Can I request that a technology/science sub-forum be created?

cancel2 2022

Damo, you have already created a religion sub-forum so can we also have a technology/science one as well. I would suggest that it operates on similar lines to APP, to keep out the loonies like Desh and Rune.
Probably not going to be much of a demand for that Tom. We have a couple of people with IT Tech background (You, Damo, Skidmark) and few with a science back ground (You, I, Billy, Damned Yankee) and that's about it.

I think you're on the right track. Discussions and debates in science/technology are not meant to be confrontational like political debates but knowledge based and APP is a superior forum for such a discussion in that it prevents those who have nothing to contribute from mucking up the discussion thread.

I would suggest that instead of Damo creating a new science and technology thread that if you wish to have an intelligent peer level discussion on a science/technology topic why not just post it here in APP?
If people would use it I would create one, but I don't think it would be in APP. There is politics in science, often to our misfortune.