Canadian gibbers in Spanish during clown car "debate"

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Cruz blasted Rubio for going on Univision and telling its Spanish-speaking audience that he wouldn't get rid of Obama's executive action on immigration on day No. 1 of a Rubio administration.

'Well, first of all, I don't know how he knows what I said on Univision since he doesn't speak Spanish,' Rubio said.

Cruz replied by yelling Spanish words loudly into his microphone.
Cruz emigrated from Canada. He is an immigrant.

Some think he emigrated illegally by overstaying his visa.

Not when he was born a U.S. citizen.

Are you saying he overstayed? Wait, you won't take a side on an issue. You can't be trusted which makes you worthless.
Cruz emigrated from Canada. He is an immigrant.

Some think he emigrated illegally by overstaying his visa.

Not when he was born a U.S. citizen.

Are you saying he overstayed? Wait, you won't take a side on an issue. You can't be trusted which makes you worthless.

I predict you make some smartass, out of context, comment and I'll remain 100% correct on my predictions about you.
In my opinion, if we allow those who are here illegally to be put on a path to citizenship, that is incredibly unfair to those who follow the rules,” Cruz has said.

And the example he frequently points to is his father, 74-year-old Rafael Bienvenido Cruz.

“I came to this country legally,” Cruz’s father says. “I came here with a legal visa, and … every step of the way, I have been here legally.”

In an interview near his home outside Dallas, the elder Cruz says that as a teenager, he fought alongside Fidel Castro’s forces to overthrow Cuba’s U.S.-backed dictator, Fulgencio Batista. He was caught by Batista’s forces, he says, and jailed and beaten before being released. It was 1957, and Cruz decided to get out of Cuba by applying to the University of Texas. Upon being admitted, he adds, he got a four-year student visa at the U.S. Consulate in Havana.

“Then the only other thing that I needed was an exit permit from the Batista government,” Cruz recalls. “A friend of the family, a lawyer friend of my father, basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit.”

With all due respect, Don Rafael, you did not come into this country legally. You used illegal means to come into this country. We respect your story, but please, no somos pendejos.
In my opinion, if we allow those who are here illegally to be put on a path to citizenship, that is incredibly unfair to those who follow the rules,” Cruz has said.

And the example he frequently points to is his father, 74-year-old Rafael Bienvenido Cruz.

“I came to this country legally,” Cruz’s father says. “I came here with a legal visa, and … every step of the way, I have been here legally.”

In an interview near his home outside Dallas, the elder Cruz says that as a teenager, he fought alongside Fidel Castro’s forces to overthrow Cuba’s U.S.-backed dictator, Fulgencio Batista. He was caught by Batista’s forces, he says, and jailed and beaten before being released. It was 1957, and Cruz decided to get out of Cuba by applying to the University of Texas. Upon being admitted, he adds, he got a four-year student visa at the U.S. Consulate in Havana.

“Then the only other thing that I needed was an exit permit from the Batista government,” Cruz recalls. “A friend of the family, a lawyer friend of my father, basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit.”

With all due respect, Don Rafael, you did not come into this country legally. You used illegal means to come into this country. We respect your story, but please, no somos pendejos.

So, no answer from you? Just as I predicted.
Ted’s mama, Eleanor, was an American citizen who hailed from Delaware.

His daddy, Rafael, was a citizen of Cuba who had left his native land in 1957 on a four-year student visa—just a few years after a short stint fighting alongside

The 43-year-old Texas senator is really a Canuck, born in Calgary during the region’s oil boom era.


The senator claims not to have known about his dual citizenship until he read about it in the Dallas Morning News on August 18. As Cruz explained it, his mother once told him he had to claim Canadian citizenship to have it. And why on earth would he ever do that? In reality, Canadian citizenship, like American citizenship, is automatically conferred on anyone born in the country. So Cruz had it whether he wanted it or not—and he could, in fact, have been considered a Canadian anchor baby.

No matter. Within 24 hours of the news breaking, Cruz had fired off an official statement reassuring fans: “Assuming that is true, then sure, I will renounce any Canadian citizenship. Nothing against Canada, but I’m an American by birth and as a U.S. Senator, I believe I should be only an American.”

So to recap: Like Barack Obama, only one of Cruz’s parents was an American citizen at the time of his birth.

Unlike Obama, Cruz’s birth certificate clearly shows that he was not born in the country of which he now aspires to become commander in chief.

Also unlike Obama, Cruz’s father has undisputed past ties to an aggressive, long-standing enemy of the United States government.
Ted’s mama, Eleanor, was an American citizen who hailed from Delaware.

His daddy, Rafael, was a citizen of Cuba who had left his native land in 1957 on a four-year student visa—just a few years after a short stint fighting alongside

The 43-year-old Texas senator is really a Canuck, born in Calgary during the region’s oil boom era.


The senator claims not to have known about his dual citizenship until he read about it in the Dallas Morning News on August 18. As Cruz explained it, his mother once told him he had to claim Canadian citizenship to have it. And why on earth would he ever do that? In reality, Canadian citizenship, like American citizenship, is automatically conferred on anyone born in the country. So Cruz had it whether he wanted it or not—and he could, in fact, have been considered a Canadian anchor baby.

No matter. Within 24 hours of the news breaking, Cruz had fired off an official statement reassuring fans: “Assuming that is true, then sure, I will renounce any Canadian citizenship. Nothing against Canada, but I’m an American by birth and as a U.S. Senator, I believe I should be only an American.”

So to recap: Like Barack Obama, only one of Cruz’s parents was an American citizen at the time of his birth.

Unlike Obama, Cruz’s birth certificate clearly shows that he was not born in the country of which he now aspires to become commander in chief.

Also unlike Obama, Cruz’s father has undisputed past ties to an aggressive, long-standing enemy of the United States government.

Cruz was born a citizen. Don't like it, tough shit.

Why don't you say who you support for President and clear things up for all of us. Do you have the guts or will you continue to be a pussy? I know what I predict.

Cruz is the Pied Piper of the Tea Party movement, the ones who were peddling the narrative of Obama as a mongrel Manchurian Candidate.

Certainly those people will want to see Cruz's proof of citizenship as well. Did his mother live in the United States for at least 10 years — with at least five of them coming after her 14th birthday — as required by US law at the time of her son's birth?

Cruz is the Pied Piper of the Tea Party movement, the ones who were peddling the narrative of Obama as a mongrel Manchurian Candidate.

Certainly those people will want to see Cruz's proof of citizenship as well. Did his mother live in the United States for at least 10 years — with at least five of them coming after her 14th birthday — as required by US law at the time of her son's birth?

I'm still 100% correct on my predictions about you. I said you wouldn't say who YOU support and you didn't. Guess we'll go with you being a pussy.
Cruz’s claim to natural-born status is based on his mother, because his Cuban-born father did become a Canadian citizen, and was only naturalized as an American citizen in 2005.

Rafael Cruz came to the United States on a student visa, and kept his Cuban citizenship until he became a Canadian citizen.

It is a historical fact (and a fact of law) that mothers did not possess the same right fathers did to grant their children American citizenship when the child was born outside of the United States. This is important.

This is the dilemma the lawyer and presidential hopeful Rafael “Ted” Cruz faces. The American founders clearly intended “natural born” to mean born within the United States; and they only granted the exception to citizens naturalized at the time of the Constitution’s framing, because these men could be presumed to have proven their loyalty by consciously choosing to side with the Patriot cause in 1775-1783.

The wording of Article II on presidential qualifications explicitly divides the population into two eligible groups: those natural born and those naturalized before 1787.

The fact that it is his mother, not his father, who is American-born strikes an inescapable historical chord. Nor should it be omitted that the “birthers” who attacked President Obama’s eligibility were keen on believing that his mother’s nationality carried less weight than his father’s African blood and Kenyan birth.

John McCain’s standing rested on a different set of facts. He was born on a military base outside the United States, and both of his parents were U.S. citizens. There was little argument.

The founders did restrict the presidency to natural born citizens alone. In their parlance, American identity was rooted in an allegiance to the soil that came from a prolonged residency and manners instilled from birth; if born outside the United States, status and eligibility came from a patrilineal inheritance passed from a loyal father to his legitimate child. Even under current law, the right of a child to inherit citizenship from one parent cannot be passed onto his or her descendants. It is a right contingent on the child returning and claiming that right by resettling in the U.S.

Ted Cruz’s status is further complicated by his dual citizenship. He acquired Canadian citizenship at birth, and only recently renounced it. Can a person be “natural born” in two nations? Which “natural born” identity trumps the other?

Cruz’s claim to being a “natural born” U.S. citizen is a legal fiction, of course, because his real identity as a child was a mixture of a Cuban-born naturalized Canadian father and an American mother.

He remained a natural born Canadian even after he moved to the United States, and he only substantiated his claim to American status when he took legal steps to declare his citizenship–for example, when he acquired a passport and voted.

He became an American citizen retroactively; his actions did not erase the equally powerful presumptive claim of his Canadian nationality. If Cruz’s parents had remained in Canada, and his mother had become a Canadian citizen, Ted Cruz no doubt would have become a Canadian citizen.