Challenging Hume to a Debate #1 - Is Trump the Best


Well-known member
I am. And you never challenge me.
Hey, I'd like to challenge you to a debate if you're up for it.

This topic is: Is Donald Trump the best President in US history considering only official duties as President?

Not considered is anything that does not fall under official Presidential duties, e.g. tweets, campaign ads, personal affairs, court cases, etc. Deeds, not words.

I'm taking the affirmative.
Hey, I'd like to challenge you to a debate if you're up for it.

This topic is: Is Donald Trump the best President in US history considering only official duties as President?

Not considered is anything that does not fall under official Presidential duties, e.g. tweets, campaign ads, personal affairs, court cases, etc. Deeds, not words.

I'm taking the affirmative.
Trump is a fascist who should be in prison for the Capital attack on Jan. 6.
get lost bozo
Don't make me make you cry. I'll make you cry like Donald Trump will Kamala Harris.
If you thought Tulsi Gabbard was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
I give it 50/50 Trump makes Harris cry if they debate. And I mean break down crying, not just a couple errant tears that might could be hidden.
Trump is a fascist who should be in prison for the Capital attack on Jan. 6.
considering only official duties as President

Not considered is anything that does not fall under official Presidential duties, e.g. tweets, campaign ads, personal affairs, court cases, etc. Deeds, not words.
considering only official duties as President

Not considered is anything that does not fall under official Presidential duties, e.g. tweets, campaign ads, personal affairs, court cases, etc. Deeds, not words.
Trump was President.
That's in part why I award them participation trophies at the end of each month.
... but you are causing award expectations to accelerate beyond what was previously feared. This causes expectation level rising and participation awardification. How long before we see irreversible trophy bleaching and pertinence depletion?

Adding more bicarbonates will not help you. You had better get a mangrove.