CFL... Rules if you break one...


Staff member
1. Have people and pets leave the room... and don't let anyone walk through the area.

2. Open a window and leave the room for 15 minutes or more.

3. Shut off the Central heating and air conditioning system.

After you have done all this you get to:...

4. Carefully scoop up glass fragments with a stiff paper or cardboard and place them in a glass jar with a metal lid... (always readily available if you happen to live at Funk and Wagnell's place...)

5. Use Duct tape to pick up any remaining glass fragments and dust.

6. Wipe the area clean with a wet paper towel and/or wet wipes and place them in the glass jar, or in a plastic bag.

Warning: Do not use a vacuum or a broom.


Not kidding folks. The light bulb police are coming for you!
I am mostly on the little squiggly florescents now as well.

Why not all this fuss about the old long tube florescents ? We have been using millions of those for years and it seems they hold even more mercury than the little squiggly ones.

What a load of BS!...Man has gone thru this scenario many times over long before Al Gore and the Green morons came into existence...Did we not have the market cornered on whale blubber oil for light and fuel,did not the ancients have the market cornered on animal fat oil,did we not burn Mummies for steam engine fuel...?

The oil companie have a alternative fuel source...they will not market it until the fossil fuel reserves run out...about two hundred years or so...then wammo a break through will be announced...that is after they maxed out rediculous profits via speculation...get a grip guys we are all being taking for a ride!
Time for another 'Boston Tea Party' against specualators world wide..and yes this includes the Saudis et al!
I have not heard any rants about big oil sitting on 1 200 mpg fuelinjecktion system.

Maybe a fuel injected pony harness ?