CBS & Scott Pelley Continue The Leftist Hoax


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The CBS Evening New’s Scott Pelley reported a few nights ago that some faction of the scientific community, that I don’t recall, has determined that the exceptionally warm waters along the west coast of the United States this summer are evidence of human caused Climate Change but the exceptional record snow falls along the east coast of the United States last winter were not evidence of Climate Change. Pelley failed to report why that determination was being made by the scientific community. I think I know why.

It’s apparent in my opinion that the so-called scientific community is still attempting to perpetuate a cover-up for their shameful “Global Warming” hoax that they had to re-label to “Climate Change” when their uncovered inner-community e-mails were discovered revealing their worry that the fact that the earth has been marginally cooling for more than a decade now might leak out exposing the GW hoax.

Furthermore it’s actually become humorous to me that leftist media continues to promote the GW/CC hoax promoted by proven liars like Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and Lindsey Graham. Who gives a flying fuck if the earth does warm up by a degree in the next 100 years? Why do Democrats hate the Appalachian coal miners? They were Democrats until Obama and the scientific community tried to starve them to death by destroying their good paying jobs.
Does that include Fox?:dunno: Where do you get your information?:dunno::cof1:

Do you think that Fox News is different? How so?

I get my information from a LOT of different sources. But I also use my intelligence and brain to filter out nonsense when I see it.