Chicago, Wonderful World Of Progressive-ism. (Mayor Rahm Emanuel)


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Chicago shooting victims
1. Last updated Aug. 15, 2016
The map below shows where people were shot in Chicago, broken down by community area. Darker shades of blue indicate greater numbers of victims in those community areas.
This data is compiled from reporting done by the Chicago Tribune Breaking News staff and is typically updated more than once per week. Therefore, the most recent shootings may not be displayed immediately.

Yearly totals Jan. 1, 2016 - Aug. 15, 2016 2,6071
shooting victims
Jan. 1, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2015 2,988
shooting victims

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, after winning reelection, pronounced Chicago "the greatest city in America." Run by Democrats for more than eight decades, Chicago should serve as a showplace that reflects the wonderful world of "progressive policies."
Chicago shooting victims
1. Last updated Aug. 15, 2016
The map below shows where people were shot in Chicago, broken down by community area. Darker shades of blue indicate greater numbers of victims in those community areas.
This data is compiled from reporting done by the Chicago Tribune Breaking News staff and is typically updated more than once per week. Therefore, the most recent shootings may not be displayed immediately.

Yearly totals Jan. 1, 2016 - Aug. 15, 2016 2,6071
shooting victims
Jan. 1, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2015 2,988
shooting victims

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, after winning reelection, pronounced Chicago "the greatest city in America." Run by Democrats for more than eight decades, Chicago should serve as a showplace that reflects the wonderful world of "progressive policies."

Why aren't "Black Lives Matter marching on Chicago City Hall? Them Chicago murders ain't white cops shooting blacks, they're blacks shooting blacks. Democrats run most Big city governments and that's where 80% of America's gun crime is happening. It's created and promoted by the BIG government Drug War and gangbangers killing over drug turf and drug deals. Ain't progressivism grand?
The good O' 24 hour bump..

I guess no one cares about rahm.. Most dems weren't fond of him & progressives couldn't stand him.............

Good to see your concern for the black residents suffering under the emmanual regime..
The good O' 24 hour bump..

I guess no one cares about rahm.. Most dems weren't fond of him & progressives couldn't stand him.............

Good to see your concern for the black residents suffering under the emmanual regime..

The problem with progressives and democrats is Rahm isn't the only BIG city Mayor or political office holder with massive gun crime and black on black murders. Most BIG cities are slaughter houses for black on black gun crime and most BIG city governments are controlled by the progressive Democrats. Please explain if you dare.
The problem with progressives and democrats is Rahm isn't the only BIG city Mayor or political office holder with massive gun crime and black on black murders. Most BIG cities are slaughter houses for black on black gun crime and most BIG city governments are controlled by the progressive Democrats. Please explain if you dare.

What is it I should dare to eSplain you??

They voted for him, he is their problem, & vise Versa...
What is it I should dare to eSplain you??

They voted for him, he is their problem, & vise Versa...

I'm not amazed that you can't grasp the the progressive leftist contradiction that supports thugs like Black Lives Matter that promotes killing cops and at the same time is too stupid to realize that it's the progressive left that governs most of the inner-city ghettos where the killings of blacks is in great majority done by other blacks. Why is that? Isn't it the cops that protect black neighborhoods? Isn't it the politicians that provide secure conditions for the city's neighborhoods. How do you evaluate the BIG city politicians and their responsibility for "BLACK LIVES?"
Instead of posting rants on an obscure all-white internet forum, Bobo should go to Chicago, walk the streets and demand that black Chicagoans march on City Hall.

I'll understand if he doesn't.

Poor Bobo.
Instead of posting rants on an obscure all-white internet forum, Bobo should go to Chicago, walk the streets and demand that black Chicagoans march on City Hall.

I'll understand if he doesn't.

Poor Bobo.

How do you know that Bobo, (whoever he/she/whatever) is Hasn't/isn't roaming the ghetto streets of Chicago and other BIG cities preaching common sense and righteousness to the Democrat's slaves in the Democrat created slave quarters? I'll understand if you don't know.:dunno::rofl2::cof1:

Just who is Bobo?:dunno:
I'm not amazed that you can't grasp the the progressive leftist contradiction that supports thugs like Black Lives Matter that promotes killing cops and at the same time is too stupid to realize that it's the progressive left that governs most of the inner-city ghettos where the killings of blacks is in great majority done by other blacks. Why is that? Isn't it the cops that protect black neighborhoods? Isn't it the politicians that provide secure conditions for the city's neighborhoods. How do you evaluate the BIG city politicians and their responsibility for "BLACK LIVES?"

You should ask the ppl that live & vote in those cities...
You should ask the ppl that live & vote in those cities...

You mean those fatherless families who love Democrats and the Democrats slave payments "pay raises for the production of more children who will vote Democrat?"

How do you know I haven't told those folks what I post here? How do you know those folks aren't reading it here now? Is your only talent making accusations and asking stupid questions?
How do you know I haven't told those folks what I post here? How do you know those folks aren't reading it here now? Is your only talent making accusations and asking stupid questions?

Speaking of asking stupid questions... :palm:

Did you see a question mark somewhere bobO?? Open your eyes, not just your mouth.."You should ask the ppl that live & vote in those cities..."

I dunno what you may have asked anyone, my guess is you spend most of your time in the garage or basement & don't get out much, which is good for society...
The good O' 24 hour bump..

I guess no one cares about rahm.. Most dems weren't fond of him & progressives couldn't stand him.............

Good to see your concern for the black residents suffering under the emmanual regime..

Trump is fond of Rahm. He give him a yuuuuuuge campaign contribution!
Nice guy that trumpf, said nice things about crooked hillary & liar ted canadian cruz said he even gave her 10 checks....... Oh what a wonderful world.:D
Yep, he was great to her before he was running for president as a Republican. When she left the State Department, he even said that "...she does a good job ... The record of Hillary Clinton and how did she do as Secretary of State, probably above and beyond everybody else."
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