Can We Risk a Biden Presidency?

Yes, I know, everyone is so in love with Obama, they will overlook his Muslim upbringing, connections to Communists and domestic terrorists, ties to organizations being investigated for voter fraud, and an agenda that gives Bernie Sanders the warm fuzzies, but the question is, can we risk the chance something might happen to him, and Biden would be the president?

Darla herself thinks he may have stroked out earlier in the week, when he guaranteed an international crisis in the first months of an Obama presidency. But that is just the tip of the iceberg for Joe The Buffoon. They could write books on Joe Biden Gaffes... I'm surprised someone hasn't! If SNL weren't so liberal, they could do an entire season of comedy spoofing Biden, and never really scratch the surface.

Foreign policy is supposed to be his strong suit, but this is a man who voted AGAINST the first Gulf War! He advocated for the idea of carving Iraq up into three countries! Worse yet, he thinks the US and France kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, and Pakistan can strike Israel with nuclear missiles! Yet, we're about to put him a chicken bone away from the presidency!

I know a lot has been made of McCain's age and health, but Obama being the 'first black president' doesn't exactly guarantee some immunity to something terrible happening to him. Then where would we be? We'd have 'Clark Griswold' as president! Not exactly a 'comforting' thought in this time of great challenge and turmoil.
Dummy you still do not get it do you ? the FACT is that everyone fears a Republican presidency now due to your beloved bush screwing the pooch.
Dummy you still do not get it do you ? the FACT is that everyone fears a Republican presidency now due to your beloved bush screwing the pooch.

Dummy, you don't get it... Not everyone agrees with you! THAT is the FACT!

Some people fear a government totally controlled by liberal Democrats. Quite a few people fear a government controlled by anti-capitalists, (the markets are evidence of this.) Some people even fear a government controlled by Americans! There is a wide range of fears and concerns, and not 'everyone' feels the same as you do.

I know you think, in your pinhead world view, that when Obama wins the presidency, everything is going to be completely in line with the liberal agenda, and we will all be happy and content in our Liberal Utopia here, but I got news for ya... ain't gonna happen! Unless your plans include mass genocide on conservatives, I suspect they will still be around, and will still have a political voice in matters of policy. So it will not be as easy as you may envision, to transform America into your liberal socialist views of what it should be. You will see, after the elections, we will still be divided across partisan lines, government will still be in utter gridlock, and if liberals get anything accomplished, it will require some moderation of their viewpoints. Obama's administration is effectively not going to be any better than Bush's. In some respects, it may be worse. At least with McCain, there would be a chance that both sides could 'come together' on some issues, and something may get accomplished. If nothing else, McCain has been able to at least communicate effectively with the left and forge 'bipartisan' solutions to problems. Obama, Pelosi and Reid, are not going to be able to do this, and if you think it's possible they could, you are a fool.

I can think of any number of fables to illustrate the stupidity of what you just articulated. The best one is this Aesop's Fable:

The Farmer and the Snake

The weather was getting cold. The farmer was worried about his sheep in the high pastures. Wrapping his wool cloak tightly about himself, he braved the wind and climbed the steep path. As he started back down the path, hurrying to get into his warm house, the farmer saw a snake lying across the path.

“Pleeeeessssssse help me,” said the snake. “I am freezing. Pleeeeeeese take me down into the valley where it is warmer”

“I’m no dummy,” said the farmer. “I know who you are. You are a rattlesnake. If I pick you up, you will poison me.”

“Oh, no,” said the snake. “I would not do that. I promisssssse that if you carry me down the mountain I will not bite you. You and your children will be ssssssafe from me and my kind from thisssss day forward.”

The farmer had compassion on the snake and he picked the snake up and put it under his cloak. He carried it down into the valley and lay it down upon the ground. As the snake began to warm, he began to slither and move. He coiled up and struck, biting the farmer in the leg.

“Ow! You promised me that you would not bite me,” cried the farmer.

“Ah,” said the snake, “ssssso I did. But you knew what I was when you picked me up.”
Since when is being a muslim something to be overlooked?

agreed. There is nothing wrong with being a muslim.

The only thing wrong is the continued idiocy proclaiming that Obama IS a muslim.

I am completely depressed as for the first time I actually heard someone say that in person yesterday. It was a client I never expected something like that from.
"Obama's administration is effectively not going to be any better than Bush's. "

Sure; and Guinness isn't really any better than Bud Lite...
agreed. There is nothing wrong with being a muslim.

The only thing wrong is the continued idiocy proclaiming that Obama IS a muslim.

I am completely depressed as for the first time I actually heard someone say that in person yesterday. It was a client I never expected something like that from.

it;s a shock to hear that kind of idiocy in person, and from a business person isn't it.
it;s a shock to hear that kind of idiocy in person, and from a business person isn't it.

well, he is not a business person, he is a client who is a retired teacher. He has switched parties four or five times in his life, so it was completely unexpected to hear it from him. I have some clients on both extremes, but I never thought he was anywhere close to that type of idiocy. (politically speaking)
Excuse me, but you highly-educated nit-wits obviously know little about religious dogma. In the middle east, and Africa, where Obama is from, people who practice the Muslim faith are largely born into the faith. They don't really 'choose' to be Muslim, they simply ARE. Just as a Jewish person is a Jew, an Islamic person is Muslim. If we had a candidate running for president, who's last name was Weinberg or Goldstein, and his family genealogy revealed he was from a Jewish family, yet he claimed to not be Jewish, would you just accept that? I highly doubt it.

Couple this with the fact that Obama has publicly denounced his association with the Christian pastor who supposedly brought him to Christianity, and what are we to make of it? He's not Muslim, he is a Christian who denies the beliefs of his pastor? I think it's a really weak argument that he is not a full-fledged card-carrying Muslim. Now, that in of itself is not a problem, I can accept a Muslim man running for president, but I have a hard time with a man who's lying about his not being Muslim, running for the presidency. He's obviously not going to admit that he is a Muslim, and you idiots are going to stand behind him no matter what lies he tells, and you're going to castigate me and anyone else who brings this relative question to the table, but I really don't care. America deserves the truth about Obama.
Back to the main question now, Biden is far better than Bush, heck Sarah Palin's disabled son is smarter and better qualified than Bush. :clink:
Yes, I know, everyone is so in love with Obama, they will overlook his Muslim upbringing, connections to Communists and domestic terrorists, ties to organizations being investigated for voter fraud, and an agenda that gives Bernie Sanders the warm fuzzies, but the question is, can we risk the chance something might happen to him, and Biden would be the president?

Darla herself thinks he may have stroked out earlier in the week, when he guaranteed an international crisis in the first months of an Obama presidency. But that is just the tip of the iceberg for Joe The Buffoon. They could write books on Joe Biden Gaffes... I'm surprised someone hasn't! If SNL weren't so liberal, they could do an entire season of comedy spoofing Biden, and never really scratch the surface.

Foreign policy is supposed to be his strong suit, but this is a man who voted AGAINST the first Gulf War! He advocated for the idea of carving Iraq up into three countries! Worse yet, he thinks the US and France kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, and Pakistan can strike Israel with nuclear missiles! Yet, we're about to put him a chicken bone away from the presidency!

I know a lot has been made of McCain's age and health, but Obama being the 'first black president' doesn't exactly guarantee some immunity to something terrible happening to him. Then where would we be? We'd have 'Clark Griswold' as president! Not exactly a 'comforting' thought in this time of great challenge and turmoil.

JESUS KATY CHRIST! We just survived the worst President in modern history who's made one fuck up after the other, gotten bogged down in an immoral war and has devastated our economy by being asleep at the wheel and some wing nut extremist is concerned about Biden being President?

Well hell I aint losing no sleep over that! I'm a hell of a lot more worried about what additional fuck ups Bush can make before he's gone!
Excuse me, but you highly-educated nit-wits obviously know little about religious dogma. In American south, and much of America, where Rednecks are from, people who practice the Christian faith are largely born into the faith. They don't really 'choose' to be Christian, they simply ARE. Just as a Jewish person is a Jew, an American person is Christian.