China made a mistake?

BEIJING - China has 32 million more young men than young women — a gender gap that could lead to increasing crime — because parents facing strict birth limits abort female fetuses to have a son, a study released Friday said.

The imbalance is expected to steadily worsen among people of childbearing age over the next two decades and could trigger a slew of social problems, including a possible spike in crime by young men unable to find female partners, said an author of the report published in the BMJ, formerly known as the British Medical Journal.

This could get interesting. Whats Yellow Peril have to say about this?
Nice. Sounds as if they are their way to breeding themselves out of existence. Another generation or two and China could be a society of only men.
At some point in time, even Chinese people will understand that girls are now more valuable because desperate parents of sons will pay you to send one to marry...

A slow see-saw effect will take place until people realize they are just trying to play the game of value, and it isn't working.
Well it's easy for us to criticize. We don't have over a billion people that have to be fed, educated and provided with a modern level of infrastructure to meet their civil needs. We, in the USA, are also not burdened with millenia of culture that inhibits modernization and the most enduring lessons to nation states from the 19th and 20th century is "Don't modernize at your own risk". Particularly with a predatory western civilization chomping at the bit to exploit your resources.

So it's easy as hell for us to criticize and take pot shots at their culture but I don't see anyone here who really gives a shit about the problems they have to deal with.
Well it's easy for us to criticize. We don't have over a billion people that have to be fed, educated and provided with a modern level of infrastructure to meet their civil needs. We, in the USA, are also not burdened with millenia of culture that inhibits modernization and the most enduring lessons to nation states from the 19th and 20th century is "Don't modernize at your own risk". Particularly with a predatory western civilization chomping at the bit to exploit your resources.

So it's easy as hell for us to criticize and take pot shots at their culture but I don't see anyone here who really gives a shit about the problems they have to deal with.

Get a grip! The one child policy has been shown to have backfired and people have a right to critisize it.
Nice. Sounds as if they are their way to breeding themselves out of existence. Another generation or two and China could be a society of only men.

Or, they will start invading neighboring nations to find them some women!
I'm not sure that Republicans are breeding themselves out of existence. It's my understanding that the Democrats are far more fond of abortion and run more of a risk of losing their base than Republicans. That's what I hear anyway.


LOL, good point :clink:

I suppose I was thinking of the gayness of the Republicans.
You're a moron and missed the point entirely. What right do you have to criticize the policy? Are you Chinese? Mind your own damned business.

No, you missed the point. We are discussing a policy imposed by a government on its people that has now caused a serious problem in their country. In real life, as opposed to the one you seem to live, people discuss problems all around the globe.
The Bush administration discussed ways of preventing stupid people breeding. The problem was one of identification.

the cretins cloning and feeding
and i don't even own a tv

Just run it up the flagpole...