Can We Spell President-H-I-L-L-A-R-Y?????


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A Fox News poll of their loyalist viewers shows that the social authoritarian and radical religionist Mike Huckabee to be among the frontrunners to capture the RINO Republican nomination for President of the United States in 2016.

Watching Fox is like watching political commercials for RINOs. Their majority coverage of possible Republican candidates is always for Huckabee or Christie and sometimes Jeb Bush or that idiot Governor of Texas Rick Perry who couldn’t name the federal bureaucracies he wanted to shut down and had to get help from Ron Paul.

Only Neil Cavuto ever mentions any of the Tea Party candidates like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul. Cavuto even dressed down Mitt Romney somewhat recently when Romney was naming Republican candidates he liked for the Presidency and omitted Paul and Cruz.

Looks like the Republicans are gonna make 2016 another so-called social conservative narrative election exactly what excites the Democrats who rejoice in exposing the RINOs socialist moralist authoritarian agenda especially when the RINOs do it for them.

Can we spell President-H-I-L-L-A-R-Y?????
What would the difference between the power mad bitch and another fucking RINO be? Would foreign policy change? Would the idiot violent Drug War end? would there be anything more than lip service to the debt? What you fail to recognize is the RINOs & DINOs are twin sisters and card carrying members of the Socialist Militarist Duopoly, Crony Capitalist bribery system. If you can't win with a Tea Party candidate and true constitutionalist with some balls it doesn't matter because nothing will change anyhow, so why waste your time with the fucking RINOs they've proven over and over again and again they're just anything from BIG government Democrat lite to massive BIG government militarist imperialist bastards. They lie like Democrats and they spend like Democrats, they're authoritarians like Democrats and fucking war mongering sons-of-bitches just like the fucking Democrats.
What would the difference between the power mad bitch and another fucking RINO be? Would foreign policy change? Would the idiot violent Drug War end? would there be anything more than lip service to the debt? What you fail to recognize is the RINOs & DINOs are twin sisters and card carrying members of the Socialist Militarist Duopoly, Crony Capitalist bribery system. If you can't win with a Tea Party candidate and true constitutionalist with some balls it doesn't matter because nothing will change anyhow, so why waste your time with the fucking RINOs they've proven over and over again and again they're just anything from BIG government Democrat lite to massive BIG government militarist imperialist bastards. They lie like Democrats and they spend like Democrats, they're authoritarians like Democrats and fucking war mongering sons-of-bitches just like the fucking Democrats.

You call Christie a "RINO" because he uses taxation.

Christie is one of the ONLY Right Wingers that doesn't drive up the national debt because he pays his share. The biggest takers are Right Wingers mainly Tea Baggers and Libertarians. They spend but don't tax knowing that small brains like you ONLY WANT low taxes.

But you cry about National Debt which makes NO SENSE at all when your movement is a big part of making it.

Our taxation is VERY LOW. You should educate yourself.
So by not participating in national elections, you are accomplishing...what, exactly?

I'm accomplishing NOT being part of the rigged racket like you are. What exactly have you accomplished by participating in the racket besides the status-quo? More wars, more debt, less freedom and watching the pathetic career politicians faces on the boob-tube every day. Congratulations you’re doing a hell-of-a-job!!!!!
I'm accomplishing NOT being part of the rigged racket like you are. What exactly have you accomplished by participating in the racket besides the status-quo? More wars, more debt, less freedom and watching the pathetic career politicians faces on the boob-tube every day. Congratulations you’re doing a hell-of-a-job!!!!!

So you're accomplishing nothing, and you're proud of it.
not only can I spell it, I like the sound of it!

especially when it will be accompanied by a chorus of whining and gasping republican background singers!
You call Christie a "RINO" because he uses taxation.

So you arise again to show your fucking ignorance I see. Christie not only raises taxes on senior citizens moron, but he is a notorious anti-Second Amendment creep, a Democrat ass kisser and an ardent believer in Global Warming. He’s not just a fucking RINO, he’s a trash-mouthed fat fucking slob and now even likely guilty of abuse of his office. When the top dogs of an administration are caught in an intimidation and bribery scam, you can bet your stinkin ass they’ve been talking their tactics over with the Boss.

Christie is one of the ONLY Right Wingers that doesn't drive up the national debt because he pays his share.

Again Goober you show your magnificent stupidity. States don’t drive the National Debt, they drive STATE debt. Most States have "balanced budget amendments whereby their annual budgets are balanced. The fucking federal government drives up the National Debt.

The biggest takers are Right Wingers mainly Tea Baggers and Libertarians. They spend but don't tax knowing that small brains like you ONLY WANT low taxes.

Describe for us the government entity wherein Tea Party and or libertarians have had enough control of said government whereby they were sable ”to spend without raising taxes” Idiot. You have nary a clue or a dime’s worth of evidence of your preposterous claims and dreams.

But you cry about National Debt which makes NO SENSE at all when your movement is a big part of making it.

Define “your movement” Goober. Just exactly what do you believe my movement is? Do you even have a fucking clue?

Our taxation is VERY LOW. You should educate yourself.

That depends on what taxes you’re talking about Goober and who pays them.

U.S. corporate tax rate: No. 1 in the world

Guess Who Really Pays the Taxes
Yes, income in America is skewed toward the rich. But taxes are skewed far, far more. The top 5 percent pay well over half the income taxes. STEPHEN MOORE has the numbers.
If Huckabee or another religionist gets the nod I'm voting Libertarian. I refuse to vote for another social "conservative" dimwit who will spend like a democrat and grow the government just slightly slower than Obama, but goshdarnit, s/he hates stem cell research even if it comes from umbilical cords that otherwise are thrown in the trash...
You call Christie a "RINO" because he uses taxation.

Christie is one of the ONLY Right Wingers that doesn't drive up the national debt because he pays his share. The biggest takers are Right Wingers mainly Tea Baggers and Libertarians. They spend but don't tax knowing that small brains like you ONLY WANT low taxes.

But you cry about National Debt which makes NO SENSE at all when your movement is a big part of making it.

Our taxation is VERY LOW. You should educate yourself.

This is such an idiotic statement
no one much likes the choices you fools offer for high office

quit picking idiots who lie about everything and hate their fellow man and you might elect someone worth a vvote again
So you're accomplishing nothing, and you're proud of it.

NOT being part of the Duopoly's election racket would only be like "nothing" in the world of idiots who encourage the bastards with campaign loot, political forum advocacy and a brain-dead vote.

So, are you NOW gonna grace us with your voting accomplishments that you've been ignoring? Likely not, huh?
no one much likes the choices you fools offer for high office

quit picking idiots who lie about everything and hate their fellow man and you might elect someone worth a vvote again

Name one Republican "worth a vote" in your world Shitty Panties.