Canada schools the United States in energy independence


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Canada schools the United States in energy independence

Americans love to come out in front when it comes to the relationship with our next-door neighbor to the north. There’s almost nothing we want to cede to our Canadian friends that we can produce more of or do better.

Unfortunately, our dominance is ending under the inept administration of Joe Biden, particularly when it comes to energy independence.

Recently, the Canadians concluded their Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion construction, which will give the North American country a boon in oil production and shipping capabilities from Edmonton to the west coast around Vancouver.

Despite an ongoing fight with radical environmental groups, the Canadian government astutely realized the importance of finishing this project to help strengthen the country’s standing in the world.

Thanks to a major addition to the Canadian oil pipeline infrastructure, Americans, especially in the Midwest, might encounter higher prices at the pump due to the likely increase in buyers for the vital natural resource. This encumbrance will give families yet another inconvenience when they fill up their vehicles.

I applaud the Canadians for their commitment to energy independence and to protecting their nation’s interest against the agenda of environmentalists. These are admirable priorities that every nation should be pursuing. Future generations of Canadians will assuredly benefit from their government’s actions on this front.

Unfortunately, while the Canadians may be entering an era of enhanced energy independence, the United States is free falling into one of increased energy dependence fraught with national security dangers because of the policies of President Biden and his empowered bureaucrats in federal agencies.

In fact, one of Biden’s first moves as commander in chief on Jan. 20, 2021, was to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline in our nation, which cost the country billions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs.....

When Biden took office in January 2021, the SPR held 638 million barrels, but was down to near 350 million barrels after the administration’s release of hundreds of millions of barrels during 2022. Because of President Biden’s reckless actions, our oil reserve was at its lowest level in 40 years, posing a threat to our country in the event of a real emergency. Our enemies were definitely monitoring this situation – and may even still be attempting to exploit our weakness.....


Canada has had to sell its crude in the North West for a significant discount . Now Canada will be able to sell it to other buyers for more money. Biden's energy policy is hurting the US. AND we are less secure because Biden has sold off half of the SPR to lower gasoline prices to help his reelection.
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