Change you can believe in

Little Suzy had a litter of very young kittens that she was trying to give
away, so she had took them out on the street corner with a sign reading "FREE KITTENS".

Suddenly a line of big cars swept up with a policeman on a motorcycle in front.

The cars stopped and a man stepped out of the biggest car.

"Hi, little girl, what do you have there?" he asked.

Kittens" Little Suzy said. "They're so small, their eyes are not even open

What kind of kittens are they?" he asked.

"Democratic kittens" says Little Suzy.

The tall man smiled, and returned to his car.

Sensing a good photo opportunity, Sen. Obama called his campaign manager and told him about the little girl and the kittens. It was planned that they would return the next day, with the media.

The next day, Little Suzy was on the corner with her "FREE KITTENS" sign when the big motorcade pulled up with all the vans and trucks from ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN following.

All the leftist media types had their cameras ready when Sen. Obama got out of his limo and walked up to Little Suzy.

"Now, don't be frightened," he said, "I just want you to tell all these nice news people just what kind of kittens you're giving away."

Yes sir," Suzy said, "They are REPUBLICAN kittens. "

Taken by surprise, Sen. Obama stammered, "But, yesterday, you told me that they were DEMOCRATIC kittens!"

Little Suzy says, "Yes, they were. But, today, they have their eyes open."

Note to Obama-worshippers: this is an apocryphal story...
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Let me remind you who has had their eyes slammmed shut to all the corruption and lies of the Bush admin and their blank check congresses over the last few years.

Hows them

AQ ties to Sadam

WMDs in Iraq

Flawed voting machines

WP in fallugia

Abu garib

DOJ scandal

Abranoff scandal

Ohio coingate

Sub prime mess

Gas prices doubleing and then redubleing

domestic spying

No habeas corpus in the constitution


scores of sex scandal of all flavors

and on

and on

and on
Were the voting machines flawed in PA yesterday?

"Early problems reported in the April 22 primary in Philadelphia County and Delaware County -- broken voting machines, delays, and a report that some provisional ballots are missing a candidate's name (Obama). "

"Black Box Voting has dubbed Pennsylvania "The Worst Place to Vote in America".

"4-23-08: Rolling up our sleeves: Need help with research to follow up PA voting problems
In preparation for the kinds of citizen control systems we'd like to try this November, Black Box Voting is preparing a series of inquiries into the Pennsylvania primary election."

"After Richard Brown, of the 5700 block of North 12th Street in Philadelphia showed up at his polling place at 6:55 a.m., it took nearly two hours for the machines to be either repaired or replaced, he said. In an affidavit cited in a failed-attempt to keep city polls opened later, Brown said he waited more than an hour for election officials to produce paper provisional ballots"
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Is there a paper trail in PA insufferable?

Do you think its a great idea to have machines that can never be audited?
Did you like the joke?

It's hilarious to see the same charges levelled against Dems by the crew that accused Bush of "stealing elections".

The difference is that now - for some reason - their accusations are not worth investigating and they suddenly have no credibility.