Can you imagine, if Bush or McCain said....

I don't know. Can you imagine if Obama said that Iraq borders Pakistan, or said that Putin was President of Germany?
Well, Onceler and uscitizen win this round for the most partisan and get to suck a polilticians nuts. Congratulations you two. Hope your tounges run into each other.

The irony is I am also a partian hack but you two blow me (no pun intended) out of the water.

Congrats y'all and hope y'all enjoy swallowing each other...
Wow there is a suprise, you asked the question, and then when it was answered to the detriment of the republican candidate you are NO WHERE to be found.

Yeah....what's up with that, anyway?

I think it's kind of revealing that he wasn't even aware of those gaffes, and a few other doozies from McCain. The media has given McCain a relatively free pass on those, which Obama would never have gotten because of his "inexperience" in foreign affairs. Any one of those would have been scrutinized & harped on as just another indicator that he wasn't ready for prime time.
Yeah....what's up with that, anyway?

I think it's kind of revealing that he wasn't even aware of those gaffes, and a few other doozies from McCain. The media has given McCain a relatively free pass on those, which Obama would never have gotten because of his "inexperience" in foreign affairs. Any one of those would have been scrutinized & harped on as just another indicator that he wasn't ready for prime time.

Easy answer, Fox and Rush do not talk about McCain messups.
It so nice to know there is one perfect human in the world who has never made a mistake. Dixie, you need to contribute yourself to the Smithsonian.
Hey Dixie - did you hear that since you posted this, McCain messed up the surge timeline (and not just once), and also said Iraq was the first major conflict since 9/11?

Didjya hear that? Didjya?
Hmmmm.... someone who is running for President said that?????
You've NOT addressed this wunderkind. Yes someone other than obama and who is a republican said these things. YOu asked the question and then ignored the answer. Not the best strategy in a debate. Only works one third of the time.