Can They Get Any Lower?


Oh, yes. They can.

Pa. GOP hits rock bottom: Calls Obama "a terrorist's best friend"

"I've been writing about political campaigns for more than a quarter-century now, and it really takes a lot to surprise me, but I am absolutely stunned at the depths that the Republican Party is willing to sink to try in win this election, even as polls are beginning to suggest it may be a lost cause for John McCain and Sarah Palin. At 9:29 p.m., I received in an email the sleaziest political press release I've ever seen. It came from the Republican Party of Pennsylvania and it's headlined: "PAGOP: OBAMA - A TERRORIST'S BEST FRIEND."
it's a good sign, Obama is nearly at a double digit lead and they are deparate. Soon he'll be called Hussien and the lead will be in the teens. He will look Presidental and talk economic issues.
I hope the first thing he does as president is to get rid of the corrupt and stupid dems that are still infested in the house like the notorious Barney frank who deserves more blame on this housing crisis then even emperor bush himself.