Canadian govt to pastor: Criticizing homosexuality now banned


New member
Canada apparently doesn't have a First Amendment, keeping government from interfering with people's religion or their freedom of speech.

And our 1st amendment is fading fast. We're not too far from doing this ourselves (govt telling priests and others what they can and can't say), with laws banning "discrimination" (that means choosing) based on sexual orientation, laws banning ads criticizing politicians near elections, high government officials trying to make global warming and other junk science a matter of policy and law, etc.


Government to pastor: Renounce your faith!

Now banned from expressing moral opposition to homosexuality

Posted: June 09, 2008
10:00 pm Eastern

A Canadian human rights tribunal ordered a Christian pastor to renounce his faith and never again express moral opposition to homosexuality, according to a new report.

In a decision dated May 30 in the penalty phase of the quasi-judicial proceedings run by the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal, evangelical pastor Stephen Boisson was banned from expressing his biblical perspective of homosexuality and ordered to pay $5,000 for "damages for pain and suffering" as well as apologize to the activist who complained of being hurt.

According to a report from Pete Vere at the Catholic Exchange, the penalty could foreshadow the possible fate of the Rev. Alphonse de Valk, who also cited the biblical perspective on homosexuality in the nation's debate over same-sex "marriage" and now faces HRC charges.

Boisson wrote a letter to the editor of his local Red Deer, Alberta, newspaper in 2002 denouncing the advance of homosexual activism as "wicked" and stating: "Children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights."
We in the USA don't tell them what they can say, but they can lose their tax exempt status if they espouse politics from the pulpit.
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Little Nut,

You whored yourself to Bush and Co., worshipped them, and defended them against every allegation thrown at them for eight years, even as they lied us into war, and killed upwards of a million people.

And you want me to take your complaints seriously about this?
It's not "criticising", that sounds so twee. It was about "hate speech".

Sorry to fuck up your propaganda with facts Acorn. If it was BC I wouldn't have checked, but Alberta??? Alberta aka Tx on the 49th??
It's not "criticising", that sounds so twee. It was about "hate speech".

Sorry to fuck up your propaganda with facts Acorn. If it was BC I wouldn't have checked, but Alberta??? Alberta aka Tx on the 49th??

Alberta is the bad apple of Canada....

The only conservative province in Canada...alot like Texas...good call Diuretic...

Its where our dumbass Prime Minister is from too...
