Carbon dioxide did not end the last Ice Age


Deep-sea temperatures rose 1,300 years before atmospheric CO2, ruling out the greenhouse gas as driver of meltdown, says study in Science.

From the article

"Stott is an expert in paleoclimatology and was a reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He also recently co-authored a paper in Geophysical Research Letters tracing a 900-year history of monsoon variability in India."

I found this information doing a google search with words ipcc deep sea warming in an attempt to find out what the ipcc estimates the solubility of CO2 in seawater to be (versus temps and pressure) having read that they were using an assumption of 575 years for the life of CO2 in the atmosphere although other studies had put the life at closer to 50 years.

[ame=""]403 Forbidden[/ame]

I really hope there will be a discussion of this here instead of name calling. I'll settle for at least a couple of people saying this sorta supports what I've been saying.
Honestly, if Lorax attacks me over this, it's proof Lorax is totally biased.
"I really hope there will be a discussion of this here instead of name calling" mean like, "go fuck yourself douchebag?"

We've talked about this before. One of the authors of the ice bubble study you used to post wrote extensively about it. There is no uniform, repetitive agent for warming throughout natural history. Obviously, there have been many warming trends which man had nothing to do with, because hey, we simply haven't been here.

So, go fuck yourself, douchebag.
"I really hope there will be a discussion of this here instead of name calling" mean like, "go fuck yourself douchebag?"

We've talked about this before. One of the authors of the ice bubble study you used to post wrote extensively about it. There is no uniform, repetitive agent for warming throughout natural history. Obviously, there have been many warming trends which man had nothing to do with, because hey, we simply haven't been here.

So, go fuck yourself, douchebag.

hahahha you got nothing buddy!
You probably didn't even read it asshole. And BTW, in the last thread it WAS YOU who started with the name calling. And this time you are left with absolutely nothing to say.

Settled science? LOL
Peer review? LOL

You're an idiot Lorax, and an arrogant and close minded one as well.
So what's it going to be stirfry? Global warming doesn't exist? Or that its not human causing it?

Pick one, smoke pot, calm down and take it from there.
hahahha you got nothing buddy!
You probably didn't even read it asshole. And BTW, in the last thread it WAS YOU who started with the name calling. And this time you are left with absolutely nothing to say.

Settled science? LOL
Peer review? LOL

You're an idiot Lorax, and an arrogant and close minded one as well.

I feel so bad.....I'm a old lady that is now feeling guilty by taking up all the good air from all the young people...

I never meant to kill off all your alls good earth, by my being alive..I had no idea the damage I was doing...
I used......those killer machines.........dryers, cars, dishwashers, washing machines, toilets, showers, Oh my Gawd..........I was a killer of the planet earth.....

Can you all forgive me???
I feel so bad.....I'm a old lady that is now feeling guilty by taking up all the good air from all the young people...

I never meant to kill off all your alls good earth, by my being alive..I had no idea the damage I was doing...
I used......those killer machines.........dryers, cars, dishwashers, washing machines, toilets, showers, Oh my Gawd..........I was a killer of the planet earth.....

Can you all forgive me???

No. May you die in peace.
"And BTW, in the last thread it WAS YOU who started with the name calling."

I just bumped the "go fuck yourself douchebag" thread. "Go fuck yourself douchebag" was the 1st "namecalling" on that one, and it wasn't me that said it...
Who cares? About the global warming thing, not about the all important who called names first argument.... Why do I need that as incentive to stop pooping in my own tent?

We have to live here folks. Stop crapping it up for the rest of us, you don't need to have a reason that it is saving the entire planet to stop polluting and start using resources more wisely. Just a sense of responsibility toward your own kids should do it. Or even just an urge to stop breathing polluted air and drinking polluted water.
Who cares? About the global warming thing, not about the all important who called names first argument.... Why do I need that as incentive to stop pooping in my own tent?

We have to live here folks. Stop crapping it up for the rest of us, you don't need to have a reason that it is saving the entire planet to stop polluting and start using resources more wisely. Just a sense of responsibility toward your own kids should do it. Or even just an urge to stop breathing polluted air and drinking polluted water.

The entire argument has become focused almost entirely on ideology. Environmentalism is now perceived as a "liberal" issue, so many conservatives feel the need to "oppose" it, or to at least dismiss concerns about it. I have heard Sean Hannity argue passionately about the need to burn more coal & drill more domestic land. Alternatives aren't even considered for groups like that, because they represent some sort of "liberal victory."

It has been heartening to hear some evangelical leaders essentially say f that, this is God's creation, and one of our biggest priorities should be protecting it. Certainly better than hearing Ann Coulter say God gave us the planet to rape.
The entire argument has become focused almost entirely on ideology. Environmentalism is now perceived as a "liberal" issue, so many conservatives feel the need to "oppose" it, or to at least dismiss concerns about it. I have heard Sean Hannity argue passionately about the need to burn more coal & drill more domestic land. Alternatives aren't even considered for groups like that, because they represent some sort of "liberal victory."

It has been heartening to hear some evangelical leaders essentially say f that, this is God's creation, and one of our biggest priorities should be protecting it. Certainly better than hearing Ann Coulter say God gave us the planet to rape.
It's just totally incomprehensible to me.

The need to be "right" is overwhelming every other urge in a large group of "conservatives" and "liberals". Even when I say we should implement many things to clean up our act, the "liberal" will instantly focus on whether or not I do it because of global warming. Not the end result. I've had the liberals yelling at me because I don't care about global warming, but want to clean up our emissions.

Most of us realize that polluting is bad. But for some reason this global warming thing is all-encompassing...

It's why I say what I do. There are plenty of reasons other than global warming to clean up our act, there is no need to be "right" on this one. It doesn't matter who is "right", it just matters we act more responsibly.
So what's it going to be stirfry? Global warming doesn't exist? Or that its not human causing it?

Pick one, smoke pot, calm down and take it from there.

What? I've been very clear about my position. Global warming is mostly natural. Human add very little to the overall trend.