Carter's second term?

"Obama's campaign has been extraordinary and titillating for me".

"I told him I hoped it would die down....the charged atmosphere concerning the race issue, and I think it will".

Jimmy Earl Carter, Democrat

"While the connection between ex-president Jimmy Carter and (President)Barack Obama might seem far fetched, there are enough relevant links to merit that some attention be given to them".
I am waiting for him to call me a closet Republican cause I did not make the argument that Bush is really Satan/the Anti-Christ.

That wouldn't be enough. You're obviously a closet republican if you ever, under any circumstances, in any way, criticize a democrat, even if said democrat died 80 years ago.

And if you observe a Clinton failure, it is a flagrant and wholehearted endorsement of Bush and everything he's done.
Obama, we were warned about gasoline. You ignored it!!!


so did the voters and other politicians - it was not immediate enough to filter in to most voters consciousness until it was too late

bushco has spent the money and the more we borrow the less the dollar is worth and the more oil/gas costs
Bushco also faought CAFE standards tooth and nail. Yes they finally did pass a watered down too little too late version. If it had been passed much earlier the US auto industry would now be selling cars we wanted to buy.
if you spend the money for imported oil on new domestic oil you'd have a couple hundred thousand jobs paying over $100,000 and way lower trade defecit which would boost the shit out of the dollar.
Class dissmissed.