Catastrophe: Time to Take Back the Country


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Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, authors of Catastrophe, take a hard look at what they call America's free fall and why they believe that Obama is transforming America into a socialist state.

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Since the Dems hold a majority in both houses and have the whitehouse, are you suggesting an armed revolt?
Conservatives are using revolutionary rhetoric today like the Anarchists of the late early 20th century did. I think conservatives are the modern utopic socialists - and they need to be crushed just like them.
Conservatives are using revolutionary rhetoric today like the Anarchists of the late early 20th century did. I think conservatives are the modern utopic socialists - and they need to be crushed just like them.

Dude, enough already. We get it. You're some 'Super Commie' or whatever it is you think might be amusing to portray. We all know you're not that serious and it's gettin old.
Dude, enough already. We get it. You're some 'Super Commie' or whatever it is you think might be amusing to portray. We all know you're not that serious and it's gettin old.

watermark is orgasmic over the thought of 8 million dead conservatives/libertarians.
Watermark is a troll and not worth paying much attention too. If conservatives/ libertarians ever did revolt it would not result in many of their deaths, but the deaths of many liberals who gave up their guns. :cof1:
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, authors of Catastrophe, take a hard look at what they call America's free fall and why they believe that Obama is transforming America into a socialist state.

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Interesting article. A couple of points.

First, the health care system. It is not being destroyed. It is being improved. There is not ONE country that changed from a "pay or suffer" system to a universal system and then reverted. Not ONE country out of dozens. Big countries, small countries, rich countries, poor countries, capitalist countries, communist countries.....not ONE country went back to the archaic, barbaric "pay or suffer" system. The preferred system is evident.

Second, nationalizing banks. Why not? The government insures everyone's deposits through the FDIC. When a person deposits money in a bank they are loaning that bank their money and banks being privately owned means the government is vouching for the owners of the bank. In effect, the government is co-signing for the bank. If the bank can't pay you the money you loaned it the government will.

Then we have people who say the government should not interfere with the banks. How many people would co-sign for a loan and not demand to know what the loan was going to be used for?

For example, one may co-sign for a new car for their son/daughter. How many parents would co-sign for a $15,000 loan if their son/daughter said, "I'm not sure what I'll do with the money and I don't feel you should ask me."

Conservatives are using revolutionary rhetoric today like the Anarchists of the late early 20th century did. I think conservatives are the modern utopic socialists - and they need to be crushed just like them.

did you read what else Prick Morris claims President Obama has done?

Lifted this straight from the link provided by word: "Has repealed the Declaration of Independence and put us under a worldwide, European dominated financial regulatory system."

Anybody hear about this happening yet or is this book just more of the same name calling and hateful smears that the "family values" Right always seems to resort to?
Interesting article. A couple of points.

First, the health care system. It is not being destroyed. It is being improved. There is not ONE country that changed from a "pay or suffer" system to a universal system and then reverted. Not ONE country out of dozens. Big countries, small countries, rich countries, poor countries, capitalist countries, communist countries.....not ONE country went back to the archaic, barbaric "pay or suffer" system. The preferred system is evident.

Second, nationalizing banks. Why not? The government insures everyone's deposits through the FDIC. When a person deposits money in a bank they are loaning that bank their money and banks being privately owned means the government is vouching for the owners of the bank. In effect, the government is co-signing for the bank. If the bank can't pay you the money you loaned it the government will.

Then we have people who say the government should not interfere with the banks. How many people would co-sign for a loan and not demand to know what the loan was going to be used for?

For example, one may co-sign for a new car for their son/daughter. How many parents would co-sign for a $15,000 loan if their son/daughter said, "I'm not sure what I'll do with the money and I don't feel you should ask me."


All your arguments are a simplistic bromide of spurious thinking, false choices, and idiocy.
How could you even do that? The declaration of independence isn't a law.

I'm assuming they are referring to our separating from Britain. Most people do treat that as an official, legal act as passed by Congress. Otherwise people would date the Founding of this country to 1777 when the Articles were passed by Congress, 1781 when they were ratified by the states, 1783 when the Paris Peace Conference took place, or to a date involving the US Constitution. I usually go with March 4, 1789, when Washington and the 1st Congress took office under the Constitution, but I'm not most people...
did you read what else Prick Morris claims President Obama has done?

Lifted this straight from the link provided by word: "Has repealed the Declaration of Independence and put us under a worldwide, European dominated financial regulatory system."

Anybody hear about this happening yet or is this book just more of the same name calling and hateful smears that the "family values" Right always seems to resort to?

Obama believes the United States sovereignty should be abandoned. This is true.
the shit is getting ready to hit the fan...the people are pissed...

they are seeing the Hugo Obama and the people he has put in his administration for what they are...radical Progressives-Commies
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The ironic thing here is that in spite of all his shortcomings it is this sort of insane bullshit coming from the right that will assure Obama's reelection.
speaking out against the Dear Leader Hugo Obama is now called, insane bullshit...but remember when done during a Republican Presidency it's called, patriotic dissent...

but lets remember the Shrill...:cof1: