Children with liberal parents more likely to suffer mental health problems


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Plenty of proof of this everywhere.

Children with liberal parents more likely to suffer mental health problems: Study

Children who grow up in politically liberal households are more likely to suffer mental health problems than their conservative peers, according to a new study.

An Institute for Family Studies-Gallup report found that "political ideology is one of the strongest predictors" of which caregiving styles a parent adopts, and conservative parents are associated with the best mental health outcomes for their children.

"Conservative and very conservative parents are the most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health," study author Jonathan Rothwell, who is also the principal economist at Gallup and nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, wrote . "Liberal parents score the lowest, even worse than very liberal parents, largely because they are the least likely to successfully discipline their children."

Conservative parents have several key distinctions in their relationships with their children that inform mental health outcomes, Rothwell explained, including being able to "effectively discipline their children, while also displaying affection and responding to their needs." The right-leaning parents also have better quality relationships with their children, "characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond."

Political ideology is just one predictive factor in the overarching conclusion of the study , which is that having high-quality relationships between children and their parents is the most important factor in achieving positive mental health outcomes.

The study comes as adolescent mental health has plummeted over the course of the last decade, a free fall marked by increased suicide, depression, and anxiety, among other problems.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics have offered recommendations like better funding for psychiatric services, the study notes the CDC's solutions "almost completely ignore the most important known determinant of youth mental health: parent-child relationships."

The best mental health results come from "warm, responsive, and rule-bound, disciplined parenting," Rothwell said. This style is otherwise known as "authoritative."

~ Mental health predictors other than political ideology also included views on marriage; those who believe marriage is not an outdated institution and think it improves relationship quality through commitment had more positive parenting styles. That worldview translated to spouses, where those reporting better relationships with their partners were more likely to have effective parenting practices.
Plenty of proof of this everywhere.

Children with liberal parents more likely to suffer mental health problems: Study

Children who grow up in politically liberal households are more likely to suffer mental health problems than their conservative peers, according to a new study.

An Institute for Family Studies-Gallup report found that "political ideology is one of the strongest predictors" of which caregiving styles a parent adopts, and conservative parents are associated with the best mental health outcomes for their children.

"Conservative and very conservative parents are the most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health," study author Jonathan Rothwell, who is also the principal economist at Gallup and nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, wrote . "Liberal parents score the lowest, even worse than very liberal parents, largely because they are the least likely to successfully discipline their children."

Conservative parents have several key distinctions in their relationships with their children that inform mental health outcomes, Rothwell explained, including being able to "effectively discipline their children, while also displaying affection and responding to their needs." The right-leaning parents also have better quality relationships with their children, "characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond."

Political ideology is just one predictive factor in the overarching conclusion of the study , which is that having high-quality relationships between children and their parents is the most important factor in achieving positive mental health outcomes.

The study comes as adolescent mental health has plummeted over the course of the last decade, a free fall marked by increased suicide, depression, and anxiety, among other problems.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics have offered recommendations like better funding for psychiatric services, the study notes the CDC's solutions "almost completely ignore the most important known determinant of youth mental health: parent-child relationships."

The best mental health results come from "warm, responsive, and rule-bound, disciplined parenting," Rothwell said. This style is otherwise known as "authoritative."

~ Mental health predictors other than political ideology also included views on marriage; those who believe marriage is not an outdated institution and think it improves relationship quality through commitment had more positive parenting styles. That worldview translated to spouses, where those reporting better relationships with their partners were more likely to have effective parenting practices.

Such a stupid goy!! Jewish parents are overwhelmingly liberal and we foster education in our children and grandchildren along with social responsibility, right wing goyim..not so much
Guno צְבִי;5945431 said:
Such a stupid goy!! Jewish parents are overwhelmingly liberal and we foster education in our children and grandchildren along with social responsibility, right wing goyim..not so much

Racist much? Jews are NOT "overwhelmingly liberal". Visit Israel.
More chest thumping and projection from the right wing march and order dregs? Please, you know nothing about mental health, science, or treatment. Stay in your lane.
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Racist much? Jews are NOT "overwhelmingly liberal". Visit Israel.

I have and do since I have dual citizenship you cross humping pork eating goy

Gay & Lesbian Equality
Israel is one of the most progressive countries in the world in terms of recognizing differences based on sexual orientation. Israeli law forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation.

In 2006, Israel hosted "Love Without Borders: WorldPride," a weeklong event organized by LGBT activists from around the world. In 2012, Israel's largest city, Tel Avi,v was named the World's Best Gay City by participants in an international competition. The Israeli city garnered a whopping 43 percent of votes in the online survey, ranking it far above other, more famous places such as New York City, Sydney and San Francisco.

By contrast, homosexuals are not protected in Arab and Muslim states, and they are often imprisoned and sometimes executed. In the Palestinian Authority, sodomy carries a jail term of three to 10 years

Women's Rights
Israel is the only country in the Middle East that provides full equality for women. In the Palestinian Authority and most Arab states, women are treated as second-class citizens, often denied the right to vote or work in most fields, and, in the case of Saudi Arabia, they are not even allowed to drive a car. Worse, abuse of women, such as “honor killings” and spousal rape, is tolerated and accepted in society.

Women in Israel are protected by law from discrimination and abuse, and they have been engaged in all walks of life, from homemaker to combat soldier to prime minister. In September 2006, Dorit Beinisch was sworn in as Israel's first female Supreme Court President. In 2011, a tradition of women graduating from the Israeli Air Force's elite fighter pilot school reached a new high when five recruits successfully finished the intensive training.

Additionally, women comprise nearly 51% of all magistrate and district court judges, making it very likely that more women will be appointed to the Supreme Court in the future. Additionally, more than 44% of all lawyers registered in Israel are women.

Abortion is available and legal

Universal health care for all Jews and non Jews
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Guno צְבִי;5945509 said:
I have and do since I have dual citizenship you cross humping pork eating goy

Gay & Lesbian Equality
Israel is one of the most progressive countries in the world in terms of recognizing differences based on sexual orientation. Israeli law forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation.

In 2006, Israel hosted "Love Without Borders: WorldPride," a weeklong event organized by LGBT activists from around the world. In 2012, Israel's largest city, Tel Avi,v was named the World's Best Gay City by participants in an international competition. The Israeli city garnered a whopping 43 percent of votes in the online survey, ranking it far above other, more famous places such as New York City, Sydney and San Francisco.

By contrast, homosexuals are not protected in Arab and Muslim states, and they are often imprisoned and sometimes executed. In the Palestinian Authority, sodomy carries a jail term of three to 10 years

Women's Rights
Israel is the only country in the Middle East that provides full equality for women. In the Palestinian Authority and most Arab states, women are treated as second-class citizens, often denied the right to vote or work in most fields, and, in the case of Saudi Arabia, they are not even allowed to drive a car. Worse, abuse of women, such as “honor killings” and spousal rape, is tolerated and accepted in society.

Women in Israel are protected by law from discrimination and abuse, and they have been engaged in all walks of life, from homemaker to combat soldier to prime minister. In September 2006, Dorit Beinisch was sworn in as Israel's first female Supreme Court President. In 2011, a tradition of women graduating from the Israeli Air Force's elite fighter pilot school reached a new high when five recruits successfully finished the intensive training.

Additionally, women comprise nearly 51% of all magistrate and district court judges, making it very likely that more women will be appointed to the Supreme Court in the future. Additionally, more than 44% of all lawyers registered in Israel are women.

Abortion is available and legal

Universal health care for all Jews and non Jews

They allowed HOMOFEST. So?

They also loved Pres.Trump FAR MORE than Obama or Biden.