check out my new shades...

I can't...this guy is so funny, I don't care what he does.

I can't stop laughing. You should have your own web show Rob.
my feelings were kinda hurt, (though i was very drunk) but it really bothered me that that whole thing happened, now i know why i don't bother....
No, they're hot. Big sunglasses are the only sunglasses this summer. I had a hard time finding a pair that didn't look really stupid on my face for that reason.

Still...the next time you hook up Rob, you might want to go with the Chanel...just in case.

And don't forget, you'll need a good watch to go with those!
my feelings were kinda hurt, (though i was very drunk) but it really bothered me that that whole thing happened, now i know why i don't bother....

Rob, it was a bar hookup on vacation, you cant let that hurt your feelings. Or put you off of dating. Seriously.
I feel bad that I was laughing so much now. I should have realized you were actually feeling badly about it. Sorry!
LMAO, You're on a roll today!

first this:

i can't speak for Lady T, but i can't stand muslims either, lts like shave your fucking face... they let it grow and get all nappy... then i mean all the bowing and shit ont he ground your going to hurt your back.

Now the're on a roll today!
Rob, it was a bar hookup on vacation, you cant let that hurt your feelings. Or put you off of dating. Seriously.

true...LOL i guess i should keep it in perspective and that he lives in California...haha but i was kinda pissed when it was going down, and very drunk... then i couldn't wait to get back to the US and here i am all cozy in my house with the weather a tollerable 80 degrees it was so god damn hot there...