Checking out for a while

I've really just gotten bored with this place. It's the same handful of ignorant partisan shitheads, everyday, beating their own drum, making the same idiotic points over and over, and taking every opportunity to dump their frustrations and daily bullshit on me personally. I've put up with people threatening my family, disclosing my personal information, slandering and lying about me, and enjoying the adulation of their little support group of morons.

It's become a little Pinhead Clique here, and in the past month or so, the two people who had some sort of credibility in running the administration of the board, have joined the frenzy. I don't enjoy it anymore. I once had fun arguing points with various posters, but the people who had integrity either lost it, abandoned it, or left. Now I come here daily to see the same stupidity repeated mindlessly, and wade through post after post of outright personal insults and offensive crude hypocrisy, without the first sign of objective reasoning or any attempt to engage in reasonable dialogue. I think I can do better, I believe there is a board out there where people actually talk and discuss things, like it once was here, like it once was at, like it once was at

I have some personal business I have to take care of over the next few weeks, and I will be without internet access, but when I do get back online, I am going to take a little time away from here, to explore some other avenues of conversation, because I am just tired of this endless shithole.

Maybe I will come back, maybe I won't ever have the desire to again. I don't know. If you don't see me again, you'll all know I found somewhere else to settle, and/or moved on. If I do come back, things will be different with me, I am not going to entertain you by reading your endless banter, I'll post what I have to say and leave it at that. My days of wasting time trying to reach some level of objectivity with you people, is over. I give up, I don't need this. Most of you are beyond being reasonable with me anymore, whether it's Bush, the war, or whatever, it doesn't matter to me, I know there is nothing I can do for you, and I can't find a good reason to stick around.

Now, go ahead and take your usual pot shots, I know you have to all step up to the plate and take one final swing at me, you live for that here. All of you with your pathetic little lives, who have no other means of being heard because you have become too weak to stand for your own principles anymore. This is important to you, it's your sad and insignificant existence. Oh, I'll probably drop by now and then, just so you can have the opportunity to throw this up in my face and lie some more about me and what I've said. I know some of you depend on that to feel like big people, and I wouldn't want to deny you that, you are pathetic enough as it is. Bur rest assured, the Dixie you knew is gone for good, and will no longer be the target of your daily frustration. Go find another scapegoat, or better yet, get some professional help. I'm through.

Bye for now,
Meaness and hatred are falling out of fashion Dix, sorry you don't fit in as well now as a couple of years ago dix.
Have a good life. Seriously.
Yeah, SOrry dix. The neocon movement has been exposed for what it is, the vanguard of the destructive "globalism or bust" movement. Screw all y'all.
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Dixie needs to be ruduced to talking to himself.

That is about all he has left.
He will never face reality and will be living in the fringes of society till he dies.

This is very good for America.
DIXIE: "Go find another scapegoat, or better yet, get some professional help. I'm through.

Bye for now,

See you next week, under your new screen name, Dix!


The problem with Dixie is that there's only one of him: naturally, he feels picked on. We're kind of like a teenager with only one zit. Same amount of picking but concentrated.

Okay, okay: that was low. Fun, but low. Sorry, Dixie. :(

Dixie, please don't go. You're almost the sole representative of what mainstream America would call "conservative" values on here. Topspin makes feints in that direction now and then but we all know it's bullshit.
The problem with Dixie is that there's only one of him: naturally, he feels picked on. We're kind of like a teenager with only one zit. Same amount of picking but concentrated.

Okay, okay: that was low. Fun, but low. Sorry, Dixie. :(

Dixie, please don't go. You're almost the sole representative of what mainstream America would call "conservative" values on here. Topspin makes feints in that direction now and then but we all know it's bullshit.

If you want, I can create a Dixie-like character. Wouldn't be much work, so feel free to put your request in. ;)

I think he's more upset with what he feels is Damo's lack of support, then anything we "pinheads" might have done or said. After all, being pinheads, he expected no less from us.

But, whatever. I couldn't read the posts on that 1/3 thing, they were so boring I started thinking about suicide after reading the 4th or 5th one, and then decided to avoid it all together. So I dont know exactly what got him upset. Though, I do act very similar at certain times of the month.
If you want, I can create a Dixie-like character. Wouldn't be much work, so feel free to put your request in. ;)

I think he's more upset with what he feels is Damo's lack of support, then anything we "pinheads" might have done or said. After all, being pinheads, he expected no less from us.

But, whatever. I couldn't read the posts on that 1/3 thing, they were so boring I started thinking about suicide after reading the 4th or 5th one, and then decided to avoid it all together. So I dont know exactly what got him upset. Though, I do act very similar at certain times of the month.
Yeah, there is that. Dixie can actually construct whole sentences in English, some of them with actual dependent clauses, and so it's easy to conclude he can write. The trouble is that much of it is simple repetition with rephrasing. Not only that but the initial statements are frequently just assertions of axiomatic belief dressed up as facts.

Kind of like Thomas Sowell, now that I think about it. Maybe Dixie is Thomas Sowell! That would explain much.
I'll be very happy to present myself as the next Dixie, that most noble and honorable of souls.

My love and devotion to Tom Haggard notwithstanding. I'm sure my mentor Dixie wouldn't approve of my gay love for him, but how can you resist a hunk of man meat so sexy, I ask you?
If you want, I can create a Dixie-like character. Wouldn't be much work, so feel free to put your request in. ;)

I think he's more upset with what he feels is Damo's lack of support, then anything we "pinheads" might have done or said. After all, being pinheads, he expected no less from us.

But, whatever. I couldn't read the posts on that 1/3 thing, they were so boring I started thinking about suicide after reading the 4th or 5th one, and then decided to avoid it all together. So I dont know exactly what got him upset. Though, I do act very similar at certain times of the month.

If you want, I can create a Dixie-like character.

That wouldn't be right, Darling. You don't know Dixie. I know the young feller quite well, from our days of hitting the massage parlors together.

If anyone can create a Dixie clone, it should be me. Praise the Lord. I'd be happy to oblige.


If you want, I can create a Dixie-like character.

That wouldn't be right, Darling. You don't know Dixie. I know the young feller quite well, from our days of hitting the massage parlors together.

If anyone can create a Dixie clone, it should be me. Praise the Lord. I'd be happy to oblige.



Ted you just called me darling...are you slipping? Could it be the three week hetero course took?
If you want, I can create a Dixie-like character. Wouldn't be much work, so feel free to put your request in. ;)

I think he's more upset with what he feels is Damo's lack of support, then anything we "pinheads" might have done or said. After all, being pinheads, he expected no less from us.

But, whatever. I couldn't read the posts on that 1/3 thing, they were so boring I started thinking about suicide after reading the 4th or 5th one, and then decided to avoid it all together. So I dont know exactly what got him upset. Though, I do act very similar at certain times of the month.
The only thing I didn't support him on was the 1/3 argument. I was a math major, man! Well, that and undeclared war.
Umm the torture thing Damo ?
Then you love Bush's blue jean butt too Damo ?

j/k :D
Sure, why not? ;)

I should have included religious influence in law and a few others.

Dix and I mostly agree on issues when they deal with fiscal (one of the places Dix actually disagreed with Bush) policy and usually on personal freedom. Not so much when it came to the religious things like Gay Marriage...