China outsourcing: Cheap no more


Abreast of the situations
When I worked at fidelity we were at forefront of off shoring. We set up shops in India mostly but also other regions. We spent A LOT of money to set up shop overseas but it was the thing to do as you could get 3 Indians for the price of one American. The problems started right away (issue #1) with what work to send there. You couldnt just up and lay off your skilled workers in America for Indians that dont know the job. The decision was make to categorize red work (low level) and blue work (high level).
So now we have our Indian operations groups doing all the red work and American force doing the blue work.

Issue #2 the time zone challenge - things started taking 2x longer to resolve with the opposite schedules. American employee sends operations work to Indian employee then back (lose half a day in the transfer on both ends and thats IF it doesn't need to go back for further work). Customer service was staring to suffer. Now we need a beefed up quality assurance group and 24hour operations management to bridge the gap. $$$$

OK so service is back up to par a year latter. UH OHH. issue #3. The Indians want raises and promotions? WHAT? they are not supposed to want that. They are supposed to be happy making 20k a year doing data entry the rest of there lives. WHAT? they have other opportunities because every American company sets up shop in the same cities? FUCK

Issue #4: Brilliant management thinking 3 for price of 1 deal.. Monkey cost analyst like me says wait thats not all in cost. You have fixed and variable costs associated with each group. Lets to Activity based costing to see what real cost is.. DARN MATH.. now its only 2 Indians for price of 1 American and thats not including start up costs.

It was a cluster fuck from the start, and it will continue to be a cluster fuck till companies finally nix this rediculous trend. Mark the words of someone who saw it first hand and a few different companies.

Oh here is the artical:
China outsourcing: Cheap no more
11:29am: U.S. companies are facing soaring costs in a region that used to be the home of cheap, overseas production. Here's why. more
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I think I read an article a couple of years ago about companies recognizing that outsourcing was failing for pretty much every oint that you touched on. I'm pretty happy about the failure.
I think I read an article a couple of years ago about companies recognizing that outsourcing was failing for pretty much every oint that you touched on. I'm pretty happy about the failure.

Same here. The rapid rise in energy costs should further close the door on any advantage of outsourcing manufactured goods, as well.
Dam inflation now the want $3 a day instead of two. What the hell is corp America to do.

not $3. i have 4 Indian tech writers making 25k each 40hours a week. Thats 12 bucks.. and they bitch every day they dont make enough and want promotions. I have to use one of my tech writers here almost exclusively as a quality assurance for the shit work those 4 do.

Problem is my company forces us to offshore and tech writer is only position that made sense in my department.
so 3 for 1 in india, China hasn't started to steal much of that market yet.
But it's coming.

point is that on surface is 3 for 1.. but after u add in costs its like 2 for 1 and a huge headache..

China maybe like 4-1 now. but soon 3-1