Catholic parish bulletin says Democratic voters are doomed to hell, Clinton is satan


This church is an absolute disgrace. :mad:

Between requests for prayers for the sick and a notice for an upcoming chastity luncheon, a newsletter from a Catholic church in Old Town that doubles as an election-day polling site included a flier that told parishioners they’ll go to hell if they vote for Democrats. Two Sundays later, the message had changed: Satan was working through former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Oct. 16 bulletin from the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church was stuffed with a flyer written in both English and Spanish that cited five legislative policies — support for abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, human cloning, and embryonic stem cell research — that will doom a politician and their supporters to eternal damnation.

“It is a mortal sin to vote Democrat … immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell,” the flyer said. It cited the five public policy issues from the “Voters Guide for Serious Catholics” and said that Democrats violate each of them, while Republicans cross none.

The political messages continued as early voting began and the election drew closer. An article in the Oct. 30 the church bulletin claimed that Clinton is influenced by Satan.

...Legal experts said that flier and bulletin run afoul of IRS regulations that prohibit nonprofit organizations, including churches, from backing or opposing political campaigns as a condition of receiving a tax-free status.

“This is absolutely blatant. I would use that word. It is a blatant violation on the ban on campaign activity,” said Richard Schmalbeck, a law professor at Duke University who specializes in nonprofit regulations. “It’s among the worst. Really, when you’re threatening eternal damnation, there really aren’t bigger guns than that.”
Calm down keep reading: "The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego on Wednesday said the messages in the flier and bulletin do not reflect Catholic teaching or diocese policies, are inappropriate, and that voters should use their conscience to determine which candidates to support.

“It’s not a mortal sin to vote for Democrats, number one. And number two, the church doesn’t take positions on this, and we’re not going to,” diocese spokesman Kevin Eckery said.

In a speech Tuesday at the Center for Catholic Thought and Culture at the University of San Diego, Bishop Robert McElroy stressed the importance both for his faith and for the country of religious leaders like himself staying out of candidate elections
." In Short it is one priest in one Parish, and not the position of the Church.
there are a few true witnesses even in the apostate roman catholic church. a global leader of the damned, hillary roddamned clinton is a major antichrist islamist traitor to all that is in heaven and earth; a Luciferian. it is a true testimony. all who are "with her" are accomplices "with her". the few true witnesses still abiding in the apostate roman catholic church are commanded to "come out from among them and be ye separate"... [6:17 particularly]. true testimony trumps false witnesses forever.
Calm down keep reading: "The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego on Wednesday said the messages in the flier and bulletin do not reflect Catholic teaching or diocese policies, are inappropriate, and that voters should use their conscience to determine which candidates to support.

“It’s not a mortal sin to vote for Democrats, number one. And number two, the church doesn’t take positions on this, and we’re not going to,” diocese spokesman Kevin Eckery said.

In a speech Tuesday at the Center for Catholic Thought and Culture at the University of San Diego, Bishop Robert McElroy stressed the importance both for his faith and for the country of religious leaders like himself staying out of candidate elections
." In Short it is one priest in one Parish, and not the position of the Church.

Yes, I did read the whole article and see that. I was baptized Catholic and even if not a devout one, it still bothers me when some idiot parish goes off the rails with stuff like this.
there are a few true witnesses even in the apostate roman catholic church. a global leader of the damned, hillary roddamned clinton is a major antichrist islamist traitor to all that is in heaven and earth; a Luciferian. it is a true testimony. all who are "with her" are accomplices "with her". the few true witnesses still abiding in the apostate roman catholic church are commanded to "come out from among them and be ye separate"... [6:17 particularly]. true testimony trumps false witnesses forever.

Am I going to hell, Gomie?
Am I going to hell, Gomie?

thou knowest. you say that you are bothered by the true testimony. you are clearly a worker for hrc and she is clearly an antichrist islamic Luciferian. I will testify to you truly as a warning that you are on the broad path to destruction with hrc, bho and the false prophet mohamed [damned forever]. many shall say to Jesus, Lord, Lord... ...21-24... we all must work out our own salvation... 12-13... it is up to you. self righteousness and adultery with "allah" Lucifer or faithfulness to and in the person of The Lord Jesus Christ alone. that is all there is to say about that.
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thou knowest. you say that you are bothered by the true testimony. you are clearly a worker for hrc and she is clearly an antichrist islamic Luciferian. I will testify to you truly as a warning that you are on the broad path to destruction with hrc, bho and the false prophet mohamed [damned forever]. many shall say to Jesus, Lord, Lord... we all must work out our own salvation... 12-13... it is up to you. self righteousness and adultery with "allah" Lucifer or faithfulness to and in the person of The Lord Jesus Christ alone. that is all there is to say about that.

Got it. A vote for Trump is a vote for eternal salvation. :D
This doesn't sound like the work of a parish office. Did the pastor come out and take ownership for the flyer? It sounds more like the work of the local Knights of Columbus, or something. :D
there are a few true witnesses even in the apostate roman catholic church. a global leader of the damned, hillary roddamned clinton is a major antichrist islamist traitor to all that is in heaven and earth; a Luciferian. it is a true testimony. all who are "with her" are accomplices "with her". the few true witnesses still abiding in the apostate roman catholic church are commanded to "come out from among them and be ye separate"... [6:17 particularly]. true testimony trumps false witnesses forever.

It sounds like - you could use some help.