Can Obama keep the Reagan Democrat vote?

If we have to pick up some votes in this election, I would far rather build a coalition with the fiscal conservatives than win back the Reagan Democrats.

Unfortunately, McCain is moderate enough that the fiscal conservatives have decided not to learn their lesson and will probably vote for another Republican.

I still don't want their votes, but it's true, we do need them.
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"Reagan Democrats" are akin to Joe Lieberman... your party has long since thrown them overboard. LMFAO@Can Obama keep the Regan Democrat vote! AS IF, he ever had it in the first place!!
We don't want their votes.

Hey watermark--how ya doing--ya kool-aid drinking young man who has no life experience but, somehow, knows how to run the world.

You are about to see what a minority you are. Watch Obama and his modern day communisum that you support fall apart in this country. Yes, the rest of the world will be mad at us again---out of jealously of course. it is OK--they can more here and support freedom that their countries won't give them.--Much like how you got here---but they did not teach you that. You were taught to be anti American son.

Could it be that your social science professor put a little too much white powder in your kool-aid?
"Reagan Democrats" are akin to Joe Lieberman... your party has long since thrown them overboard. LMFAO@Can Obama keep the Regan Democrat vote! AS IF, he ever had it in the first place!!

Good point. What does Obama have? He has the black vote (because they think it is "pay back time"). He has the single mother vote if they don't take care of their own affairs. He has the welfare vote and the victim vote. He has the kool-aid drinking sutudent vote. I don't think Hillery was sucessfull in getting him the majority women vote--since Palin came on the scene.

He really does not have any votes from any people in the USA that actually make things happen for themselfs in this country. He has the vote of takers, and utopian fools. That is about it that I see.
Just pointing conservative racism, smearing, and distortion out.

Racism has nothing to do with it. Obama is raising racism to a new level in this country, not me. Are you calling me a racist because I feel the blacks will vote for Obama because they think "it is pay back time"? That is not racist--that is the truth. Or--are welfare recipiants of any race now considered a race? if your going to call me a racist--pelase give me the context of which you regrugatate you learnings.

drink the kool-aid--and you don't know what racism is, but will throw the card all day long. It is getting tired, because I know what racism is. It has nothing to do with you telling people that they are a victim of the white man---does it? You bet it does. A black man running for presicdent that lets the black people think they have no chance---is racist--no---modern day communist IMO.

Like I said before--martin Luther King and Rosa parks are two of my favorite American heros. They were not modern day communists that throw around a race card. They had faith in people, unlike liberials--who don't have faith in themselfs. they did not cry racism unless it was warrented--they got things done, and got the black population the human rights they and all deserve. obamma--your god--is the opposite. It is just unfortunate that the people who support him don't realize what they have in this country. They won't miss what they don't know they have.
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Racism has nothing to do with it. Obama is raising racism to a new level in this country, not me. Are you calling me a racist because I feel the black will vote for Obama because they think "it is pay back time"? That is not racist--that is the truth. Or--are welfare recipiants of any race now considered a race? if your going to call me a racist--pelase give me the context of which you regrugatate you learnings.

You just said that black people do not make things happen for themselves. That's racist.
You just said that black people do not make things happen for themselves. That's racist.

No, I said the blacks think Obama is "pay back time". I despise any people that has the means but not the will to take care of themself. That includes people from all segments of our population--accept illegal immergrants.

leave it to a liberial to twist words to their twisted preception.

Blacks are voting for obama because they think "it is pay back time". Lots of people vote like that. Don't you?

I knew it. that is the response of a person who simply regurgates what they have been tought. The result is you and a population that does not have any reasoning to back a STUPID STATEMENT!! If your gonna accuse me of something---have some substance to it---or--your just an idiot who thinks he is smart.
Could you please spare me your psychoanalysis?

it kind of makes ya think for yourself a bit---doesn't it?

The day you explain in detail anything you say, is the day I won't have to look at you under a magnifing glass. Your hiding something--I can smell the commie conditioning in you from here. it is not too late--your still young, with a growing and sharp mind.

have you ever noticed how many conditioned liberials there are as youths today, but as they grow up, a good amount of them become conservative? They grew up and got life experiences. Also notice, a consertative never goes liberial later in life, usless they were a lazy good for nothing consertative who wants welfare.

Yesss sir--liberialism is taught to children, and conditioned into adults of pitty. It can not be conditioned into people that know what sets USA apart from the rest of the world. Individual freedom and liberties. we are losoing them--because the commies are taking over. It is human nature--so is our fighting back for freedom. Keep going down this road here in the USA liberial commies mafia---it just might spark a revolution. Are you commie liberials ready to fight me and my friends? We have more motavation.
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