Canada votes to maintain status as an independent nation

CNN is projecting Harper win.

63% of Canadians voted against him, and the fascist didn't win. He got a minority. Unfortunately, the Bloc's a bunch of dumbasses and will refuse to vote for a Liberal/NDP prime minister, so Harper is going to be voted as prime minister when a large super majority voted against him, but at least the fucker didn't win. The bastard can't steamroll his agenda through and de-humanize/americanize canada.

Hopefully the left will unite after this election and through the fascists in a pit for good.
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I would really like it if all conservatives on the planet would just drop dead. There has to be a virus that effects these people. They aren't regular human beings.
They still won a very sizable plurality of the seats. Only 20 or so shy of as many seats as the others put together.

In a multi-party system, that 20 seat difference may not even be a difference on some votes.
They still won a very sizable plurality of the seats. Only 20 or so shy of as many seats as the others put together.

In a multi-party system, that 20 seat difference may not even be a difference on some votes.

People who don't vote with their party in Canada are kicked out of the caucus. Individual egos don't matter.

Freedom has won another battle against conservatism.
People who don't vote with their party in Canada are kicked out of the caucus. Individual egos don't matter.
Not always, sometimes they allow a free vote, but largely that is true. This is your only good point on here, the rest you sound mad and frankly idiotic. The Conservative Party of Canada is very tame, I think they cut the arts budget slightly and that was about it.

What that election really was, was a rejection of Stéphane Dion's carbon tax and his perceived weak leadership. And as well give Harper some credit for cutting their national sales tax from 7% to 5%, that's the kind of tax cut people notice.

Too bad Harper did not get a majority, once again he has to have support from one of the 3 left-wing parties to pass anything, like they're going to support any cuts. At least the Green party was shut out, they are basically just the NDP with an environmental hardon.
Not always, sometimes they allow a free vote, but largely that is true. This is your only good point on here, the rest you sound mad and frankly idiotic. The Conservative Party of Canada is very tame, I think they cut the arts budget slightly and that was about it.

What that election really was, was a rejection of Stéphane Dion's carbon tax and his perceived weak leadership. And as well give Harper some credit for cutting their national sales tax from 7% to 5%, that's the kind of tax cut people notice.

Too bad Harper did not get a majority, once again he has to have support from one of the 3 left-wing parties to pass anything, like they're going to support any cuts. At least the Green party was shut out, they are basically just the NDP with an environmental hardon.

YAY for a lack of democracy.

Stephen Harper is from Alberta. He is a bush-style conservative. I'm glad his stupid plan for killing the culture in Canada cost him this election.
I dare Harper to start back his old plan of treating regular bills as confidence votes. The first time he does, they should all vote against it and then form a bloc/ndp/liberal coalition against the bastard.
YAY for a lack of democracy.

Stephen Harper is from Alberta. He is a bush-style conservative. I'm glad his stupid plan for killing the culture in Canada cost him this election.
Plan for killing culture? If I don't pay money for your art or actually even if I pay slightly less, have I killed your culture?

You are mad. Culture comes from the creativity and uniqueness of people, it's not some tangible subsidized arm of the state.
I dare Harper to start back his old plan of treating regular bills as confidence votes. The first time he does, they should all vote against it and then form a bloc/ndp/liberal coalition against the bastard.
None of the other parties will form a coalition with seperatists. The Bloc is on its own, always will be, though for all practical purposes they are basically the French NDP by their voting record anyway.

Bob Rae wants to make such a coalition (he would as a former NDP premier) but most of the other Liberals have no interest in working with Socialists. Well have to see how their coming leadership race pans out first.
None of the other parties will form a coalition with seperatists. The Bloc is on its own, always will be, though for all practical purposes they are basically the French NDP by their voting record anyway.

Bob Rae wants to make such a coalition (he would as a former NDP premier) but most of the other Liberals have no interest in working with Socialists. Well have to see how their coming leadership race pans out first.

I honestly hope Bob Rae doesn't win the leadership contest. He did a horrible job in Ontario. If he's elected leader, it will kill them there, and Ontario is where they need to make gains.

But if Stephen Harper does continue his strategy of making normal bill confidence votes in order to play chicken with the Liberals and force them to abstain, I can't see this governemnt going on long. The Liberals will get fed up and vote against it, and go into coalition with the NDP with the support of the Bloc (sorry I mispoke before and said "coalition with the Bloc", which would of course be impossible), rather than calling another election. I hope Harper sees what a weak position he really is in and doesn't pull that shit again.

As much as the Liberals disagree with the NDP they disagree with the Conservatives more. The Conservatives simply aren't moderates. The Progressive Conservatives were moderates, but the Conservatives are an entirely different beast. Even if Stephen Harper isn't going right out and saying it he salivates when he sees what's going on in the US.
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