Cheney and Gonzales indicted by Texas GJ



Good for Texas

A Texas grand jury has indicted outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on charges related to alleged abuse of prisoners in Willacy County federal detention facilities, CNN reported.

"The vice president has not received an indictment," Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell countered to CNN.

Cheney's stake in the Vanguard Group, which holds interests in the private prison companies that run the detention centers, was cited in the indictment. Cheney is accused of a conflict of interest and "at least misdemeanor assaults" on detainees through his ownership interest.

Gonzales is accused of using his position during his time as Attorney General to block an investigation into abuses at the detention centers, located in south Texas.
Nutjob "Barnyard" DA Behind Cheney & Alberto Gonzales Indictment

Last year Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra was arrested after a grand jury handed down three indictments for first-degree felony charge of theft by public servant.

In response to his arrest Guerra parked a motor home in front of the Willacy County Jail and camped for nine days in protest. He also surrounded his campsite with livestock. First he took a goat with two kids that were born the day of his arrest, Guerra said. A day later, he added a rooster. Then he hauled in a white horse along with two bales of hay. Sheriff Larry Spence wondered, "Is he building an ark? It gets weirder every day. I've got a barnyard out there now."

Guerra had his indictments dismissed last month.

Yesterday, Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra brought up charges against Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales. The flurry of charges came in the twilight of Guerra's tenure, which ends this year. He lost convincingly in a Democratic primary in March.


The looney left strikes again.
A Texas grand jury has indicted outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
Its handed down by a grand Jury and our little web way starts talking about some lawyer.

I think we know who the real nutjob is on this thread.
The Judge in the case has already set the case for arraignment. He is going to arraign the sitting VP.

So he is being indicted because he holds equity in the Vanguard group that in turn owns equity in the firms that run the prisons?

That seems a bit of a stretch given that typically the investments of elected officials are run in a blind trust so as to avoid conflicts of interest. Unless that is not the case here?
Its handed down by a grand Jury and our little web way starts talking about some lawyer.

I think we know who the real nutjob is on this thread.


Do you actually think a room full of idiots just decided one day to hand down an indictment for the VP. That's where your wacko DA comes into play.

The primary function of the modern grand jury is to review the evidence presented by the prosecutor and determine whether there is probable cause to return an indictment.

The original purpose of the grand jury was to act as a buffer between the king (and his prosecutors) and the citizens. Critics argue that this safeguarding role has been erased, and the grand jury simply acts as a rubber stamp for the prosecutor.
Can You Believe This?


Indictments Against Cheney, Gonzales Dismissed
Judge in south Texas dismisses indictments against Cheney, Gonzales, other officials

The Associated Press


A judge dismissed indictments against Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Monday and told the south Texas prosecutor who brought the case to exercise caution as his term in office ends.

Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra had accused Cheney and the other defendants of responsibility for prisoner abuse. The judge's order ended two weeks of sometimes-bizarre court proceedings.

Guerra is leaving office at the end of the month after soundly losing in his March primary election.

"I suggest on behalf of the law that you not present any cases to the grand jury involving these defendants," Administrative Judge Manuel Banales said in court while ruling that eight indictments against Cheney, Gonzales and others were invalid.

He also set a Dec. 10 hearing on whether to disqualify Guerra from those cases.

Even in thorough defeat, Guerra saw the outcome as confirmation of the very conspiracy he had pursued. "I expected it," he said. "The system is going to protect itself."....

Bitch slapped by the judge....

"I suggest on behalf of the law that you not present any cases to the grand jury involving these defendants," Administrative Judge Manuel Banales said in court while ruling that eight indictments against Cheney, Gonzales and others were invalid.

No circle jerk celebration for the libtards.
Yeah, like "What what what" is grammatic perfection.

Thanks, pot. I see you've met kettle.

And the implied subject of "you" in her sentence does not make it a fragment.

Indeed. My guess is he is a 6th grade drop out. ;)