Capitalism Vs Socialism.


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True capitalism does not bail out banks or any corporations or anybody else with taxpayer’s money. True capitalism does not allow lobbyist and special interest write special legislation for government to pass by law onto the people’s backs, true capitalism supports constitutional law that punishes such bribery and back room unconstitutional interactions between politicians and special interest. True capitalism supports the only corrective and fair positive and negative consequences of free market forces. Some are severe to the negative but always serve to correct negative issues of corruption and fraud most quickly as compared to government’s meddling’s and corrupt regulations usually influenced by the criminal being allegedly regulated.

True socialism is the fictitious promises that promotes the idea that a collective body of people can by some preposterous miracle can agree, and act to, a total sharing of the wealth and the duty to create it. Such preposterous pie-in-the imaginations have only promoted and constructed not lesser government of the people as it promises to eliminate, but rather always creates a greatter and greater government takeover of every aspect of collective society even to the extent of massive taxation or even fascist criminal acts against human rights even murdering societal protestors. Socialist constructs have failed and are failing everywhere in the world they’ve been instituted.

True socialism always fails, capitalism always fails when THE PEOPLE allow it to be corrupted by the bribery system inerrant in politicians and special interest.
True capitalism does not bail out banks or any corporations or anybody else with taxpayer’s money. True capitalism does not allow lobbyist and special interest write special legislation for government to pass by law onto the people’s backs, true capitalism supports constitutional law that punishes such bribery and back room unconstitutional interactions between politicians and special interest. True capitalism supports the only corrective and fair positive and negative consequences of free market forces. Some are severe to the negative but always serve to correct negative issues of corruption and fraud most quickly as compared to government’s meddling’s and corrupt regulations usually influenced by the criminal being allegedly regulated.

True socialism is the fictitious promises that promotes the idea that a collective body of people can by some preposterous miracle can agree, and act to, a total sharing of the wealth and the duty to create it. Such preposterous pie-in-the imaginations have only promoted and constructed not lesser government of the people as it promises to eliminate, but rather always creates a greatter and greater government takeover of every aspect of collective society even to the extent of massive taxation or even fascist criminal acts against human rights even murdering societal protestors. Socialist constructs have failed and are failing everywhere in the world they’ve been instituted.

True socialism always fails, capitalism always fails when THE PEOPLE allow it to be corrupted by the bribery system inerrant in politicians and special interest.

I'm glad everybody here agrees! Then why the fuck are ye voting in crooked duopoly elections for corrupt Democrats and Republicans? None are true capitalist, they're all crony crooked capitalist sucking the government bribery tit and enriching themselves with lucrative private corporate jobs when they leave the government tit and they get lifetime lucrative pensions and healthcare for slobbering the system with socialist bribery scams for the vote and lucrative riches after they've milked the taxpayers for all they can get?

"There's a sucker born every minute" (P.T. Barnum.
Isn't the silence and ignorance of both the right and left of this thread oh so telling that the right knows the Republicans aren't true capitalist, but rather crony crooked bribery neo-con RINO capitalist?

And isn't it oh so telling that the leftist silence and ignorance of this thread proves that they have no rational arguments of opposition to the blessings of true capitalism and the miseries of true socialism?
capitalism makes it so that the wealth is so concentrated that your workers cannot afford to become your customers.

socialism makes it so that that nobody does the job.

Both have inherent contradictions that make them fail without regulation.
You should really make your argument of command economies vs. market economies. All modern developed nations use elements of both capitalism and socialism. Most of these nations are market economies based primarily on Capitalism but frequently use socialism when the free market fails to provide needed goods and services. Our agricultural system is an excellent example of how we use both approaches sucessfully. The capitalist aspect of it provides greater growth, supply variety, innovation and the logistics to bring these products to market. The government subsidization of farming (socialism) protects farmers from economic boom and bust cycles and assures a steady supply of food at low cost to consumers while maintaining a healthy agricultural infrastructure.

So making your argument a false dichotomy is wrong as its not an either or mutually exclusive situation. We use both.

Now if you made your argument of the superiority of market economies vs. command economies you would be right as the failures of command economies based exclusively on socialist theory and not market theory have been utter failures.
capitalism makes it so that the wealth is so concentrated that your workers cannot afford to become your customers.

socialism makes it so that that nobody does the job.

Both have inherent contradictions that make them fail without regulation.

True capitalism is self-regulating. It only needs the individual rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the true construction of the Constitution to regulate it. Constitutional perversions/regulations created by government are the epitome of crony capitalism as they're constructed by corrupt motives instituted by those alleged as being regulated usually through bribery and usually to eliminate smaller competition as a quid-pro-quo for campaign contributions and promises of jobs when the politicians leave government tit sucking.
You should really make your argument of command economies vs. market economies. All modern developed nations use elements of both capitalism and socialism. Most of these nations are market economies based primarily on Capitalism but frequently use socialism when the free market fails to provide needed goods and services.

A truly free market never fails to to deliver goods and services where demand is keen and services are necessary. That’s the beauty of true capitalism. SUPPLY AND DEMAND are KING!

The problem with mixing socialism with capitalism is it supports and rewards the lazy and incompetent and punishes the industrious, the honest, the ambitious.

Our agricultural system is an excellent example of how we use both approaches sucessfully. The capitalist aspect of it provides greater growth, supply variety, innovation and the logistics to bring these products to market. The government subsidization of farming (socialism) protects farmers from economic boom and bust cycles and assures a steady supply of food at low cost to consumers while maintaining a healthy agricultural infrastructure.

The agricultural infrastructure, as constructed by subsidies is a perfect example of robing taxpayers to promote, encourage and support corporate farming conglomerates who don’t have to rely on farming competency for the love of other people’s money from government.

So making your argument a false dichotomy is wrong as its not an either or mutually exclusive situation. We use both.

We use both for the benefit of the well connected and bribed and to the detriment of the collective taxpayer.

Now if you made your argument of the superiority of market economies vs. command economies you would be right as the failures of command economies based exclusively on socialist theory and not market theory have been utter failures.

And the hybridized examples of crony capitalism/socialism are a performing culprit in 20 trillion $ of national debt, a failing middle class and a 1% majority of the population capturing the lions share of the national wealth.
True capitalism is self-regulating. It only needs the individual rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the true construction of the Constitution to regulate it. Constitutional perversions/regulations created by government are the epitome of crony capitalism as they're constructed by corrupt motives instituted by those alleged as being regulated usually through bribery and usually to eliminate smaller competition as a quid-pro-quo for campaign contributions and promises of jobs when the politicians leave government tit sucking.
That's funny. Unregulated Capitalism is every bit a proven failure as Communism. Capitalism simply does not work without regulation and there is no such thing as a free market in unfettered Capitalism due to trusts and monopolies.
That's funny. Unregulated Capitalism is every bit a proven failure as Communism. Capitalism simply does not work without regulation and there is no such thing as a free market in unfettered Capitalism due to trusts and monopolies.

Stick to biology. You are an idiot.

First of all where is there zero regulation in this country?

You are spouting off media matters talking points
A truly free market never fails to to deliver goods and services where demand is keen and services are necessary. That’s the beauty of true capitalism. SUPPLY AND DEMAND are KING!
There are no free markets in true capitalism. They are owned by a few monopolies.

The problem with mixing socialism with capitalism is it supports and rewards the lazy and incompetent and punishes the industrious, the honest, the ambitious.
if taken to far it does but that true of unfettered capitalism where the vast majority of wealth is controlled by those who inherit it.

The agricultural infrastructure, as constructed by subsidies is a perfect example of robing taxpayers to promote, encourage and support corporate farming conglomerates who don’t have to rely on farming competency for the love of other people’s money from government.
The majority of farmers are still small holders and subsidies preserve a strategic social interest in keeping people fed. Without that you'd have political chaos and Revolution.

We use both for the benefit of the well connected and bribed and to the detriment of the collective taxpayer.
Yeah well remember that when our country is attacked or you drive on a public road to Church today or send your kids to public school tomorrow or when your grandparents receive their SS check.

And the hybridized examples of crony capitalism/socialism are a performing culprit in 20 trillion $ of national debt, a failing middle class and a 1% majority of the population capturing the lions share of the national wealth.
yet unfettered capitalism would and does create greater income inequality and an extremely unstable economy due to its boom and bust cycles.

You should study your American history and see how many of those we have had from the Civil War up to and including the Great Depression and then explain to me why we haven't had any in the post Keynesian era?
Stick to biology. You are an idiot.

First of all where is there zero regulation in this country?

You are spouting off media matters talking points

ILA my farts have more intellect than your rants and they smell better too. I'm simply pointing out historical facts. Free markets simply don't function unless they are well regulated.
ILA my farts have more intellect than your rants and they smell better too. I'm simply pointing out historical facts. Free markets simply don't function unless they are well regulated.

Just like I said, you have your head up your ass. You admitted it. Pull it out and get some oxygen.
That's funny. Unregulated Capitalism is every bit a proven failure as Communism. Capitalism simply does not work without regulation and there is no such thing as a free market in unfettered Capitalism due to trusts and monopolies.

How would you ever know since capitalism has never been "unfettered" in western world government operations. Even the Robber Barons of the 20's violated the Constitution and should have been prosecuted therefore except that their crony capitalist government connections allowed them to overwhelm even the riches of the government. The actual FREE market place has never been a fact in western world governments, self-regulated within the confines of the actual honest text of constitutional law.

The only real examples of "unfettered" capitalism is the bartering and trading of aborigines tribes of history and I'll be interested to see your presentation of their failures.
There are no free markets in true capitalism. They are owned by a few monopolies.

Define "true capitalism" in your words.

if taken to far it does but that true of unfettered capitalism where the vast majority of wealth is controlled by those who inherit it.

Constitutional law when followed honestly by original text is the only government/citizen population agreed guaranteed contract as a rule of law necessary aside from the self-regulating genius of a true capitalist marker place needs.

The majority of farmers are still small holders and subsidies preserve a strategic social interest in keeping people fed. Without that you'd have political chaos and Revolution.

Subsidies are a disincentive in every act they get involved. Again, they stimulate incompetence and apathy, reward laziness, punish competence and ambition and there's no constitutional authority for the federal government to provide subsidies to anybody, they're highway robbery of te taxpayer's money.

A subsidy free agriculture system stimulates competence and ambition and excellence in farming. Coupled with free market trading agreements is what feeds the world the best.

Yeah well remember that when our country is attacked or you drive on a public road to Church today or send your kids to public school tomorrow or when your grandparents receive their SS check.

Public accommodations are the constitutional ;power of the States, read amendment 10 of the United States Constitution. Social interactions aside from toll roads are the purview of State government.

Public schools are best when unfettered by federal, or State government but governed by the local governments where they exist. It is proven that government closest to the taxpayer is the better government because politicians are better known and more accountable to a close constituency. Private schools and home schooling are proven better in nearly every case than public schooling.

yet unfettered capitalism would and does create greater income inequality and an extremely unstable economy due to its boom and bust cycles.

Present a historical example of "unfettered capitalism."

You should study your American history and see how many of those we have had from the Civil War up to and including the Great Depression and then explain to me why we haven't had any in the post Keynesian era?

It is highly arguable that we've NEVER had any. I'll look forward to your historical example thereof.
ILA my farts have more intellect than your rants and they smell better too. I'm simply pointing out historical facts. Free markets simply don't function unless they are well regulated.

Historical facts? Seriously? Where are these unfettered free markets you speak of! You must have a list a mile long. Link up bio boy
Pure Capitalism allows poor people to die on the streets, it is not possible in a nation with a populace that wont stand for such things.
unfettered capitalism gave us kings and queens

It has never worked in the history of mankind

only assholes lie about that history
Pure Capitalism allows poor people to die on the streets, it is not possible in a nation with a populace that wont stand for such things.

Bleeding heart Liberals unwilling to do with their own money voluntarily what they believe others should be forced to do with theirs is why people die in the streets. The government does not need to be involved in any type of social welfare. All you and the rest of the bleeding hearts have to do is, when you find a need, meet it with your own money. The only reason the government is involved is because you incorrectly believe compassion/charity can come from a mandate and you're unwilling to do what you say needs to be done on your own.
unfettered capitalism gave us kings and queens

It has never worked in the history of mankind

only assholes lie about that history

Bleeding heart Liberals gave us government mandates when it comes to social programs. All it takes is when YOU see a need is for you to meet it with your own money. You think compassion comes from a government mandate because you won't do with your own money what you believe someone else should be forced to do with theirs.