"Carthage must be destroyed"

Alik Bahshi

Verified User
Alik Bakhshi

"Carthage must be destroyed"


Looks like Europe is finally waking up. Following Biden, politicians appeared in Europe not only condemning Russia's aggression against Ukraine, but also providing real military assistance. Thus, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss called for the start of deliveries to Kyiv of all types of heavy weapons, including tanks, long-range artillery, aircraft, air defense systems, without which it is difficult for the heroic Ukrainian people to resist the cruel invader. According to Ms. Truss, Europe has no right to allow Putin the opportunity to defeat Ukraine, because otherwise the whole of Europe will suffer incredible suffering. I believe that the consequences will first of all be terrible for all the former colonies of the Russian Empire, which the revanchist Putin intended to restore within the borders of the USSR. There is no doubt that Putin has the full support of the Russian people with their relic imperial worldview, combined with the Great Russian chauvinism pointed out by Stalin and which was not difficult to awaken by the propaganda campaign launched against the Ukrainian people. With the war in Chechnya, Putin only opened the floodgates to Great Russian chauvinism, the waves of which carried him to power. Putin uses what has always been and emerged from the depths of the people's consciousness at the moment when the empire began to crumble like a house of cards. So Stalin, and he was well versed in the people's mentality, was a hundred times right when talking about Great Russian chauvinism. The Russian Empire and chauvinism, the ideological and spiritual core of the Russian people, are inseparable concepts. The fascist ideology was imposed on the German people by Hitler and his party. Modern Germany, free from fascist ideology, is a democratic, economically powerful country. Take away the empire from the Russian people and, unlike the German people, they will be lost in a democracy. Putin's slogan "Back to the Empire", to be honest, is welcomed by the Russian people, who are ready to sacrifice their well-being for its implementation, albeit to a certain limit.(1)
In fact, today the people of Ukraine are fighting not only for their future as a people, but also for Democracy on a global scale, which is the worst enemy for Putin's Russia and the Russian people because (things must be called by their proper names) the Russian people cannot exist in a democracy .(2) Russia has always been an empire, it remains a prison of nations to this day. Empire and Democracy, which never existed in Russia, are incompatible things.(3) The mentality of the Russian people does not accept Democracy, which provides for the active participation of the people in public political and economic activities in conditions of freedom. There are no options here, either the king and the empire, or .... By the way, this is one of the reasons for the Russian attack. Putin in no way can allow the neighboring people, freed from the Russians, to live better in conditions. So to speak, the mentality affected. If someone's neighbor's success causes a desire to achieve it, then the Russian's cause envy and an irresistible desire to destroy the neighbor's well-being.
Putin, having attacked Ukraine along the entire perimeter of the common border, including Belarus, hoped to take Kyiv literally in a matter of days, forcing the central government to leave the capital, which would cause general panic and end the war with a quick victory. However, it was in the Kiev direction that the Russian troops suffered a severe defeat, which was a big surprise for both Putin and Western politicians. The Ukrainian people have shown that they are ready to fight the invaders, despite the superiority of the enemy in arms. Undoubtedly, the motivation of the Ukrainian soldier, who was ready to give his life for the Motherland, played a huge role. Forced to flee, Russian soldiers left terrible evidence of atrocities against the civilian population. It is difficult to name the soldiers of the Russian army capable of doing such a thing. They, like the supreme commander who sent them to fight, did not expect that they would have to retreat and provide traces of their crimes to the world community. The world has seen what a Russian soldier is like and what Mankind expects if Russia is not stopped.
Liz Truss, as a worthy compatriot of the “iron” Margaret Thatcher, warned of the need to deprive President Putin of the opportunity to declare his victory in Ukraine and use this war as a catalyst for establishing a new world order. "If Putin succeeds, there will be enormous suffering for the whole of Europe and terrible consequences for the whole world. We will never feel safe again." Unlike cautious Western politicians, Truss was bold in her parting words to the West: "Ukraine's victory is a strategic imperative for the entire West"
It should be noted that Great Britain is known for its strong politicians, for example, Winston Churchill, who foresaw post-war difficulties for Western democracy. If President Roosevelt at one time had listened to the words of Churchill, and not followed Stalin's lead, then the world could have avoided those tragic consequences in which he found himself as a result of the Second World War. I hope that this time Liz Truss will be heard and the West will not hesitate to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine.
If the entire territory of Ukraine is subjected to missile attacks from Russia with impunity, then Ukraine, in response, in the presence of missiles provided to it by the West, has every right to strike deep into Russia. For example, to smash the strategically important Crimean bridge, through which the Crimean group is being supplied, or to strike at Moscow as revenge for Kyiv and Mariupol. The world must get rid of the Monster from the era of lizards that has survived to this day in the person of the Russian Empire.
In the words of Senator Cato, "Carthage must be destroyed." (4)

1. Back to the empire, or the restoration of historical justice according to Putin. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/22792.html
2. People's fate or each cricket has its own hearth. http://www.proza.ru/2008/03/22/639
3. Empire democracy is contraindicated. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/23826.html
4. How to strangle a reptile. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/22003.html



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Full support of Russians? When Putin went in many Russians of military age fled. Those who were critical of their war-mongering king also fled. Putin is jailing anyone who criticized the war. The people say nothing because the gulag awaits.