Cheatle Calls the 30 Minutes Between Noticing and Neutralizing Shooter 'a Very Short Period of Time'


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Take, for instance, the roughly 30 minutes that reportedly elapsed between the time the shooter, Thomas Crooks, was initially spotted on the roof of a building and when he was “neutralized,” which is to say killed.

In an interview Monday with ABC News, Cheatle called that “a very short period of time.”

This bitch is one stupid fuck
I'd chalk much of it up to bureaucracy and complacency.

They likely had a "unified command post" somewhere with the decision makers in it.

Some officer on the ground calls in about the guy with a gun. He hesitates to act on his own in fear he'll do some screw up, so he waits for the higher ups to give orders. The higher ups are confused about this and argue while asking for more information.

At some point, the shooter opens fire. The snipers get some garbled message about a shooter and start looking for him confused as to where he is because the people at the command post are giving them wrong and partial information.

The snipers finally spot the guy and shoot him, but he's gotten off a number of rounds before they do.

The finger pointing begins...

Too many chiefs, not enough indians. A chain of command that is demanded to be followed and all decision making is from the top down. The lower rank and file know full well if they act without orders, they're going to get reamed or worse, disciplined, or even fired. So, they wait for orders.
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