Carly Fiorina woos Clinton supporters for McCain


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican John McCain targeted disappointed supporters of Democrat Hillary Clinton on Saturday with high profile help from Carly Fiorina, an adviser and former Hewlett-Packard chief executive who has been called one of the most powerful women in the United States.

McCain, an Arizona senator who has wrapped up his party's White House nomination, makes no secret of his wish to attract women who backed New York Sen. Clinton's presidential bid, regularly praising her and noting their work and travel together as members of the Senate.

But the direct use of Fiorina, a top economic adviser and head of a Republican get-out-the-vote effort, reflects a belief by the McCain camp that they can secure a number of independent and Democratic Clinton supporters, some of whom say they will not back the presumptive nominee Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

Speaking at a "virtual town hall meeting" that allowed for questions by telephone from listeners across the country, Fiorina empathized with the former first lady's experience.

"Having started as a secretary and eventually become a chief-executive officer, I not only have great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton and her candidacy and her leadership, but I also have great empathy, I must tell you, for what she went through," Fiorina said.

"I also believe though, if we are striving for a gender-blind, color-blind society, that we really ought to be focused on the person that we think will make the right judgments, the right decisions and have the right positions."

That person is John McCain, she said.

Fiorina has become an increasingly visible advocate for the Arizona senator, speaking publicly about his economic positions and ripping into Obama over tax policies and Iraq.

"She usually tells me what to say," McCain quipped about Fiorina on Saturday, after telling listeners he had come up with his "reform, prosperity and peace" theme on his own during an interview.


In a sign of her growing visibility, Obama singled her out on Saturday, accusing her of mischaracterizing his tax plans.

"Carly Fiorina was on the television the other day saying Barack Obama will not cut taxes for anybody," he said in Wayne, Pennsylvania, adding his proposals would give every middle class family a $1,000 tax cut.

McCain went on to praise Clinton during his campaign event and promised to increase the number of women in government as president.

"I have, time after time, urged my party look, we have a lot of women who are more than qualified, more than capable of governing this country," he said, citing Fiorina, former eBay chief executive Meg Whitman, and former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor as role models.

"At the end of my first term, you will see a dramatic increase of women in every part of the government of my administration," he said to applause.

McCain has shown some similarities with Clinton on the campaign trail. Both support lifting a tax on gasoline this summer, and have repudiated economists for panning it.

Obama also panned it, and some observers said the proposal hurt the New York senator.

But McCain was quick to point out political differences with Clinton, saying he thought the Supreme Court decision in "Roe vs Wade" on abortion was a bad one.

Clinton has backed Obama and urged her supporters to do the same.
And if Hillary had won the nomination McCain would be out there singing the praises of Barack Obama with Armstrong Williams and J.C. Watts talking about how frustrated they know the supporters of Barack Obama are and how wrong on all the issues Hillary Clinton is. Are people really this stupid to believe he would do any different? He only cares about getting her supporters votes and then he will govern in a way that is the complete opposite of ALL the reasons Hillary's supporters supported her.
Not all Black Americans feel obligated to vote along racial lines, do they?

Use your psychic powers...

What would you think of whites who said they were voting for a white candidate because the challenger was African-American, Latino, or Asian?

Getting back on point, this is why McCain is such a strategic candidate. Anyone who had the time to check out that campaign strategy video I linked on a couple of threads has seen the exact numbers, but he way outperforms the Generic Republican candidate and was poised to pick up angry voters from either camp. While a handful of registered R's will be pulling for Obama, more than twice that many Dems say they will be voting for McCain. You can blame it on the "maverick" label the media put on him over the past decade, but whatever it is, it is still working for him, despite what that idiot Rush Limbaugh has been saying lately about the merits of a perceived "maverick."
It's racist to oppose President Obama, isn't it?

Dude, you are a horrible Rebulican ambassador. As a matter of fact you suck sir. As an example lets take a Democratic homer like uscitizen, you are half as bad as he is and he is the worse ever.

Be cool partna.
Dude, you are a horrible Rebulican ambassador. As a matter of fact you suck sir. As an example lets take a Democratic homer like uscitizen, you are half as bad as he is and he is the worse ever.

Be cool partna.

Caw is always drunk whenever he starts calling people sir.
Caw is always drunk whenever he starts calling people sir.

Hey Water, I would call you out except you nailed me on the head. F*ck Sir! Next thing I know I'm going to offer to pay for your schooling next year.

However in the meantime, please do not call me out anymore!!!