Chicago Teachers Union president blames terrible black test scores on WHITE SUPREMACY!!!

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
How many times have we heard this silly excuse about tests being culturally biased towards whites? So why do asians do great on the tests? And why do blacks do so poorly on MATH tests?

aug 20 2024 In an interview with a Chicago radio station, Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates claimed that her students’ awful reading and math scores should be ignored because testing is “junk science” rooted in “white supremacy.” “If you have another hour, I can get into why standardized tests are born out of the eugenics movement,” she added. “And the eugenics movement has always sought to see black people as inferior to those that are non-black…You can’t test black children with an instrument that was born to prove their inferiority.”

Reportedly, in 2022, The data shows that, in 2022, a mere 9 percent of Chicago’s black eighth graders were proficient in reading and only 4 percent were proficient in math, according to Wirepoints and the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Gates sent her son to private school, WSJ noted.

I see we are back on the “shithole” theme again, and what makes it even funnier is that there is a high probability none of these MAGA cultist have ever even been to Chicago, NYC, or any over the other “shitholes” they talk about

Without those “shitholes,” where the majority of Americans live, and which define America, the U.S. would look like Albania, ain’t a whole lot of people planning trips to Doolittle, Texas
I see we are back on the “shithole” theme again, and what makes it even funnier is that there is a high probability none of these MAGA cultist have ever even been to Chicago, NYC, or any over the other “shitholes” they talk about
What a stupid argument. Why should i go to a place i know is a shithole.?
I see we are back on the “shithole” theme again, and what makes it even funnier is that there is a high probability none of these MAGA cultist have ever even been to Chicago, NYC, or any over the other “shitholes” they talk about

Without those “shitholes,” where the majority of Americans live, and which define America, the U.S. would look like Albania, ain’t a whole lot of people planning trips to Doolittle, Texas
Chicago is a shit hole regardless of who has visited it. It's a shit hole run for decades by blacks ie: Democrats. If it's a shit hole should we not so der about who has been in charge for of it? Or are you like the current idiot in charge and think its Nixons fault?
Chicago is a shit hole regardless of who has visited it. It's a shit hole run for decades by blacks ie: Democrats. If it's a shit hole should we not so der about who has been in charge for of it? Or are you like the current idiot in charge and think its Nixons fault?
Are you STILL hanging around the forum insulting members, tatt-boy ?

Haw, haw......................................haw.

White Lib supremacy. They are ones that dictate policy for the ghettos.

Denying Black children an education is a longtime socialist democrat party platform.

Some things never change.
Not to mention the radicalized, Leftist, puts indoctrination and dogma ahead of education schools in the Chicago area like the Lawndale Little Village Social Justice High School...

Or this high school there:

Or the radical Leftists that run them and teach there...
