Cheers Not Tears


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It is always time to cheer whenever a parasite business goes out of business. Pray that this one is closed permanently:


Fans and patrons of the Landmark River Oaks Theatre do the “Time Warp”, from the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” as they demonstrate against the potential closure of the historic movie theater Sunday, March 7, 2021, in Houston. The historic Houston theater that director Richard Linklater called his “film school” and that for decades was the place to catch hard-to-find independent and foreign films has closed for good. Like many U.S. movie theaters and other businesses, the River Oaks Theatre was a victim of the coronavirus pandemic.. ( Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via AP)

Movie theater trade groups believe their industry will bounce back after the pandemic, in part with the help of more than $16 billion in federal funding from the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program.

Historic Houston movie theater closes due to pandemic
by: JUAN A. LOZANO, Associated Press
Posted: Apr 3, 2021 / 08:36 AM CDT / Updated: Apr 3, 2021 / 09:16 AM CDT

The pandemic is a fraud with one saving grace: Closing movie theaters:

Art runs a close second to “the children” when it comes to parasites hustling tax dollars. Even if you believe motion pictures are an art form the government has no business forcing taxpayers to subsidize an “art” a majority of Americans want no part of.

Bottom line: If movie producers fail to sell their product they should eat the loss, not lay it off on taxpayers before or after the fact.


It is the culture of tax dollar artists that is most depressing. Peer approval is everything because they all know they will be paid whether or not the public buys their product. Ticket sales is not important to government artists. Peer approval is all that matters.


It never occurs to tax dollar artists they should find another line of work to support themselves when they cannot sell enough tickets for their particular schtick. That is exactly what us poor plebeians have to do.​
An old fashioned, in-town, single screen cinema theater is a parasitic enterprise because it received community support for the arts.

If the featured film was Birth of a Nation, however, it would be preserved as an essential historic landmark worthy of community support.

Our man Poppies wants us to remember this core principle of American democracy, and thus the necessity for this thread.
An old fashioned, in-town, single screen cinema theater is a parasitic enterprise because it received community support for the arts.

To NiftyNiblick: I guess they do not need:

". . . more than $16 billion in federal funding . . ."

If the featured film was Birth of a Nation, however, it would be preserved as an essential historic landmark worthy of community support.

To NiftyNiblick: This American masterpiece:

was not produced with tax dollars. Every piece of filth Democrats produce is done with tax dollars.

The Birth of a Nation did not stop race hustlers from getting elected. This scene is exaggerated:

but not by much when you listen to the hatred against white Americans spouted by black women in Congress like Dirty Waters.

Not only is Waters a liar and a thief this one takes the prize:

Male Black race hustlers are not much better when they rant and rave about black racism.

To NiftyNiblick: Even if Birth of a Nation is not a cinematic masterpiece, it was a prediction more accurate than Nostradamus ever foretold:

Today’s argument is centered on race. It is “a historically black city,” according to the district government, with 47% of residents black, 41% white.

That is why I suggested calling the nation’s capital city Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

To NiftyNiblick: Even if Birth of a Nation is not a cinematic masterpiece, it was a prediction more accurate than Nostradamus ever foretold:

Still no word from

telling us what she will name her state:

D.C. Mayor Bowser: Dem-Led House, Senate Will Pass D.C. Statehood, Bring It to Biden’s Desk
by Pam Key
22 Jan 2021

Bowser —— along with every democracy-loving parasite —— must first dismantle the republic. See the bullet list for their methods:

The Democrats are agitating for a 51st state that would be the District of Columbia, not for reasons of fairness but to build their party into an unchallengeable political power. America would be better off declaring its independence from the capital.

As it says in this nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence, we believe our Creator endowed us with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But the ruling class in Washington does not believe as we do. It believes only in the expansion of its power. The facts, “submitted to a candid world,” speak for themselves.

●America’s ruling class has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass and tax out their substance.
●It co-opted the military to gaslight the nation with the ultimate goal being the crushing of dissent.
●It has endeavored to foment civil war by enabling and encouraging racial division, riots, wokeness, and the relentless cancel culture.
●It has plundered our future with unnecessary aid in the present.
●It has constrained our fellow citizens through counterproductive, falsely premised lockdowns.
●It has excited domestic insurrections among us in service of its objectives.
●It has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving its assent to acts of pretended legislation.
●It wishes to abolish our most valuable election laws, and alter fundamentally the forms of our governments.
●It wishes to suspend our Constitution, and declare itself invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
●It has repeatedly attempted to dissolve elections legitimately won by political rivals.

The Founders gave us a republic in which we were to be independent from the national capital. The 10th Amendment explicitly says “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” The federal government’s authority is by design limited.

We’re not advocating secession, partition, or nullification. We’re simply reiterating what many already know: Washington has grown too big, too powerful, and too intrusive into private affairs. It has usurped the authority of the states, homogenized their individualism, and extorted them. Washington puts it thumb on the scales that balance power in this nation, its boot on the throat of liberty. It is much too energetic in its exercise of government in a way that would have deeply concerned Thomas Jefferson.

We borrow – and slightly amend – another Jeffersonian principle to make our final point: The tree of liberty needs to be watered by a bloodless revolution of patriotic voters who will use their ballots to oust the tyrants that crave ruling over governing. That’s our road back to independence.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

D.C. Statehood? How About A Declaration Of Independence From Washington Instead
By I & I Editorial Board
April 7, 2021
I was half-joking when

. . . I suggested calling the nation’s capital city Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

As usual, Democrats have International (noun) plans:

It found that 41 percent of very liberals and 33 percent of plain liberals would like to see our country renamed.

Ditch our nation’s Constitution and its name, and in a very real sense, you have ended America.

Posted on April 8, 2021 by Paul Mirengoff in Constitution, International Law, Leftism, Nationalism
It is always time to cheer whenever a parasite business goes out of business.

Every time a parasite industry takes a hit I am guilty of:

schadenfreude noun, often capitalized

Definition of schadenfreude

:enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

Two articles reminded me that:

it's an ill wind that blows no good

proverb Even the most negative or harmful situations usually benefit someone. Thus a situation that benefits no one must be truly bad (and rare). The rain caused flooding, but it may help the farmers. It's an ill wind that blows no good.'s+an+ill+wind+that+blows+no+good

I am working on combining schadenfreude and ill winds:

Arclight Cinemas and Pacific Theatres will close down, a victim of a global pandemic that brought moviegoing to a standstill.

Apr 12, 2021 5:10pm PT
Arclight Cinemas, Pacific Theatres Will Close Permanently
By Brent Lang


At least 50 journalists in the US have been arrested during Black Lives Matter demonstrations across the US, while dozens of others have also been injured by rubber bullets, pepper spray and tear gas.

The US Press Freedom Tracker has collected nearly 500 incidents from 382 reports, from the unrest in Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd‘s killing by police in late May, to demonstrations in more than 70 cities across 35 states since.
At least 46 journalists were arrested between the end of May and the beginning of June, according to data collected by the organisation.

‘Unlike anything we’ve seen in modern history’: Attacks against journalists soar during Black Lives Matter protests
Alex Woodward
Tue, April 13, 2021, 10:58 AM

Not defending a free press is more true today than ever before:

The only justification for a free press is when it maintains an antagonistic relationship towards government; every government —— liberal and conservative, democracy and dictatorship. America’s free press has not been antagonistic toward government in more than a century. Television actually promotes government as well as glorifying government parasites regardless of what they do; hence, freedom of the press is the one First Amendment freedom that is not worth defending.

Notice that the press would still enjoy freedom of speech like the rest of us, but they would have to defend freedom of speech as a matter of self-interest instead of only defending their constitutional privilege while they feed the rest us to Socialist/Communist wolves.
Communism is the only thing that runs in Diarrhea Mouth’s DNA:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday said attacking the US Constitution and pushing for DC statehood is in her DNA.

Pelosi Says, “DC Statehood Runs in My DNA” as She Holds Up a Photo of Her Father Meeting with Eleanor Roosevelt (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published April 22, 2021 at 4:06pm
It is always time to cheer whenever a parasite business goes out of business.


The pandemic is a fraud with one saving grace: Closing movie theaters:


Hollywood Celebrities Plead With Movie Fans:
Please Go Back To Theaters
Daily Wire, by Charlotte Pence Bond
Posted By: ladydawgfan
5/21/2021 10:56:08 AM
An old fashioned, in-town, single screen cinema theater is a parasitic enterprise because it received community support for the arts.

If the featured film was Birth of a Nation, however, it would be preserved as an essential historic landmark worthy of community support.

Our man Poppies wants us to remember this core principle of American democracy, and thus the necessity for this thread.

Poor little fuck stick is crying? Go fuck yourself. If you couldn't survive the leftist assault on American business then fuck you. Don't like it? Lick me.
Poor little fuck stick is crying? Go fuck yourself. If you couldn't survive the leftist assault on American business then fuck you. Don't like it? Lick me.

You and Son of the Revolution must be the same person, because of your identical way of continuously posting the same type of foolish insults; as he does.