Chicago Parking Tax hike of 33% to help close massive budget shortfall


New member
No I didn't post this just cause Obama is from there, but this is just another example of how Liberal Democrats in power can NEVER cut spending and just pass tax increases. Of course only the wealthy will be hit (as per usual).

"Parking in the Loop is a pricey proposition as it is, but Mayor Richard M. Daley wants to make it even more expensive with a new tax increase.

As CBS 2's Joanie Lum reports, some Chicagoans are so upset about the idea that they held a protest on Tuesday.

The parking industry says taxes have been raised six times in the past 12 years, and they have no choice but to pass that cost onto the drivers. They said the expenses incurred from the new tax could price some motorists out of parking at all.

As motorists entered the Lake/Wells Self Park Facility, 175 W. Lake St, workers handed out flyers and encouraged them to call their local aldermen and fight the increase. They say Chicago has the second highest parking tax in the country, and with the new proposal it could rise from 27 percent to 33 percent.

The only U.S. city with a higher parking tax is Pittsburgh, where the tax is 45 percent. Before dropping a year ago, the Pittsburgh tax had been 50 percent.
Parking attendants told their customers prices would go up if they did not raise their voices. As it is, the average parking garage rate in Chicago is nearly $300 per month, more if you pay by the day. The tax hike would increase that amount by about $15 per month.

"It's $30 a day, so that can get pricey pretty quick, especially if they raise it," said motorist Ron Martin.

Parking companies say prices are out of control.

"A big portion of that right now is between the city and county taxes. People don't really realize that," said Jim Doria of InterPark.

And some Chicagoans just say they have had enough taxes.

"We are getting hit from all sides, and this is another side that's getting hit. It's unfortunate, but I take the train and don't worry about it," said Randy Banks.

But some motorists didn't think taxes were the only factor to blame for high parking prices.

"Of course they're going to say, 'Complain the alderman,' because it's the taxes, then the people on the watch don't look like the bad guys. They can make the politicians look like the bad guys," Smith said. "But it's a little bit of both."

"It's always the taxes; they always find a reason why it's going so high," Petrusky said. "What are you going to do?"

Mayor Daley has proposed the Loop parking tax to help close a massive budget shortfall. He has also proposed hiking the city's two-tiered amusement tax from 4 to 5 percent for mid-sized venues, and 8 to 9 percent for large sporting venues. "
ill have to agree with you to some extent for once. here in MA under romney we had balanced budget and became one of the richest states in the union. Since duval Patrick in charge tolls have in some cases tripled and we were second state in union to ask Federal government for a bailout.

No doubt id be voting republican if romney was the man. He would have pulled Michigan and new Hampshire to name a couple.

Now its in my best interest to vote obama as he will likely rid us of Patrick.
ill have to agree with you to some extent for once. here in MA under romney we had balanced budget and became one of the richest states in the union. Since duval Patrick in charge tolls have in some cases tripled and we were second state in union to ask Federal government for a bailout.

No doubt id be voting republican if romney was the man. He would have pulled Michigan and new Hampshire to name a couple.

Now its in my best interest to vote obama as he will likely rid us of Patrick.

Umm you might want to conisder what else was giong on in the nation while Romney was there.
We all should pay the true cost of what it costs to drive on our roads.

Roads will be a growing issue. Most states seem to have a flat per gallon tax on gas. Not a % of the sales price. So as price goes up and per gallon sales go down. Road taxes drop.
We all should pay the true cost of what it costs to drive on our roads.

Roads will be a growing issue. Most states seem to have a flat per gallon tax on gas. Not a % of the sales price. So as price goes up and per gallon sales go down. Road taxes drop.

fine but people who don't drive the roads should also have a tax. That would share the expense of the infrastructure more fairly.
fine but people who don't drive the roads should also have a tax. That would share the expense of the infrastructure more fairly.

People that don't drive the roads do pay a tax for the roads. People who drive the roads pay more for them. Roadway maintenance, construction, etc. . . is not even close to fully funded through gas taxes and tolls.

Quit bitching. Your driving is being subsidized.
Taxes should be paid on vehicle weight and miles driven. Part of the annual liscencing process.

Those who do not drive would still pay as the purchasers of hauled goods.
People that don't drive the roads do pay a tax for the roads. People who drive the roads pay more for them. Roadway maintenance, construction, etc. . . is not even close to fully funded through gas taxes and tolls.

Quit bitching. Your driving is being subsidized.

i can bitch all i want. that's a $2000 tax increase what they are proposing for someone like me. My alternative is to take a train.. ohh but they are raising that cost in conjunction.. or to not work in Boston.

Bottom line make everyone pay for there bloated cost with 3hour minimum rent a cop's for $30bucks an hour... just like everyone pays for the programs i get no benefit out of like welfare.
its a two sided prism here. This is all that i despise about democrats. Its ok to attack the motorist who need a turnpike to get to work and say its only fair for them to pay more of the share. but when comes to ANY democrat bleeding heart pork the cost should be shared and no specific groups should pay more then a fair share in those cases.
its a two sided prism here. This is all that i despise about democrats. Its ok to attack the motorist who need a turnpike to get to work and say its only fair for them to pay more of the share. but when comes to ANY democrat bleeding heart pork the cost should be shared and no specific groups should pay more then a fair share in those cases.

Please. Patrick is taking a page out of the Mitt Romney playbook with this stuff and frankly, I'm OK with increasing user fees as a opposed to across the board tax increases. Money doesn't grow on trees and the fact of the matter is that driving is a heavily subsidized activity in the United States.

Having people pay a bit more for the pleasure of sitting in traffic on the Pike for an hour just may have the added benefit of cutting down your commute time and gas costs, not to mention you lost productive time sitting in your car.

Personally, I'd favor congestion pricing but it'd be to complicated.
Please. Patrick is taking a page out of the Mitt Romney playbook with this stuff and frankly, I'm OK with increasing user fees as a opposed to across the board tax increases. Money doesn't grow on trees and the fact of the matter is that driving is a heavily subsidized activity in the United States.

Having people pay a bit more for the pleasure of sitting in traffic on the Pike for an hour just may have the added benefit of cutting down your commute time and gas costs, not to mention you lost productive time sitting in your car.

Personally, I'd favor congestion pricing but it'd be to complicated.

how about we eliminate the turnpike authority and just let the highway department run the ma pike. Then put one lane on the right side for collections for if u don't have fasspass and give cash handling a 25% premium. That should get people to convert.

Next eliminate that rediculous 3hour min rule for rent-cops and lower the sit in your car and drink coffee fee to like $15bucks an hour.

Problem solved no need for it to cost me $20 to drive to the airport and home in fees.
I think the point is that spending should match revenues not tax rates should match spending.

Generally I agree, but sometimes tax rates have to rise for needs.

and we have spent 10 trillion more than we have just on the federal level. What about the state and local govts ? How much debt there. + about 3 trillion I think in unsecured personal debt. And that does not count mortgage debts.
When the state goes into a recession they have a choice between raising the rate or not getting new textbooks. Conservatives put the textbooks on hold. I remember when I was a kid we spent half the period manually writing down tests onto paper and then the rest being taught because the government was on a budget shortfall and get rid of the printer paper budget. It decided it was just best to utterly waste half of the money that went into schools than to put the money in there to make it work efficiently.
When the state goes into a recession they have a choice between raising the rate or not getting new textbooks. Conservatives put the textbooks on hold. I remember when I was a kid we spent half the period manually writing down tests onto paper and then the rest being taught because the government was on a budget shortfall and get rid of the printer paper budget. It decided it was just best to utterly waste half of the money that went into schools than to put the money in there to make it work efficiently.

What a joke. I went to a private school 1st through 6th and we had books that were 10 years old in the 70's. STFU about old books. You have no idea. They only had enough books for a classrom in each subject and the books stayed in classroom as well. That's right, we didn't have text books to take home. And in case you don't believe me, call St Annes in Hazelcrest Ill and ask em yourself. Learning is about the teacher imparting lessons. Yo had shitty teachers and shoitty management of resources.