Carlson’s Priest


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It is bad enough when Tucker Carlson gives flaming liberals talking-points face time, but he blew it big time last night when a Roman Catholic priest got face time so he could doublespeak the U.S. Constitution.


My main problem with Kevin Robinson is the way he talks about God and the R.C.Ch. as though they are inseparable. Nothing is further from the truth.

To be fair and balanced. finding any cleric that loves individual liberties in our Constitution is harder to find than a Democrat who “. . . will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . .”. Catholic priests are the worst of a bad lot:

Parenthetically, our Founders created individual liberties. Every previous government had only to prevent liberty from taking root. From the beginning the parasites that infiltrated the federal government had to eliminate existing individual Rights. Hence, the federal government’s longest running conspiracy against the American people concentrated on eliminating the Right to work for one’s self. In little more than a century the XVI Amendment abolished the Right to keep the wealth an individual earned.

The first step in the conspiracy against individual liberties was engineered by Roman Catholic priests shortly after the original Bill of Rights was ratified:

In 1813 the Roman Catholic Church shot holes in the Constitution when priests were given the confessional-privilege. In plain English, priests got the opening they needed to legitimate coerced charity incrementally. (Doctors, lawyers, journalists, and psychiatrists followed priests with similar protections codified by politicians.)

Priests have been a pestilence infecting mankind from the day money was invented; so I would take the privilege away from priests first. If anyone is dumb enough to tell priests anything they do not deserve protection.

In simple terms, a special privilege given to specific personalty types loyal to the government logically takes a Right away from everybody else.

Finally, I am pretty sure the Aussie priest heard about the Separation of Church and State, but that did not stop him from preaching on government machinery. Robinson is also smart enough to know that everything said on television is a commercial that is purchased and paid for by somebody.

NOTE: The average TV viewer is hard put separating advertising from news since at least 59 minutes out of every broadcast hour is a commercial —— 60 minutes out of every hour most of the time.

COVID-19 commercials has been television’s most lucrative advertising campaign ever run on television. The Democrat Party, and the Trump Administration, pay for every one of their coronavirus commercials with tax dollars. In just under two months, television parasites raked in hundreds of billions of advertising tax dollars selling a fraud. That is on top tax of deductible advertising revenues networks and local stations get every day selling ordinary retail products and Socialist causes of every stripe.

I am not sure how much the R.C.Ch was charged for Robinson’s 4:40 minute spot in prime time.
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COVID-19 commercials has been television’s most lucrative advertising campaign ever run on television. The Democrat Party, and the Trump Administration, pay for every one of their coronavirus commercials with tax dollars. In just under two months, television parasites raked in hundreds of billions of advertising tax dollars selling a fraud. That is on top tax of deductible advertising revenues networks and local stations get every day selling ordinary retail products and Socialist causes of every stripe.

I did not know Kira Davis before this morning, but she just won my Best Internet Article Award:

I have a confession to make. I am sick…

…of coronavirus commercials. I in no way feel comforted by them, moved by them and I’m certainly not entertained by them. At the very least they make me want to change the channel. At worst they make me want to actively boycott the products.

I don’t want to see one more damn coronavirus commercial!


I don’t want to see one more damn “hand clap” for frontline workers…hell, I don’t even want to hear the term “frontline worker” ever again.

No more “We’re all in this together”…we are decidedly not.

Kira Davis: I Don’t Want To See One More Damn Coronavirus Commercial
Posted at 6:00 pm on May 18, 2020
by Kira Davis