Changing demographics


Colorado went blue. NC went blue. Virginia went blue. NM - blue.

NM, CO, and VA all have two Democratic senators, and NC has one.


These states had been radically conservative just a decade ago. NC elected Jesse Helms, for christsake.

This isn't like when the south switched from Democrat to Republican. The south just changed from one party that had stopped being willing to indulge its racism and radical conservatism to a party that was willing to.

These areas are actually changing demographics. They are becoming more and more liberal. How long do you think a conservative fortress south can last whenever with each and every generation the cultural assimilation keeps piercing deeper and deeper into the deepest, reddest parts of the south?

The south is the Republican parties modern redoubt when it gets weak, but with the rapidly changing demographics, how long can it hold up? The Republican party does not need to go back to its core if it wants to survive, because all of its core is going to be dead or infirm in thirty years. It needs to change, and dump its social conservative baggage, or else America is going to turn into a single party state.