Candidate From Hell: Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Suicidal Act


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Donald Trump is all too literally the candidate from hell and, yes, he’s threatening to take the United States and the world to — no place else! — hell and back. He’s the greatest danger to this planet imaginable. And I’m not even thinking about what else he’d do, were he to win election 2024 and return to the Oval Office, having reassured his religious voters that, should they opt for him this November, they’ll never have to do so again. (“Get out and vote, just this time… You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”)

Forget all of that, including the racism, the madness, the urge to transform this country into the all-American equivalent of an autocracy. Forget every last bit of it — even if, yes, that’s one hell of a lot to forget! Instead, focus on just one thing: Donald Trump and his crew, including that gem J.D. Vance, who attacked what he called “the Green New Scam” at the Republican convention, are determined to fossil-fuelize our future in a fashion never before seen, not at least under these circumstances.

And unfortunately, Donald Trump is anything but alone. (Do you hear me, Vladimir Putin?) In fact, according to a recent Guardian report, almost one-quarter of this country’s congressional representatives (100 members of the House and 23 senators) deny the very existence of climate change — and be shocked, very shocked, but every last one of them is a Republican! In what now passes for the mainstream, The Donald and his vice-presidential buddy, the very opposite of “cat ladies,” are extreme but all too common examples of the urge to heat this planet to the boiling point or beyond. Admittedly, the competition is fierce. After all, whatever steps President Joe Biden took in relation to climate change — and he did take them and they will make a difference — American oil production and oil and natural gas exports all set staggering new global records during his term in office.

Still, there’s no question about one thing: Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and crew are determined to fully reject that Green New Scam (as Republicans now love to call it), which means the two of them are intent on making you, me, and everyone else on this planet sweat, sweat, sweat. I say that given the fact that, only recently, humanity experienced the hottest day ever recorded and the very next day set an even more feverish daily global record. And that, mind you, was after 13 straight months each of which (including two Junes) set new heat records for human history (and probably far beyond it), and all of that, in turn (if you don’t mind the longest, hottest sentence imaginable), came after 2023 set a global record as the hottest year ever — and count on this: I’m undoubtedly leaving all sorts of things out.

Yikes, I’m already sweating!

A Green New Scam President?

Given the recent withdrawal of 81-year-old Joe Biden from the presidential race, 78-year-old Donald Trump is now the oldest American presidential candidate ever (yes, ever!), so why should he give a damn about how hot our future could become? Admittedly, there are his kids and grandkids to consider, but it’s not clear that, even when it comes to them (and despite his recent family-ization of the Republican convention), he gives a damn about anyone other than… yes, Donald Trump. Based on the last few years of him, I doubt it. In the most literal sense possible, as far as he’s concerned, he’s always the man of the moment. Any moment. And if the moment isn’t his, then to hell with it and everything else!

And believe me, under the circumstances, I’m not just using “hell” figuratively.

After all, this planet and this country are both growing hotter all too quickly. This was already one hell of a summer in the United States. State after state, city after city simply broiled, while records were regularly set across the globe. (Hey, Las Vegas hit a new city high of 120 degrees Fahrenheit in July and, in breaking local heat records, it was anything but atypical.) After all, June, as I mentioned, was the 13th straight hottest month of its kind ever. And while later in the summer, we might get a slight break from such record-setting temperatures, the future looks all too grim. While you’re at it, consider yourself lucky that you don’t live in someplace like Dubai, where on one recent anything-but-atypical July day the temperature hit 113 and the heat index 144. In fact, the Washington Post now suggests that the Persian Gulf region may be the “most likely to regularly exceed life-threatening heat thresholds during the next 30 to 50 years.”

Of course, only this summer, Donald Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, where the temperature hit… go ahead, just for hell of it, take a guess!

Yes, 113 degrees! Eleven of his listeners were treated right there for heat exhaustion on “stretchers hooked to IV bags,” while The Donald continued to “rail against wind turbines and electric vehicles.” And mind you, unlike the acts of the assassin whose bullet hit Trump’s ear at that rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the former president’s statements in Arizona blasting any efforts to deal with this overheating globe of ours weren’t considered acts of violence.

Which candidate wants to control the price of consumer goods and punish any company that won't sell them at government dictated prices? You know, like Maduro does in Venezuela...
After all the lies told and used to abuse us about COVID I am trusting nothing I am told by experts about so-called climate change.

Also, people who if they are telling the truth showed zero competence at managing a pandemic can not remotely be expected to know how to manage the planets weather.
Which candidate wants to control the price of consumer goods and punish any company that won't sell them at government dictated prices? You know, like Maduro does in Venezuela...
You do not know that unfettered capitalism destroys the worker's power. Capitalism to be good for the country, not just the top 1 percent ,requires serious regulation. Now we are in an oligopoly. Almost every industry is controlled by a few powerful corporations whose belief is " all the traffic will bear". Corporations banding together maximize prices, slash innovation and nearly eliminate service. That is where we are today.
Corporations are the government.
Do you wonder why all the gas stations have nearly identical prices? How about cable and phones? Do you notice grocery stores are buying each other out? They do not compete anymore. They carve up the markets.
That is a huge factor in inflation.
You do not know that unfettered capitalism destroys the worker's power. Capitalism to be good for the country, not just the top 1 percent ,requires serious regulation. Now we are in an oligopoly. Almost every industry is controlled by a few powerful corporations whose belief is " all the traffic will bear". Corporations banding together maximize prices, slash innovation and nearly eliminate service. That is where we are today.
Corporations are the government.
Do you wonder why all the gas stations have nearly identical prices? How about cable and phones? Do you notice grocery stores are buying each other out? They do not compete anymore. They carve up the markets.

No, I haven't noticed that. Gas stations here vary by both location and brand. The name brands tend to be about a nickel a gallon higher than the convenience store brands. Grocery stores that sell gasoline also (like Kroger) offer you discount points against your grocery buying up to $1 a gallon. AM/PM (ARCO) is about a nickel cheaper because they have their own refinery in California.
It also varies by location. Near the edges of cities on interstates the price is higher. Rural towns have higher prices due to lower volume. In the Phoenix metro area, gas prices vary by city and how affluent the area is. More high-end housing and rich people the price goes up as much as .10 a gallon.

Then there's Southern Arizona vs. central and northern. S. Arizona gets their gas via pipeline from Texas while the rest of the state gets it via a pipeline from California. S. Arizona gas prices are consistently .10 to .15 cheaper per gallon than the rest of the state for that reason. That is, California's onerous and draconian environmental laws and high taxes raise the price of gasoline from refineries there.

Quartzite AZ vs. Blythe CA, cities on either side of the Arizona - California border have gas prices almost $1 a gallon different. The only difference is what state those cities, like 20 miles apart, are in.

Groceries are the same way. There are differences between chains. The upscale market here, exemplified by AJ's Fine Foods (owned by Basha's), is pricey but only found in upscale and wealthy areas. Basha's low end market is Food City. Limited choices on products and lower prices. Fry's (Kroger) like most chain groceries now has a discount program. One benefit of the Fry's program is you get discounts buying their gas or at a Circle K that is also allowing that program.

That is a huge factor in inflation.

No, it isn't. The huge factor in inflation is energy prices. Then toss in fertilizer prices since that's primarily made from natural gas / oil too. Toss in idiotic regulations like California requiring all pork producers to "humanely" pin their livestock.