Can you name


Two consectutive presidents who were actually the same?

I can't find any history that shows obama may have a point about McCain being exactly the same as Bush.
He is not the same. But he has said his economic policy and forign policy would be essentially the same.
McCain is not exactly the same as Bush. Just too close for comfort.

sooo--the karl marx philosophies obama likes is better for your comfort level?

Not me. I say we have to stomach 4 years of McCain (but he will lower my taxes and energy costs and inflation) to get in the real reformer and corruption fighter on the ticket--Palin.

I hate Bush with a passion also, and I am not a big McCain fan, but I refuse to let them push me into marxism and obama. I am not taking the bait.
He is not the same. But he has said his economic policy and forign policy would be essentially the same.

I don't think we would have wasted the first 4 years in Iraq (before the surge) with McCain, and hopefully, those people would experience more freedom by now. The economic plan is the world plan for the USA, Elitists from both sides support it, and get rich while our standard of life drops to other countries levels.

I agree with you on these two points, that McCain is a lot like Bush and Clinton there (remember Clinton first signed NAFTA, but did nothing about the first bin laden attacks on the trade centers).

obama is a liberial fruit cake, with no direction he can share with the public. He has proven to me that he hates the western way of life. He and his wife both hate America, even though they got rich here, and now tell you that you can't do it. He uses past tension from the 60's to motivate blacks. He accuseds the free market for the F&F failure that he benifited from, and it has nothing to do with the free market.

I can not vote for the guy--he is marxist and hates America like all marxists do.

Before palin came on the scene--I was a Bob Barr potentioal voter--because I don't like McCain much either. He was hand picked by liberial republican deligates to be on the top of the ticket. CNN loved the choice at the time--but they hate McCain now because he choose Palin. The liberial media wanted McCain on the top of the rep ticket, because he is more liberial than the others. They called him a "Mavrick" to push his populatiry--but now, the Mavrick picked a real consertative.

Vote like this---if a candidate uses a clebrity for a endorsement--don't vote for them. all that shows is the fact that it is a popularity contest, and not a contest of issues. It is a insult to the American public IMO.

I can not vote for the marxist obama. I am an American who loves America. I am not happy about some of our policies--but I love America and what it offers to the common man/woman. Simply having obama (a black man from Kenya orgions--not Africa's) and a woman on the ticket at the same time is a testiment of how grerat this nation really is. They both came from no money, but obama earned his wity questionable techniques. Obama gets success in this nation--by speaking against the nation. It is sad for America that we buy his marxists philosophies, just because we don't like Bush.

Same to obama is anything but marxism.
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Well if you had gone aout and voted.....

I vote, and have voted this year. Calling your elected officials works better about issues on the table. They have to get a lot of calls though. When is the last time you called or wrote a elected official out side of election year?

I never voted against America.
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I vote, and have voted this year. Calling your elected officials works better about issues on the table. They have to get a lot of calls though. When is the last time you called or wrote a elected official out side of election year?

I do it quite often actually. I don't think they like me much.

I even emailed the WH and told bush what I thought of invading Iraq before we did it.

I know my state legisturalist personally. I just stop by his farm and talk to him.
I do it quite often actually. I don't think they like me much.

I even emailed the WH and told bush what I thought of invading Iraq before we did it.

I know my state legisturalist personally. I just stop by his farm and talk to him.

is he a laywer also?

one more thing I like about Palin--she is not a laywer.
that was very vauge.
Intentionally so I think.

Not ment to be. I thought you knew were I stood with the marxist obama, who says McCain is the same---and only marxism is our option. That is what he is saying--you don't hear it?
A vote for him is selling our our own country. I never voted against America--I won't do it.
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