CDC Is Recruiting An Army Of Jabbers


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"We have discovered that hospitals, even though required by law, have not always reported [adverse reactions] to the VAERS SYSTEM. Please let anyone you know that they can submit the data for themselves!"

This one is akin to reporting a deadly load of bootleg John Barleycorn to Al Capone:

She was referring to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System co-managed by the CDC and FDA to collect information on adverse effects from vaccines.

43-year-old father of 7 paralyzed, can't talk 3 hours after receiving COVID-19 vaccine
By Joe Kovacs
Published April 18, 2021 at 9:46pm

So how many Americans were killed or crippled by the CDC’s guinea pig policy? (One is one too many.)

The filth in government have no trouble reporting fake numbers coronavirus kills:

In truth, an accurate nationwide audit would lower COVID-19 deaths to less than 10:

The public will never get the truth if they rely on government liars and their media mouthpieces:

. . . the government lying about COVID-19 is a classic Big Lie. The lie started with the number of deaths a simple flu supposedly killed. The lie grew into the government saving lives with vaccines. The biggest lies will come covering up the number of deaths forced vaccination will cause.

Anybody who voluntarily takes a Covid-19 vaccination is asking for trouble, yet government scum is pushing hard for forced vaccinations.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said "I'm sure" some individual institutions will make coronavirus vaccinations mandatory, while it is "quite possible" that the COVID-19 vaccine could become a required travel vaccine when visiting other countries.

Speaking to Newsweek, America's top infectious disease expert said: "Everything will be on the table for discussion" when asked if he will be discussing the possibility of introducing COVID-19 vaccine passports and potential mandatory vaccinations at a local level, including in schools, in his role as chief medical adviser to President-elect Biden.

Dr. Fauci on Mandatory COVID Vaccines: 'Everything Will Be on the Table'
By Soo Kim
On 1/1/21 at 3:01 AM EST

If anybody is planning on taking a cruise they better contact their travel agent and cancel:

A cruise ship allows you to board without being vaccinated rather than return your money. When the ship returns to an American port you cannot disembark until you take the vaccine.

The worst part is angry rank & file parasites insisting everyone be vaccinated. I mistakenly believed that it could go no further than dirty little moralists wearing masks attacking people not wearing a mask. Now I have to ask: Can government scum providing an army of angry freaks with syringes pick up where masked-assholes left off?

Before you discredit my warning take a look at the number of violent attacks elected Democrat scum engineered and unleashed in big cities.

Finally, the fools who begged for Communism were warned before they fell for promises of Shangri-La.

It was too late when their Shangri-La slaughtered them in the tens of millions.

The scum in our medical industry is not promising eternal youth, they are promising a virus-free world if you put your trust in them.

p.s. Organized religion’s priests always tell this lie:

Believe us and we will give you eternal life.

Government priests tell this lie:

Believe us and we will give you a world without poverty.

Medical industry priests tell this lie:

3. Believe us and we will give you a disease-free world.

Notice that every liar promises to deliver the goods sometime in the future. Until that glorious day arrives every one of them delivers more death, more poverty, and more disease.
Note, that altho it has been known for a long time now that covid is only deadly to a small portion of the population with one particular mutated immune system gene, no one suggests testing for this gene before inoculating people for a disease of which they weren't even vulnerable. For 99.7% of the world population to get inoculated to protect .3% of the population, is completely rediculous. Especially when there are effective treatments even for those people.

.3% isnt even a real number.
Mother of Christ, I'm so sick of these anti-vaxxers whining about their right to be fucking stupid.

After all the sane people are inoculated, I suggest that those idiots who contract covid but don't die be put down anyway, just on general principles.
Mother of Christ, I'm so sick of these anti-vaxxers whining about their right to be fucking stupid.

After all the sane people are inoculated, I suggest that those idiots who contract covid but don't die be put down anyway, just on general principles.

First off fagot, why should anyone take an experimental vax for a disease they already had? Second why should anyone take a vax for a disease that doesnt effect them? Lastly, why should anyone take a vax with more side effects and harm than the disease it's meant to prevent?

Until you can answer these 3 questions ising basic logic instead of ad hom deflections and faggoty rhetoric, until that day, i fully advocate your untimely tragic(sic) death.

Go fucking die.
Actually, im going to double down on that. I also want to see your state city and whole community that shat you into existance, wiped out by nuclear weapons. If you live next door to me, awesome.
First off fagot, why should anyone take an experimental vax for a disease they already had? Second why should anyone take a vax for a disease that doesnt effect them? Lastly, why should anyone take a vax with more side effects and harm than the disease it's meant to prevent?

Until you can answer these 3 questions ising basic logic instead of ad hom deflections and faggoty rhetoric, until that day, i fully advocate your untimely tragic(sic) death.

Go fucking die.

You are far more likely to be the one to meet that fate. It's called Darwinism.
You had covid yet? 2 days of 38.2 fever and 5 days i couldnt taste cigaretts. How was your three weeks in bed from vax?

Wow, stupid enough to smoke, I guess I'm not surprised you are an anti-vaxxer. Good luck. You'll need it.
You had covid yet? 2 days of 38.2 fever and 5 days i couldnt taste cigaretts. How was your three weeks in bed from vax?

Two shots.
No negative reactions at all.
Will still wear mask for a while as a courtesy to others.

Pretty much the standard procedure for folks in Boston.
Others can do what they want.
Wow, stupid enough to smoke, I guess I'm not surprised you are an anti-vaxxer. Good luck. You'll need it.

Haha butthurt limey faggot (:

I also smoke weed, i know you heroin faggots dont still get a kick from it so i'll take your criticisms with a slice of pie.
Turns out that .3% of people vulnerable to covid are the same .3% vulnerable to lung cancer. Since i already know i can chain smoke with covid, no worries (:
Haha butthurt limey faggot (:

I also smoke weed, i know you heroin faggots dont still get a kick from it so i'll take your criticisms with a slice of pie.

Take them any way you want. At this point, anyone who hasn't quit smoking is pretty fucking stupid. Edibles are the way to go. Heroin? LOL at you.
Btw junky faggot, im not your noun, but you sure are a faggot. You and your "wife"? Lol

You seem a little obsessed with my sexual identify. Sorry pal, that is indeed my wife. I'm taken, but I could direct you to a website that might appeal more to your taste.
You should read some israeli medical journals. Turns out you can get a dna test to see if you're a mutant that could potentialy die from covid. They even have an antibiotic treatment for it for just in case you could possibly die from it. Btw, an antibiotic for a virus is really hard to come by. Covid is just that much particularly a hypochondia rather than pandemic.