Children in the news


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Taxpayer-Funded Study At NIH Pays Gay Minors To Report Sexual Activity Without Parental Permission

The National Institutes of Health has spent more than $8 million on a research study that pays gay and transgender boys as young as 13 hundreds of dollars to report their sexual behavior on a mobile app, all without parental permission.

NIH-funded researchers at Columbia University offer up to $275 to gay and transgender boys, between the ages of 13 and 18, to document their sexual activity on MyPEEPS Mobile, including whether they have "condom-less anal sex."

The NIH spent more than $300,000 to develop the app, and $7.9 million for researchers to study the data it collects, according to a government spending database.

The app for "young men who have sex with men" provides "interactive games and activities".

DEMOCRAT DC mayor, attorney general trade blame amid spike in juvenile violence

DEMOCRAT officials are baffled by spike in juvenile, violent crime.


DEMOCRATS in Washington, D.C., are trading barbs and pointing fingers after the rapid escalation in juvenile crime drew criticism for their inability to control the city.

"We’ve got to make sure there’s a mechanism of accountability in place to ensure that does not happen," D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee said of the spike in youth violence. "Where do we need to make adjustments in the system?

D.C. DEMOCRAT Mayoress Muriel "Bow-wow" Bowser chimed in with similar questions, pointing to the city's DEMOCRAT-dominated court system as a possible weak link.

"The court can say, ‘No, this isn’t for us. You, we’re going to divert to this other agency.’ It could happen," Bow-wow petulantly postulated.

Last year, the almost 100% DEMOCRAT D.C. City Council ( two out of thirteen pretend to be "independent") voted to cut police funding.
What I Saw at the School-Board Meeting


A snapshot of the dysfunction ravaging American politics and culture

Teen Converts to Islam, Murders 13-Year-Old Boy



Corey Johnson was 17 when he murdered a 13-year-old boy, Jovanni Sierra Brand, and stabbed two other people because they “idolized celebrities and disrespected his Muslim faith.”

Johnson is now 21. On Thursday, he got a life sentence for the murder, but no one seems to be pondering the larger implications of the case.

The most important aspect of this story, however, apart from the lives lost and ruined, is the fact that Johnson had only recently converted to Islam when he killed Brand and had already come to the attention of law enforcement before he committed murder.

At the time of his arrest for the killing of Jovanni in 2018, Johnson already had federal charges pending against him for threatening a Catholic school. He sent threats to McAuley Catholic High School. Authorities said the threats were so serious that up to 100 students withdrew from the school for fear of an attack.

One of the messages Johnson sent to the school said: “We have our sights set on you, and by Allah we will kill every infidel student at this school inshallah) #McAuleySchoolMassacre.”

His case was so serious that FBI agents met with administrators at his high school; Johnson had reached out to ISIS online saying that he wished to join. reported at the time of the attack that “in his statement, Johnson advised he stabbed the victims because of his Muslim faith,” and that “just before the attack, Johnson was reading the Quran from his phone ‘to give him courage to carry out his intentions.’”

Surely authorities have learned and have taken steps to make sure that nothing like Johnson’s jihad attack happens again, right?

Of course not.

In the years immediately following 9/11, counterterror agents were taught that one sign of a potential jihad killer was a sudden turn to devout observance of Islam. Devout Muslims weren’t all jihadis, but all jihadis, especially those who were converts to Islam, were devout.

During the Obama administration, however, all that was removed from counter-terror training: it was “Islamophobic” and “singled Muslims out”.
Legion is well know for his '12b Traps'. Caution is advised here.

Is that all there is to Legions apparent obsession with discussing underage sex? How sad. Just seems to me that there must be more to it but maybe he IS just a massive loser who has nothing better to do.

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No prison time for parents who drove into floodwaters, killing 3 children



An Arizona couple who purposely drove into floodwaters — resulting in the deaths of two of their kids and their niece — skirted jail after their surviving children pleaded with the judge to let them stay home.

Judge Timothy Wright sentenced Daniel Rawlings, 38, to five years of probation and Lacey Rawlings, 34, to four years of probation on Thursday following dramatic testimony from family members in the Gila County courtroom.

The parents were criminally charged after they plowed their military-style truck through the overflowing Tonto Creek the day after Thanksgiving in 2019, ignoring signs and barricades that warned motorists not to cross.

The car was quickly inundated with water. The couple and four of their children escaped, but two of their kids — 5-year-old Colby, 6-year-old Willa — and their niece, 5-year-old Austin, were swept away and drowned.

Throwing the couple in prison could negatively impact their surviving two children and the kids’ two cousins, the judge said.

“These four children have zero fault in this case, yet they carry the burdens,” Wright said.

The judge also said he found the couple remorseful, and weighed their lack of criminal history in his decision. In addition to probation, the parents must complete significant community service time.

The Rawlings had passed through the creek on their way back from a family member’s home. The kids pleaded to cross through again, which they did, but this time in a part of the creek they were not familiar with.

Did the judge do the right thing?
