can obama win

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
will obama ultimately lose because he is not a white male

after 8 years of bushco, the nation should be ready for a change of leadership

so why is the race so close

likely, the white males that voted for hilary are either sitting on their hands or voting for mcsame

however, the ever weakening of our economy and rising unemployment may swing voters away from the reps to the dems

i wonder if many voters are listening to the campaign rhetoric

while i am not a obama supporter, i begin to hope that he will win
Don, you are an Obama supporter. I don't know why you keep trying to claim you're not. Perhaps you are ashamed that you are such a partisan hack? Perhaps you don't believe you can persuade people to vote for Obama, being an obvious Obama cheerleader, so you 'pose' as someone who is 'not an Obama supporter' in hopes it will sell? Guess what? It doesn't... not for one second. You are an Obama supporter, you have always been an Obama supporter, you are going to vote for Obama, and there was never a doubt in your mind about that. So why don't you cut the crap, and stop lying to people?

It's good to know you admit half the Democrat party is racist, this is something I've been saying for years now, and I've had Democrats insist that 'racism' doesn't exist in the Democrat ranks, at all! They argue that ALL racism is from Republicans, mostly uneducated hick republicans from the South.

Yes, our economy is tanking and unemployment is rising, but isn't it funny how that was not the case when we had a Republican majority in Congress? Perhaps the problem is partisan Democrats who want to stonewall anything the current Administration tries to do? Perhaps the problem is the 24/7 non-stop partisan rhetoric of negativism, pessimism, and talking down the economy on a regular basis? Technically speaking, we aren't even in a true 'recession' yet! I know, it's amazing, isn't it... you'd have thought, with all that has been said over the past year or so, we were on the verge of another Great Depression, but the actual economy has not declined for more than a quarter, since Bush's first term. It hasn't grown a lot, it isn't exactly setting the woods on fire, but we have not been in a recession.

I think the voters have pretty much made up their minds at this point, anyone who is still truthfully undecided, is a complete moron and shouldn't vote. It's going to come down to who's base is most energized on election day. At this point, that looks like it will be McCain/Palin supporters. One of the biggest mistakes made by Democrats such as yourself, is this continued mantra of "McSame" and trying to paint this as a third Bush term. John McCain could not be further from Bush, and still be considered a Republican. Just about ANY McCain lover will attest to this. Most moderate Democrats will also attest to it. You've adopted this strategy because it appeals to the radical left-wing of the party, you all can 'identify' with it, but other people don't buy it. You are trying to cash in on Bush's unpopularity, and if Bush were running for a third term, that might work... He's not!

The biggest problem for the Democrats is, they nominated the wrong candidate. Not because Obama is black, but because Obama is too liberal, and has no real experience. There was an opportunity for Obama to 'run to the middle' IF he had picked Hillary as his VP, but he picked Joseph Biden, a man who has set a modern-day record for unsuccessful presidential bids. There is a reason for that! DUH! The best scenario, you should have nominated Hillary, who would have certainly tapped Obama as her VP, because one thing the Clinton's are, is politically SMART! You could be beating the orthopedic socks off of McCain right now, had that been the case, but your left-wing party bosses, kicked Hillary to the curb, and you got the "Rock Star Obama!"

Kay Sera Sera

...or is it, Sarah Sarah! LOL
Yea yea--the AP yesterday said white voters in Detroit are racist and won't vote for a black man. Bull shit--the guy is a non trusted commie--that is why. White people see that more than blacks--all blacks see is skin color, or about 90% of them anyway. They have no idea what they are doing to their own children by voting for the commie.

If he wins--it is because of the Black voters thinking it is payback time because of slavery a few generations ago. As a whole--offer them (and a lot of dependant whites also) welfare (of some sort)--and they vote for ya. The gangster Kilpatrick (former mayor of Detroit--just got booted and going to jail--he had like a dozen fellony charges, and never accepted responsibility for them) is a prime example. I guarantee you those same people will vote for obamie the commie--just because he is black. That is the actual racism dumb ass.

Fuck you--for calling me a racist because the commie sucks, and I won't vote for him.

Can liberials be more insulting? I am sure they will try. The news papers, air america, and many TV news have dropping viewers--because we are sick of insults against most Americans. Fuck you fucker! I vote based on caractor--and obamie is a commie.
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"Yes, our economy is tanking and unemployment is rising, but isn't it funny how that was not the case when we had a Republican majority in Congress? "

Yep, that's right. This whole banking crisis really got started in January of 2007. Our gov't was a paragon of fiscal management & oversight prior to that, and the whole thing could have been avoided if we had only kept the GOP in power. Then, there wouldn't have been so much "stonewalling" of the many proactive measures this admin has tried to take on the economy.

You're an economic genius, Dixie.

I'll have to send out an alert on the board-leftie network re: this thread. It's very high entertainment value.
The fight between the left and the right continues to blur your vision. The only thing left and right that work for you, is your own two hands. You have to be right minded to actually take action for yourself though.
we had an old guy at work sounded like Majority, very angry hated blacks and non catholics. He got laid off. He only had a hs degree.
The OJ Simpson murder trial and the BHO campaign have a lot in common. OJ's team used the race card to get an edge. BHO's team has and will continue do the same.
Don, you are an Obama supporter. I don't know why you keep trying to claim you're not. Perhaps you are ashamed that you are such a partisan hack? Perhaps you don't believe you can persuade people to vote for Obama, being an obvious Obama cheerleader, so you 'pose' as someone who is 'not an Obama supporter' in hopes it will sell? Guess what? It doesn't... not for one second. You are an Obama supporter, you have always been an Obama supporter, you are going to vote for Obama, and there was never a doubt in your mind about that. So why don't you cut the crap, and stop lying to people?

It's good to know you admit half the Democrat party is racist, this is something I've been saying for years now, and I've had Democrats insist that 'racism' doesn't exist in the Democrat ranks, at all! They argue that ALL racism is from Republicans, mostly uneducated hick republicans from the South.

Yes, our economy is tanking and unemployment is rising, but isn't it funny how that was not the case when we had a Republican majority in Congress? Perhaps the problem is partisan Democrats who want to stonewall anything the current Administration tries to do? Perhaps the problem is the 24/7 non-stop partisan rhetoric of negativism, pessimism, and talking down the economy on a regular basis? Technically speaking, we aren't even in a true 'recession' yet! I know, it's amazing, isn't it... you'd have thought, with all that has been said over the past year or so, we were on the verge of another Great Depression, but the actual economy has not declined for more than a quarter, since Bush's first term. It hasn't grown a lot, it isn't exactly setting the woods on fire, but we have not been in a recession.

I think the voters have pretty much made up their minds at this point, anyone who is still truthfully undecided, is a complete moron and shouldn't vote. It's going to come down to who's base is most energized on election day. At this point, that looks like it will be McCain/Palin supporters. One of the biggest mistakes made by Democrats such as yourself, is this continued mantra of "McSame" and trying to paint this as a third Bush term. John McCain could not be further from Bush, and still be considered a Republican. Just about ANY McCain lover will attest to this. Most moderate Democrats will also attest to it. You've adopted this strategy because it appeals to the radical left-wing of the party, you all can 'identify' with it, but other people don't buy it. You are trying to cash in on Bush's unpopularity, and if Bush were running for a third term, that might work... He's not!

The biggest problem for the Democrats is, they nominated the wrong candidate. Not because Obama is black, but because Obama is too liberal, and has no real experience. There was an opportunity for Obama to 'run to the middle' IF he had picked Hillary as his VP, but he picked Joseph Biden, a man who has set a modern-day record for unsuccessful presidential bids. There is a reason for that! DUH! The best scenario, you should have nominated Hillary, who would have certainly tapped Obama as her VP, because one thing the Clinton's are, is politically SMART! You could be beating the orthopedic socks off of McCain right now, had that been the case, but your left-wing party bosses, kicked Hillary to the curb, and you got the "Rock Star Obama!"

Kay Sera Sera

...or is it, Sarah Sarah! LOL

i think that you and i will be political opponents for the foreseeable future

my wife and i supported hilary with money and our votes

my wife and now i will likely vote for bo but neither of us will support him with money

one major thing keeps me from supporting mcsame and it is his position on women's rights (we are pro-choice)

i do not think either of them can really breakup pork or big business - the current problems with our financial market is that bushco supported deregulation and big is better

financial institutions have merged and grown so bid that they can take the economy with them if they go under

so big that they control congress more than voters