Can you say... BACKLASH?

Okay, here is what is shaking out....
Obama gives a mediocre acceptance speech...
McCain introduces world to Sarah Palin (aka:A Female Reagan)
Micheal Moore makes a bad joke about God sending the Hurricane for the RNC.
RNC historically 'postpones' official convention!
Demo sycophants lament on Palin's 'lack of experience' ...looking quite foolish.
McCain and Palin in Louisiana filling sand bags! lol
Theme of RNC is Country First!
Que convenient 'Natural Disaster' to rally the nation around the heroes.

Call me crazy, but I think McCain will experience a huge 'bump' in the polls soon.... just a hunch. :)
WOW! How surprising that you would think the Republicans did everything right, and by golly, the Democrats did everything wrong!!

Who knew?!
One thing that I will say is BIG advantage McCain is that they found an excuse to keep the idiot you elected twice away from the convention, so America doesn't have to be reminded yet again of his incompetence.

I know the GOP is breathing a huge sigh of relief about that one.
One thing that I will say is BIG advantage McCain is that they found an excuse to keep the idiot you elected twice away from the convention, so America doesn't have to be reminded yet again of his incompetence.

I know the GOP is breathing a huge sigh of relief about that one.

Look, I'm not saying it was the speech of all time, but to call it a "mediocre acceptance speech?" Pat Buchanan, no liberal hack he, called it the best convention speech he has ever seen, and he's a fairly old fellow.

By the vast majority of accounts, it was anywhere between a good & great speech, and did a good job of fleshing out more of what Obama has in mind, as well as taking more of the fight to McCain. I guarantee you that it met or exceeded the DNC's expectations.

Only a pure hack like Dixie would call it "mediocre," as though he completely missed the mark.

Today-- Republican Governor spends all day on TV being the hero in Louisiana...
The Wives hold down the fort at the RNC while their hubbies deal with the crisis....
Micheal Moore continues to yuck it up over his bad joke that few thought was funny.
Geraldo searches for someone in distress somewhere... anywhere... in Louisiana...
Pinhead Liberals spend Labor Day throwing shit at the new VP's 17 year-old daughter.
Obama begs his followers to stop attacking the candidate's kids dammit!

I'm telling you guys... ya don't realize it yet, but you are destroying any possible chance you might have had, and that was slim at best. It's not going to take the heartland long to see what a bunch of frauds and hypocrites you are, and realize what utterly selfless Americans McCain and his VP are. It's like you are in this big pot on the stove, set to simmer... and you are pretending you're in a hot tub, and reach up to turn the burner up to high, as you bask in the euphoria of your convention bump... or should I say.... pimple.

I'm now predicting you not only lose, but lose BIG in November.
Update: the only thing most people are talking about, now that Gustav is a bust, is Palin's pregnant daughter.

I love you predictions, Dix.
I dunno....who?
I thought it was you after I stated that I was a bit disappointed. It was a good speech, I was expecting great. Then somebody was all on about how there would be a 12 point bounce. I'll see. I remember saying I doubt it then a conversation about how right I was about the Rev. Wright thing and that it had more legs than a week.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was you.
I thought it was you after I stated that I was a bit disappointed. It was a good speech, I was expecting great. Then somebody was all on about how there would be a 12 point bounce. I'll see. I remember saying I doubt it then a conversation about how right I was about the Rev. Wright thing and that it had more legs than a week.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was you.

Well, check 'er out & let me know; I seriously doubt I predicted a 12 point bounce, though I may have been drinking.

It would hardly be the 1st time you tried to put words in my mouth as some sort of "gotcha".
It was a very good speech. He took it to McCain much more than I thought, and made quite a few statements that you don't expect from a "traditional" liberal. The film prior to the speech was excellent.

It was a good week for the Dems. I'd be kind of shocked if we didn't see at least a double digit bounce by next week. It's tough that that GOP has to follow it up immediately, as well.

Ah, it was a "double digit" bounce is what you predicted. I knew my memory wasn't that far off.