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Gee! I'm getting tired of waiting for Truth Detector's class to begin on Chem-Trails. Does anybody know when he's gonna educate us about them and why Jesse Ventura is a "whack-job?"

Oh! He's probably checking with BIG government to get the official classified explanation first, huh?

I can't wait to find out why the Navy Seals allowed the "whack-job" Jesse Ventura to serve as a Seal.
LMAO; hey, here's a bunch of WWII bombers with CHEM-TRAILS:

They're called contrails you ignorant dunce. Now grow a brain and stop removing any doubt you're nothing more than a vulgar repugnant moron. The debate over the “conspiracy” known as chemtrails, a major part of the growing geoengineering program, has shifted from the existence of the program, to how and why it is being employed. Environmental activism has been so resolute in getting enough people to look up and question what is happening in the skies above them that we are now at the next stage: bringing about an end to the toxic activity of chemtrails and eventually halting other mad geoengineering efforts now under way as well.

I’ll wait for you fucking geniuses to prove none of the above is true.

Just as I expected the moron Truth Detector’s chem-trail class lasted for about 30 fucking seconds because that’s the fucking limit of his fucking pea-brain. He’s a clueless Twit. He even forgot to explain WHY Jesse Ventura is a Whack Job because he QUESTIONS BIG fucking government’s reasons for classified and secret designations they put on issues like chem-trails, 911 and so many other conspiracy theories. And he refuses to elaborate on HOW a ”WHACK JOB” like Jesse became a Navy Seal. But then again he’s just a BIG fucking government partisan brain-dead moron and clueless Twit. The debate over the “conspiracy” known as chemtrails, a major part of the growing geoengineering program, has shifted from the existence of the program, to how and why it is being employed. Environmental activism has been so resolute in getting enough people to look up and question what is happening in the skies above them that we are now at the next stage: bringing about an end to the toxic activity of chemtrails and eventually halting other mad geoengineering efforts now under way as well.

I’ll wait for you fucking geniuses to prove none of the above is true.

Just as I expected the moron Truth Detector’s chem-trail class lasted for about 30 fucking seconds because that’s the fucking limit of his fucking pea-brain. He’s a clueless Twit. He even forgot to explain WHY Jesse Ventura is a Whack Job because he QUESTIONS BIG fucking government’s reasons for classified and secret designations they put on issues like chem-trails, 911 and so many other conspiracy theories. And he refuses to elaborate on HOW a ”WHACK JOB” like Jesse became a Navy Seal. But then again he’s just a BIG fucking government partisan brain-dead moron and clueless Twit.

LMAO; you're really too stupid for prime time. No wonder you support wack job politicians.

So just for shits and giggles, and to remove any doubt you're a real dumbass; why don't you explain the purpose of this "chem trail" conspiracy, who would be in charge of it, and how, with so many co-conspirators to implement it, how they can keep it from being exposed?
LMAO @ stopsprayingcalifornia.

Did you notice that there is never any explanation fom these whack job blogs as to why the Government would spray its citizens with toxic chemicals?
LMAO; you're really too stupid for prime time. No wonder you support wack job politicians.


Again, you hold true to your form of nothing rational or specific resembling an argument, just more feeble brain-dead insults. You can only be interpreted as having no clue, intellect or ability to disprove a single theory or produce a single drop of evidence in opposition to the issue. related to chem-trails What a fucking waste!!!!!!!!!!
So just for shits and giggles, and to remove any doubt you're a real dumbass; why don't you explain the purpose of this "chem trail" conspiracy, who would be in charge of it, and how, with so many co-conspirators to implement it, how they can keep it from being exposed?

How do you know how many "co-conspirators" there are? There are several "THEORIES" about chem-trails. I don't endorse any of them or deny any of them. Nor do I condemn anybody that QUESTIONS them especially a possible government involvement in them and I especially respect the Navy Seal, Jesse Ventura's right to question them.

BYW, where's your answer of how Jesse became a Seal since you think he's a "Whack-Job?" If you had 1% of Jesse's intellect and courage Asshole, you might be almost worth a fucking dime.
LMAO @ stopsprayingcalifornia.

Did you notice that there is never any explanation fom these whack job blogs as to why the Government would spray its citizens with toxic chemicals?

This is just for you, you brain-dead clueless moron and it isn’t THEORY. There’s tons of evidence of it. So idiot, you go right ahead and be a trusting soul of BIG fucking government, you’re surely that much of a fucking idiot.

Unethical human experimentation in the United States
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This article is about U.S. medical experiments that are alleged to be unethical, non-consensual, or illegal. For the consensual, ethical, and legal use of human beings in medical research, see Human subject research.
Particularly in the 20th century, there have been numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects.

The experiments include: the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children,[1] the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor, racial minorities or prisoners.

Funding for many of the experiments was provided by United States government, especially the United States military, Central Intelligence Agency, or private corporations involved with military activities. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed.
You have not provided any proof of the chemtrail nonsense. They are condensation trails.

I don't have to prove anything I neither promoted or denied any particular "THEORY" concerning their origin. I simply support the right of everybody and anybody to QUESTION the origin of chem-trails and anything else they choose to question without calling them "Whack-Jobs." I don't think Global Warmest are Whack-Jobs or Global Warmest Deniers are Whack-Jobs. I don't think Obama's "BIRTHERS" are Whack-Jobs.

You can't prove that chem-trails are "condensation"-trails, but I don't call your THEORY nonsense either, Genius!!!!!!!!
I don't have to prove anything I neither promoted or denied any particular "THEORY" concerning their origin. I simply support the right of everybody and anybody to QUESTION the origin of chem-trails and anything else they choose to question without calling them "Whack-Jobs." I don't think Global Warmest are Whack-Jobs or Global Warmest Deniers are Whack-Jobs. I don't think Obama's "BIRTHERS" are Whack-Jobs.

You can't prove that chem-trails are "condensation"-trails, but I don't call your THEORY nonsense either, Genius!!!!!!!!

No one has a right to be free of criticism for things they say. Jesse Ventura can say crazy shit and others can point out that he is in fact a whack job. That's how free speech works.

There is plenty of proof that the trails are formed by condensation.

You are an idiot.
No one has a right to be free of criticism for things they say.

Who said they should Goober?

Jesse Ventura can say crazy shit and others can point out that he is in fact a whack job. That's how free speech works.

Right! Now point out Jesse’s ”CRAZY SHIT.” Show the world he’s a ”WHACK-JOB.”

You’re just like your comrade TD your all hat and no cattle. You can make accusations and insults but that’s the totality of your fucking intellect. You never produce a dime’s worth of rational evidence or intelligent substantive argument about any of the fucking horseshit you blabber.

There is plenty of proof that the trails are formed by condensation.

So you say Goober, but where’s the fucking BEEF?????

You are an idiot.

I’m surely not without plenty of company when I converse with morons like you and your idiot pal TD, huh Asshole?
Jesse Ventura can say crazy shit and others can point out that he is in fact a whack job. That's how free speech works.

So, in your biased world your right to criticize is "free speech" but Jesse's right to question government makes Jesse a "Whack-Job," right Numb-nuts?
Who said they should Goober?

I simply support the right of everybody and anybody to QUESTION the origin of chem-trails and anything else they choose to question without calling them "Whack-Jobs."

Right! Now point out Jesse’s ”CRAZY SHIT.” Show the world he’s a ”WHACK-JOB.”

You’re just like your comrade TD your all hat and no cattle. You can make accusations and insults but that’s the totality of your fucking intellect. You never produce a dime’s worth of rational evidence or intelligent substantive argument about any of the fucking horseshit you blabber.

So you say Goober, but where’s the fucking BEEF?????

I’m surely not without plenty of company when I converse with morons like you and your idiot pal TD, huh Asshole?

There is his 9/11 Truther nonsense and his delusions that he was being surveiled as Governor and followed by drones now.

As for proof about condensation trails, I can't imagine you were looking very hard.
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