Cenk Uygur Admits Democrats Rig Elections For ‘Corrupt’ Joe Biden


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Cenk Uygur, the founder and lead host of The Young Turks, has said he is “considering” voting for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. over Joe Biden.

Speaking with his fellow host Ana Kasparian, Uygur broke down how the Democratic Party rigs election in favor of Joe Biden and smears outside candidates who they deem as a threat to their worldview:

The headlines are wrong. He didn’t say Biden is a bigger threat, he said he could make an argument for that. And you’ve got to be careful with that. You know what the mainstream media loves to do, they love to smear anyone who’s an outsider.

Number two, he’s right to be concerned about Biden being a threat to democracy himself, maybe not for the reasons that he’s stating, but Biden did support anti-democratic movements within the primary. The Democratic Party cancelled the election in Florida; they tried to keep out every candidate in North Carolina, Tennessee, et cetera.

So they love to rig elections; yes, I used the word rigged, so you can go cry about it in mainstream media. How about you do you job and talk about how they cancelled an election in Florida and just declared Biden the winner. So if you’re going ot make the argument you are a champion of democracy, you should probably try it in your own primaries.

Uygur then dropped the real bomb:

For the first time today, I’m now considering RFK Jr… Is it because I think maybe he is right about vaccines? No, he is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs on vaccines and on several other things where he believes in conspiratorial theories that I don’t believe in at all. So why on God’s green earth am I considering RFK Jr?

Well until now I hadn’t beause of those crazy things where I don’t come anywhere near believing. But I thought about it Anna and Trump I would never support in a million years. Biden is now funding a genocide and is an awful choice and has been corrupt his whole life. You’re never going to get anything but corruption from Biden.

So am I positive RFK Jr. would be worse? On health and science definitely he would be worse, but on everything else like anti-establishment, money out of politics, I’m not positive RFK JR. would be worse than Biden.

Such comments add to the growing body of evidence that RFK Jr. could hurt Joe Biden more than Donald Trump. Just last week, Kennedy’s sister Rory described her brother’s presidential ambitions as “dangerous to our country” because they risked putting Trump in the Oval Office.

“My biggest concern with Bobby’s run is that he is going to take votes away from Biden, and I think this election is going to come down to a handful of votes in a handful of states,” she explained. “And I am concerned that voting for Bobby is going to take votes away from Biden and lead to a Trump election.”

Cenk Uygur, the founder and lead host of The Young Turks, has said he is “considering” voting for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. over Joe Biden.

Speaking with his fellow host Ana Kasparian, Uygur broke down how the Democratic Party rigs election in favor of Joe Biden and smears outside candidates who they deem as a threat to their worldview:

The headlines are wrong. He didn’t say Biden is a bigger threat, he said he could make an argument for that. And you’ve got to be careful with that. You know what the mainstream media loves to do, they love to smear anyone who’s an outsider.

Number two, he’s right to be concerned about Biden being a threat to democracy himself, maybe not for the reasons that he’s stating, but Biden did support anti-democratic movements within the primary. The Democratic Party cancelled the election in Florida; they tried to keep out every candidate in North Carolina, Tennessee, et cetera.

So they love to rig elections; yes, I used the word rigged, so you can go cry about it in mainstream media. How about you do you job and talk about how they cancelled an election in Florida and just declared Biden the winner. So if you’re going ot make the argument you are a champion of democracy, you should probably try it in your own primaries.

Uygur then dropped the real bomb:

For the first time today, I’m now considering RFK Jr… Is it because I think maybe he is right about vaccines? No, he is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs on vaccines and on several other things where he believes in conspiratorial theories that I don’t believe in at all. So why on God’s green earth am I considering RFK Jr?

Well until now I hadn’t beause of those crazy things where I don’t come anywhere near believing. But I thought about it Anna and Trump I would never support in a million years. Biden is now funding a genocide and is an awful choice and has been corrupt his whole life. You’re never going to get anything but corruption from Biden.

So am I positive RFK Jr. would be worse? On health and science definitely he would be worse, but on everything else like anti-establishment, money out of politics, I’m not positive RFK JR. would be worse than Biden.

Such comments add to the growing body of evidence that RFK Jr. could hurt Joe Biden more than Donald Trump. Just last week, Kennedy’s sister Rory described her brother’s presidential ambitions as “dangerous to our country” because they risked putting Trump in the Oval Office.

“My biggest concern with Bobby’s run is that he is going to take votes away from Biden, and I think this election is going to come down to a handful of votes in a handful of states,” she explained. “And I am concerned that voting for Bobby is going to take votes away from Biden and lead to a Trump election.”



This is a Russian whore outlet

It was the Florida Democratic Party, not the DNC, who cancelled the primary.

Biden was already the Democratic Party’s nominee prior to any Florida primary, anyway. Regardless, he was the only name on the ballot.

Florida Dems did the same for incumbents Clinton and Obama.

Uygur was trying his own run at Prez, which was a dud. Some sour grapes there. Nothing was “rigged”.