Can We All Please Remember That The DNC Normalized Political Violence In The First Place


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Can We All Please Remember That The DNC Normalized Political Violence In The First Place​

On November 8th, 2016, The DNC discovered that their usual level of election fraud was insufficient to manipulate the increasilngly outraged American people who were totally dissatisfied with the way the DNC had sold the US out to foreign interests.


Upon Trump taking office, the DNC effectively shut down the government to focus on opposing everything Trump tried to accomplish in the way of restoring power back to We the People and in the way of making America great again. All this accomplished was to make Trump's favorability ratings skyrocket with practically every demographic. So the COVID hoax was invented out of desperation and the DNC put the American people on lockdown in order to drive up dissatisfaction with Trump. That did not work either. The only remaining option was to steal the 2020 election and through that, the DNC finally scored a victory.

All along this path, the DNC knew that violence would have to be normalized and the people would have to be disarmed if there were to be any hope in transitioning to full tyranny.

Black Lives Matter: The DNC contracted to BLM to rampage throughout the country, terrorizing mostly black cities and communities with reckless destruction, vandalism, looting and violence.


ANTIFA: The DNC, in cooperation with Democrat-dominant city councils, arranged for ANTIFA to terrorize their major Democrat-dominant cities while the police were ordered to not respond.


Chuck Schumer: In early 2020, the New York Senator openly threatened the Justices of the Supreme Court if they didn't decide as he mandated on a particular politically devisive topic.


Anti-Police Violence: Who can forget the DNC's very own battle cry in their war again the police: Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!

Charlottesville: Upon learning that some American patriots were going to hold a "Unite the Right" rally to protest the denigration and revision of American history, the DNC promptly sent violent agitators to instigate violence in what would have otherwise been an entirely peaceful call to protect American culture. Sadly, the DNC used violence to score another victory while We the People moved one step closer to becoming Venezuela.


Stolen Election: Upon learning that We the People would be protesting the stealing of the 2020 election, the DNC sent violent agitators to instigate violence on cue. The Injustice Department was instructed to not investigate/prosecute any of the agitators, but rather to focus their efforts on making an example of all those who DARED to challenge the DNC's official narrative by ensuring that the most patriotic of protestors received the harshest multi-year sentences, specifically on trumped-up charges of "violence", even if all they did was enter a public building.


... and extrajudicial executions were authorized by the DNC for particularly egregious cases of patriotism. Ashli Babbit, for example, was US military who deployed more than eight times, including to Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Qatar. She simply had to be executed as a TRAITOR for protesting the actions of the DNC.


2024 Election: In 2024, the DNC is not quite as confident as they were in 2020 that they'll be able to pull off an election steal. To hedge their bets, they should just assassinate Trump right now, preferably at one of his rallies where he's out in the open.

And the president called all police RACISTS, giving the greenlight to ambush cops. That president was Obama.