China Is Trying to Change What Human Rights Mean


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China wants to keep their forced slave labor going. This shows whay we should not be like China as Biden would like us to be

In September, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a surprising announcement, stating that “Human rights for all is the shared pursuit of humanity.” This might appear to be a remarkable pivot for China, especially in light of a new research paper showing that its state-sponsor of forced labor in the western province of Xinjiang continues unabated. After all, if human rights mean anything, it is that slavery is bad. However, in the very next paragraph, the Ministry states that “There is no one-size-fits-all model for promoting and protecting human rights. All countries’ independent choice of their own path of human rights development should be respected.” According to China, countries should decide for themselves what constitutes human rights based upon “historical background, cultural heritage, social systems and levels of socio-economic development,” and government leaders are the people within a country who should make this determination.

In other words, governments get to decide what the phrase “human rights” should mean. For China, its historical background and cultural heritage apparently indicate that forced labor is just fine.

Beijing’s new interpretation of human rights must be a relief to Vladimir Putin, who can now argue that imprisoning political opponents is part of Russia’s historical background—an incontrovertible fact. For Saudi Arabia, the assassination of journalists would be fine, of course, as would torture and death by regimes in Syria, North Korea, and Afghanistan. Indeed, what horror would not be justified by historical background? Even the Holocaust was built upon a cultural heritage of antisemitism and violence against Jews that went back hundreds of years throughout Europe.
In other words, governments get to decide what the phrase “human rights” should mean. For China, its historical background and cultural heritage apparently indicate that forced labor is just fine.

If the Chinese people disagree with this, it's up to them to change it.

The government could not survive with a total absence of popular support.
That's why the pre-Mao government went down.
People who don't have democracy don't really want it that much.

Our own trumpanzees have it and don't want it.
If the Chinese people disagree with this, it's up to them to change it.

The government could not survive with a total absence of popular support.
That's why the pre-Mao government went down.
People who don't have democracy don't really want it that much.

Our own trumpanzees have it and don't want it.

The US and others must look to stop slave labor no matter what country it is in
If the Chinese people disagree with this, it's up to them to change it.

The government could not survive with a total absence of popular support.
That's why the pre-Mao government went down.
People who don't have democracy don't really want it that much.

Our own trumpanzees have it and don't want it.

so then you don't understand what totalitarianism is?
so then you don't understand what totalitarianism is?

Totalitarianisms is what people accept
if their standard of living under it
is better than what it was under a Batista or Diem style of "democratic capitalism."

If it's as bad as American propaganda always says that it is,
then that is what ferments further revolution.
Totalitarianisms is what people accept
if their standard of living under it
is better than what it was under a Batista or Diem style of "democratic capitalism."

If it's as bad as American propaganda always says that it is,
then that is what ferments further revolution.

you realize you're a criminal psychotic who's victim blaming, right?
The might makes right ideology is a devolution of a human to the state of a brute, an animal.

it's devolution. not an enlightened choice.

you traitor sellouts to the NWO aren't exceptional and brilliant.

you're semi-conscious retards.
people are waking up to the fact that "globalism" just means chinese mercantilism.


Due to US arrogance and ignorance mostly the Han were able to hijack globalism , and turned it into a project to burn down the world order and replace it with their vision, which is feudal. I think in their view they have not destroyed the West, we committed suicide, we collapsed in the face of their better way they say, and good riddance they say.
I should say that in the mid 80's I was expecting that there would be an integration Eastern and Western ways creating something new and glorious and lasting. That is not what happened, the West collapsed and the East lead by China romped, what we are getting is a new flowering of the Chinese Empire, this time it is global. For several reasons which I will not go into here this is tragic, because what were are getting is the enslavement of souls, watched constantly and manipulated by our new jailers, the global bureaucrats, who I am almost certain will be based out of the UN.

Life is going to be dystopian for a very long time, our overlords have the tech to drive us into our chains and to keep us there.

In order for the West to win this civilizational battle, it must:
1) Proudly and unequivocally defend Western values;
2) Reject cultural relativism and the unicornia vision of multiculturalism;
3) Recommit to individual dignity over the celebration of collective identity politics;
4) Recognize that all cultures are not equal;
5) Recognize that all religious beliefs are not equally consistent with Western values;
6) Recognize that all immigrants are not equally likely to assimiliate and adopt Western values;
7) Recognize that immigrants who espouse intolerable values that seek to destroy our civilization will be deported (en masse);
8) Implement a rational immigration policy that recognizes the importance of cultural homophily (choosing immigrants who hail from cultures that possess similar values to those of the host nations);
9) Exhibit zero tolerance for seditious belief systems; such systems can be criminalized if they constitute an existential threat to our freedoms and liberties.

I could go on but the latter nine items (some of which are correlated) would be a good start.

Here is the problem: I don't think that the West has the testicular fortitude to implement more than a small subset of the latter nine. Hence, to reiterate a prediction that I've been making for several decades, the West is in death spiral. It will be ugly, painful, and bloody. The greatest tragedy is that the West brought this on itself because of parasitic "progressive" follies. The most dangerous weapon in nature is a human mind infected by ideological parasites.


Its too late to save the West, by many decades.

Buckle Up.