Canadians are "SICK" Of Their Single Payer Healthcare System


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Most Canadians expect the health-care system to fail them when they need it most, suggests a new Nanos poll exclusive to Postmedia Network.

And who can blame them? say many health-care advocates in Southwestern Ontario.

“People are frustrated. The health-care system is beyond failing. It has failed,” said Michelle Gatt, a seniors advocate in London.

“We used to be seen as a leader in health care in the world. Now, we can’t even make the top 10.”

Canada’s health care is like an old bicycle that’s been broken for years, said Kelly Meloche, a Windsor businessperson who helps Canadians get health care across the border.

“We just keep trying to ride the broken bike,” she said. “It’s grim.”

Nearly three-quarters of Canadians don’t think they or their loved ones will receive the “comfort and support” they want and expect when facing a life-threatening illness or death, the poll commissioned by think-tank Cardus found.

The poll findings show the need for most Canadians to think of an end-of-life plan before they’re forced to and when it may be too late, said Ray Pennings, executive vice-president of Cardus.

“Lots of worthwhile things are being done, but we are still in a situation where 75% of Canadians are saying they want to die at home, surrounded by their natural caregiver, and 70% end up dying in hospital,” said Pennings, due to release a related report on end-of-life care Wednesday.

The issue of end-of-life care will only become greater as more baby boomers get older, Pennings said.

Canada simply didn’t prepare for that wave of seniors, said Gatt, whose business, Seniors Access, helps families seeking care for their elderly relatives.

“We’ve sat back and thought of health care in terms of four-year (political) terms instead of a long-term vision. There’s a lack of planning and cohesive policy.”

Canadians spend about $215 billion a year on health care, the lion’s share of that through governments and the rest out of out their pockets or through private sources such as health insurance, the Canadian Institute for Health Information reports.

But as Canadians face an increasingly patchwork system, with bandages slapped on each new problem, they’re also getting smarter about the options across the border in the U.S., Gatt said.

Although her company, International Health Care Providers, makes money sending Canadians across the border for faster service, Meloche said it’s unfortunate how far Canadian health care has fallen.

“We’re not providing health care based on the five pillars of the Canadian health-care system (public, comprehensive, universal, portable and accessible),” Meloche said. “We have excellent physicians, but what is not working is that you have to wait three years to see that physician.”

When patients do get help, they’re seeing cuts to service that come from zero budget increases and rising costs, said James Murray, a registered nurse and president of Local 100 of the Ontario Nurses’ Association, representing 3,600 nurses in London.

“It could be a meal we once gave to a patient on dialysis, but we don’t do that anymore. Or a blood test that used to be routine, but now we don’t do,” Murray said.