CBS poll of undecided have Obama winning again

Obama was the winner in this one for certain. McCain made a few good points. He came out with more actual solid proposals, such as building a bunch of nuclear reactors over the next 4 years, and even named some specific programs he though should be cut or eliminated to reduce spending. Obama was long on ideas but, IMO, short on specifics.

But in overall performance, most of the time McCain was busy lashing out in desperation, while Obama was collected, focussed, and easily deflected McCain's mud slinging.

Unless Obama (or an associated high level democrat) has a major melt down, this election is in the bag.

Unfortunately, I think Obama's ideas are going to cause more harm than good considering the current economic situation, as did those of Carter.
60% thought Obama won on MSNBC so far. Anyway, I thought this was McCain's best debate of the 3, which isn't really saying much because I still applauded Obama about 5 times while preety much just shaking my head at McCain. The only issue I strongly dissagreed with Obama was on abortion.

The big winner is Joe...... no, not the plummer but Biden. After Obama's short lived 2-4 week presidency, Joe Biden will take all the peoples praises and blames for the next 4 years. RIP Mr. Obama, you could have really helped the USA, but that would have interfered with the corrupt Oligarchys plans.
Obama was the winner in this one for certain. McCain made a few good points. He came out with more actual solid proposals, such as building a bunch of nuclear reactors over the next 4 years, and even named some specific programs he though should be cut or eliminated to reduce spending. Obama was long on ideas but, IMO, short on specifics.

But in overall performance, most of the time McCain was busy lashing out in desperation, while Obama was collected, focussed, and easily deflected McCain's mud slinging.

Unless Obama (or an associated high level democrat) has a major melt down, this election is in the bag.

Unfortunately, I think Obama's ideas are going to cause more harm than good considering the current economic situation, as did those of Carter.

You realize don't you it takes about 12 years to get a nuke reactor plant built, right? McCain will be dead by the time the first one is operational.
You realize don't you it takes about 12 years to get a nuke reactor plant built, right? McCain will be dead by the time the first one is operational.

And how long does it take for a meltdown? I hope they build the first ones in Texas! :cof1:
You realize don't you it takes about 12 years to get a nuke reactor plant built, right? McCain will be dead by the time the first one is operational.
The reason it takes an average of 8 years (not 12) is because construction is invariably delayed by a factor of 2-3 by injunctions and suits files by brain dead fucks who think fast neutrons are little balls the size and color of carrot seeds.

If a project were left alone, they could easily have a plant up and running within 5 years, probably less - and without cutting any safety corners. (It takes less than three to put a plant in a capital ship.)

And let's not mention the little fact that NOTHING is going to be an instantaneous solution to the problem of energy independence. The biggest difference between McCain's ideas and Obama's is McCain's ideas are focussed more on rapid deployment of current technologies while Obama is looking more to as-yet undeveloped or infant technologies. The yields of undeveloped and infant technologies are, one, unknown, and two, take longer to develop.

Both mentioned 10 years as a target date to reduce our oil imports enough to eliminate the ME and Venezuela as sources. McCain's plan, by using current technology NOW while developing new and infant technologies for the future, IMO, has a better chance of achieving that target date. By basically negating the idea of nuclear power, and minimizing the contribution of domestic drilling, Obama's plan will take a lot longer to make any significant difference.
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I am just totally SHOCKED that a CBS poll shows Obama won the debate! I mean, I really expected a fine upstanding journalistic outlet like CBS would have McCain winning this debate! I'm sure they did all they could to help him out, but Obama was just so stellar it couldn't be hidden by the folks at CBS, they had to tell us the truth! Oh well, I am so disappointed... I was going to vote for McCain, but now that CBS has come out with this, I just don't think I will vote. Ho-hummmm!
I am just totally SHOCKED that a CBS poll shows Obama won the debate! I mean, I really expected a fine upstanding journalistic outlet like CBS would have McCain winning this debate! I'm sure they did all they could to help him out, but Obama was just so stellar it couldn't be hidden by the folks at CBS, they had to tell us the truth! Oh well, I am so disappointed... I was going to vote for McCain, but now that CBS has come out with this, I just don't think I will vote. Ho-hummmm!
So did CNN's poll and as I pointed out in another post of the 23 undecideds only 4 people changed their minds and all of them for Obama. Obama looked better, calmer, less blinky and upset, less facial expressions and looked less desperate. McCain did better tonight than the first two debates but still didn't hit this one out of the park. This was the night to do it and he didn't.
Put the Navy in charge of the overall project. They are already running over 100 reactors and have a literally spotless safety record extending over 50 years.

Not literally. Just a couple of months ago a nuclear sub was found to have been leaking nuclear material for some time.
The reason it takes an average of 8 years (not 12) is because construction is invariably delayed by a factor of 2-3 by injunctions and suits files by brain dead fucks who think fast neutrons are little balls the size and color of carrot seeds.

If a project were left alone, they could easily have a plant up and running within 5 years, probably less - and without cutting any safety corners. (It takes less than three to put a plant in a capital ship.)

And let's not mention the little fact that NOTHING is going to be an instantaneous solution to the problem of energy independence. The biggest difference between McCain's ideas and Obama's is McCain's ideas are focussed more on rapid deployment of current technologies while Obama is looking more to as-yet undeveloped or infant technologies. The yields of undeveloped and infant technologies are, one, unknown, and two, take longer to develop.

Both mentioned 10 years as a target date to reduce our oil imports enough to eliminate the ME and Venezuela as sources. McCain's plan, by using current technology NOW while developing new and infant technologies for the future, IMO, has a better chance of achieving that target date. By basically negating the idea of nuclear power, and minimizing the contribution of domestic drilling, Obama's plan will take a lot longer to make any significant difference.

But it's way more awesome cus Obama's BA.