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All across this country people are losing jobs for daring to say negative shit about Trump. MSNBC refused to allow Morning Joe to air Monday for fear of them saying something negative about this cowardly maniac, Trump. One can only imagine should he win this Nov. how much freedom of speech we will be allowed.

Bellarmine University instructor suspended over 'offensive' social media post no longer an employee​

a woman at homedepot fired

Americans need to wake up, MAGA and our courts are slowing turning this country into a communistic regime.
Yep! I cannot believe MSNBC did not allow Morning Joe to air Monday.

And we had to watch those NBC people interview all of the TRUMPTARDS crying about the TRUMPTARDS that got shot.

I couldn't help but thinking, I bet not a one of these Trumptards crying on the air about the Trumptards getting shot, ever showed one bit of sympathy for any of the 1,000's of school children victims over the years- that were shot for just going to school- and not at some hillbilly ASS-KISSING SHIT SHOW TRUMP RALLY!
Trust me, If HOMO DEPOT fired them, at least now they can go and get decent better paying jobs!

Home Depot is one of the absolute worst places to work in America.

Probably the best thing that ever happened to them.
All across this country people are losing jobs for daring to say negative shit about Trump. MSNBC refused to allow Morning Joe to air Monday for fear of them saying something negative about this cowardly maniac, Trump. One can only imagine should he win this Nov. how much freedom of speech we will be allowed.

Bellarmine University instructor suspended over 'offensive' social media post no longer an employee​

a woman at homedepot fired

Americans need to wake up, MAGA and our courts are slowing turning this country into a communistic regime.
Yep. Home Depot would have been utterly stupid not to. I hope she gets a visit from the FBI and Secret Service.
All across this country people are losing jobs for daring to say negative shit about Trump. MSNBC refused to allow Morning Joe to air Monday for fear of them saying something negative about this cowardly maniac, Trump. One can only imagine should he win this Nov. how much freedom of speech we will be allowed.

Bellarmine University instructor suspended over 'offensive' social media post no longer an employee​

a woman at homedepot fired

Americans need to wake up, MAGA and our courts are slowing turning this country into a communistic regime.
What is it the global cancel culture cancels every generation gap forward regardless the social narrative believed by the society at large?

there is only one core idea every reality prohibits being discussed in any debate life isn't self evident and factually nobody can prove it always has been within every society yesterday or today.
Way to jump up and proclaim yourselves as total assholes.
The best defense is to accuse the other side of what you yourself are guilty of.
This, backed by the MSM and Big Tech has worked for the DemonRats over and over again. Play it again Sam.
The best defense is to accuse the other side of what you yourself are guilty of.
This, backed by the MSM and Big Tech has worked for the DemonRats over and over again. Play it again Sam.
I’ve seen Trump do that a lot. Almost everything he accuses others of doing is merely a confession.
All across this country people are losing jobs for daring to say negative shit about Trump. MSNBC refused to allow Morning Joe to air Monday for fear of them saying something negative about this cowardly maniac, Trump. One can only imagine should he win this Nov. how much freedom of speech we will be allowed.

Bellarmine University instructor suspended over 'offensive' social media post no longer an employee​

a woman at homedepot fired

Americans need to wake up, MAGA and our courts are slowing turning this country into a communistic regime.
Freedom of speech is not freedom from responsibility. The first amendment is to protect speech from govt sanctions not individuals or businesses. But i dont expect a drooling leftist like you to understand that