it was floated that she might run.

Here is the question that should be asked. What would Hillary do to secure the nomination? Would be involved in an assassination attempt of Obama? If it does happen, it would probably happen in May. I have heard that this is an actually prophecy from the Bible Code, but I have no actual info on this.:pke:

Yes, it would be.
One way that Hillary could steal the nomination is to get rid of Obama. Remember, there are a lot of questions that have not been answered about the death of Vince Foster. It would not be beyond the scope of reality and Hillary has the resources to make this happen. What would the media do then? They would have no alternative but to support her like they did last summer and during the last 2 years when it was floated that she might run.

Here is the question that should be asked. What would Hillary do to secure the nomination? Would be involved in an assassination attempt of Obama? If it does happen, it would probably happen in May. I have heard that this is an actually prophecy from the Bible Code, but I have no actual info on this.:pke:
The bible code is pure quackery.
"Remember, there are a lot of questions that have not been answered about the death of Vince Foster."

I figured you were one of "those." So transparent.
"Remember, there are a lot of questions that have not been answered about the death of Vince Foster."

I figured you were one of "those." So transparent.

What you do not seem to understand is that Hillary thinks she deserves the nomination. Make no mistake, Hillary always knows what is going on around her. Do you think that she did not know where the Rose Law Firm billing records were? Do you think she did not know how FBI files found their way into her office? You might be willing to trust her, but I am not.